Shopfitters Of The World Unite...


Reg Plate

Hows this for spooky... True Story!

I was working as a shopfitter this week when our tilers fell out with the boss and went home, so there I was a shoppfitter, fitting (You are the)Quarry tiles when on the radio they started playing There is a Light(That Never Goes Out).
Good job my girlfriend finished with me or I dare say she would have ended up in a coma!

I can understand why your girlfriend finished with you.....

Re: I can understand why your girlfriend finished with you.....


Reg Plate is in no way related to Ian.

in the same way that you are of no relation to the below posts by Andy o Ison, even though it's the same PROVIDER.
Handy oversssss.....

A sculpting hand on my Chisellll,
A shave - and it’s virile,
Hammers crashing down
(sixteen feet is a long way)
Tiled living in the bungalow
Instead of a terrace
But I couldn't cope with the stairs ...
I was puFFing before I even began

Shopfiters of Scooooootland
Unscrew and take over
Shopfiters of Glasgooooooow
Unscrew and take over
Shopfiters of Edingbuuuurgh
Unscrew and take over
Shopfiters of Dundeeeeeeeee
Take overrrrrrrrrr
Apologies all round....

If that is the case.........
Bloody hell.... me and Andy EI being the same....
send for the white coats quick.
Only kidding Andy xx
The Goat
Re: Handy oversssss.....

A heartless boss looking over my shoulder
One Get Tae F*** and its over
A neon sign crashes down
waiting for a plumber takes a long time
painting the ceiling in "Eggshell"
Missing MDF board before I began,
I was missing board before I even began

Shopfitter of the world unite and take over
The client wants the building handed over
Shopfitter of the world unite and take over
hand it over

Did ya know THAT????? But ya make me smile none the less...
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