So Moz can't get a record deal then

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After all the trouble regarding the It's Over single I understand he don't want to go back to BMG. And the horrible experience with Steve Barnett back in 2014 surely must have been traumatizing. Don't sell your soul to anyone who turns up with a suitcase full of money. Paitence is key. And what about the Aesop Rock All Smiles album where Morrissey co-wrote all the songs?
When he mentioned releasing a new single I assumed a deal was done.
That was my interpretation too when he announced that he was about to release a new single around the time of Cruel World festival. But if he was ever close to signing a deal then it appears to be canceled now. Perhaps his latest concerts didn’t shift enough tickets to justify a deal, who knows?
As other people here, I no longer expect the album to be released this year, but happy to be proven wrong.
It’s nice that he already shared some of the new songs in concert, and may be we’ll hear a little more during the UK tour.
I’d take concerts over Bonfire all day long.
Recent albums have been below par for me, so I can’t see Bonfire suddenly becoming the Viva Hate of its day (despite what some will have us believe)
When he mentioned releasing a new single I assumed a deal was done.
Well we all did, didn’t we. 🎂
Then.... Nothing.
Morrissey must be glaring at a blank
Piece of paper titled, My options.
Only the live arena remains.
Well we all did, didn’t we. 🎂
Then.... Nothing.
Morrissey must be glaring at a blank
Piece of paper titled, My options.
Only the live arena remains.

I don't believe the Las Vegas residency was a resounding success: half-empty venue, tickets given away for shows, refused to play the hits for the tourists. I have a feeling he will not be asked back.

His Cruel World appearance was a mixed bag as well. His set suffered notably following an intense performance from Bauhaus and an energetic, hit-laden set from Blondie. He came off as lackluster in comparison.
After all the trouble regarding the It's Over single I understand he don't want to go back to BMG. And the horrible experience with Steve Barnett back in 2014 surely must have been traumatizing. Don't sell your soul to anyone who turns up with a suitcase full of money. Paitence is key.

You make it sound like Morrissey not being on BMG is his choice. It seemed pretty clear that BMG chose not to renew or extend a new contract to him when his ended. I really question if any record company is turning up with a suitcase full of money. We can agree he's been patient - but to what end? A much smaller deal than he is used to... self-releasing... what?

And what about the Aesop Rock All Smiles album where Morrissey co-wrote all the songs?

The quote was "Anything you need him to do, he show up and do,” Rocky said of former Smiths singer’s involvement with his upcoming album. Morrissey reportedly contributed writing, production and vocals to the project, though it is not confirmed yet how big his presence will be on the as-yet-unheard album."

That's great... I wish he'd do more collaborations as I know he's been offered them in the past and declined. However, I don't read it as Morrissey "co-wrote all of the songs". But still, what does it have to do with the status of a new record contract?
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Bonfire is dead.

Central has directly connected it to white supremacy.

Record companies will believe Harvard - so there's no scope for an alternative opinion.

I think the only hope is to clearly distance himself from Central or fire Central. And move on to Alain's material.
Record companies will believe Harvard :lbf:
After all the trouble regarding the It's Over single I understand he don't want to go back to BMG. And the horrible experience with Steve Barnett back in 2014 surely must have been traumatizing. Don't sell your soul to anyone who turns up with a suitcase full of money. Paitence is key. And what about the Aesop Rock All Smiles album where Morrissey co-wrote all the songs?
I thought you were joking at first but, my oh my, he actually did?

Rocky, a self-professed superfan of Morrissey, praised his work ethic: “Anything you need him to do, he show up and do," Rocky says in the interview.​

But still, what does it have to do with the status of a new record contract?

Depending on the success and how much his contributions are highlighted, one could speculate it would draw more people into his audience and with that more potential record buyers/streamers. So that it could be easier to get a serious deal after the rap album. But who knows. For example, I suspect it was easier for him to get a deal for WPINYB (recorded and released in 2014), after the success of Autobiography in 2013.
If he keeps posting far-right YouTube videos on his website and write songs like BOTT, it’s no wonder no label wants to touch him even with a cattle prod. We live in an era where things of that nature are considered very, very stupid. Love it or hate it, that’s the ruling paradigm and it’s nothing he can do about it. If he’s really such a rebel, free spirit and contrarian that he claims that he is, he should take matters into his own hands and release the album himself. He has the money and the resources to do it. It’s either that or accept that you can’t do or say ANYTHING you want and still expect everyone to pat you on the back and give you nineties style record deals.

I love the man, and I always will, don’t get me wrong. But this woe is me schtick is ridiculous given the circumstances. And so are these endless discussions.
Very well said
I have said before, i love the guy. I think most of us on here do.
The trouble is some fans are so limited in their world knowledge and so obsessed, they think everything is a sign of M or his genius- one fan on IG posted a pic of an echo of the Bunnymen record cover and one of the band has a quiff- so, of course, they say its like Morrissey,

Another says a picture of a crisp (English sense of the word) is like Morrissey. Yikes.
These fans you get with every band and pop star. It's just a personality type and the focus of their obsession becomes irrlivant, they tend to not really get it.
I mention this , as at times its like M is only relying on this type of person to keep him afloat. I think its due to Sam's idea of PR
He is friends with some of the more pathetic fans and that's whom he caters for
Lots of us warned against Sam being in charge of PR

Its sad as its the classic "Elvis" situation, M at times seems held hostage by the yes men in his crew.
On one listen, a load of us pointed out the issue with BOT, with ONE listen.
Its not that he is completely wrong, he is right it is trite saying "don't look back in anger" , the way the music industry and people deal with this stuff is dumb but the spirit of that record was so sarcastic and nasty, it overshadowed the compassion.
Basically, M's public image is now of a nasty old man with no love and compassion and this record simply enforced that opinion
I mention this as anyone in the band who heard the song could have tried to talk him out of that record or at least talked him out of being the title track.
Basically, all M needs is one more brilliant lp and a few interviews where he shows his wit and intelligence and not his anger and politics.
Depending on the success and how much his contributions are highlighted, one could speculate it would draw more people into his audience and with that more potential record buyers/streamers. So that it could be easier to get a serious deal after the rap album. But who knows. For example, I suspect it was easier for him to get a deal for WPINYB (recorded and released in 2014), after the success of Autobiography in 2013.
Spot on, it was the auto that paved the way
Eventually, enough promo copies will be sent out that it’ll get leaked somewhere.
Let‘s be honest, if he self-released (ooo-er, missus) one person would buy it, post the WeTransfer link here and you’d all be on it like flies on shite.
People are already sharing it . So yes you are right. It wont take too long
He doesn't have a deal, that much is obvious... but there's much we don't know about it. Is he getting unacceptable offers, no offers, etc.? We can guess - his difficult reputation precedes him - they don't like BOT - etc. I just wonder if there is a line in the sand date for Morrissey where out of frustration alone he'll look into self-releasing BOT? Or will he just wait this out indefinitely?
I think he should release all his future records this way. To me its the ultimate act of "f*** you" to the dumb dumb music industry. It's a shame he didn't leave a label and set up his own label etc . "I have had enough, I want nothing to do with them"
That would have been great for his independent image

I think the reason he doesn't self-release, is not because of prestige but because i think he deliberately puts things in place, to give himself an exit .
I mean he doesn't have to blame himself.
If a record doesn't do well, blame the label.
Also, the truth is, he has made some good money from labels, from what I heard few labels have actually made money from him, as a solo artist
Its all about money, lots of acts are more trouble than him but they bring in more money than him and that my friends is always the bottom line

I think he should release all his future records this way. To me its the ultimate act of "f*** you" to the dumb dumb music industry. It's a shame he didn't leave a label and set up his own label etc . "I have had enough, I want nothing to do with them"
That would have been great for his independent image

I think the reason he doesn't self-release, is not because of prestige but because i think he deliberately puts things in place, to give himself an exit .
I mean he doesn't have to blame himself.
If a record doesn't do well, blame the label.
Also, the truth is, he has made some good money from labels, from what I heard few labels have actually made money from him, as a solo artist
Its all about money, lots of acts are more trouble than him but they bring in more money than him and that my friends is always the bottom line
Bonfire of Teenagers, once it became apparent what that particular song was about, it was unlikely this project was going to be a success. Several people on other platforms are already critically acclaiming the album based on the live debuts of some of the songs in Vegas. It tends to be the newer fans who feel they have an ownership of the newer stuff as they weren’t around for the better and more simpler of times.
Several other comments such as “I can’t wait to hear him sing BOTT in Manchester” - I wonder why that is? With these kind of fans, anything Morrissey says or does, they agree with, but it’s to Morrissey’s detriment. The upcoming U.K. tour could redeem him, or break him. I hope it’s the former.
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