Signs You May be a Redneck Jedi


monkey and me

Signs You May be a Redneck Jedi
10. You ever utter the pharse, "May the force be with yall"
9. Your Jedi robe is camouflage
8. At Least one wing of your X-Wings is primer grey
7. you have a rifle rack on your land speeder
6. you have an X-wong on blocks in the front yard
5. You have ever used the force too get another beer.
4. you have ever used the force in conjuctution with fishing/bowling
3. your father has ever asid too you " shoot son come on over to the dark side...itll be a hoot.
2. You have ever had your R2D2 unit used its self-defence elctroshock thingy to get the bbq grill too light
1. In your opinion, that darth vader fella "just aint right"
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