Sarah Bolger's favorite band - The Smiths

Link / excerpt first posted at

Teenage Dreams: Sarah Bolger on her surprising religious side - The Independent


Bolger is open and natural to talk to. She says "pardon me" quite a lot, and it is endearing. She is 19-going-on-40 some moments, and just a teenager the next moment: when she is asking for a Pepsi at the bar and talking about her dog and saying how much she loves music. Her favourite band is The Smiths. Her favourite Smiths' song is There Is A Light That Never Goes Out. "And if a 10-ton truck kills the both of us,/To die by your side,/Well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine," she sings.

"I love the romanticism of it," she explains. "I am a huge, huge fan of Morrissey. He has to be cool."

Is it not quite melancholic?

"It doesn't make me sad. I love singing to The Smiths. I love hearing it in my car."

I'm not saying you are a manic-depressive with suicidal tendencies. I'm just saying it is intriguing that you chose The Smiths as opposed to Westlife. "I also like Simon and Garfunkel, The Veronicas . . .​

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Excellent! This young lady is an outstanding acting talent, did you see her in 'In America'? She was the heart and soul of the film, and should have had an oscar for it.
"I asked Sarah of the blessed hands whether she thinks she was a saint in a previous life. "Absolutely not. There is just no way."

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There is no "previous life" in Christianity and if she does not understand the Bible then I doubt that she has what she called "blessed hands". It is however good to hear that she feels comfortable around the Lord. May he stay with her and protect her from the evil that she is surrounded by in that business.
Reincarnation WAS a part of Christianity, until edited out to suit emperors and church rulers. For only one example: . There's a lot more out there, and religious scholars can confirm this far better than Google.

Christian mysticism, which is not what we are talking about here. Tough luck, there are people who know what theosophy means and how much rubbish is spread by these schools of thinkers. I just read a book on the kabbala and it is ridiculous how the claim of "reincarnation known by early christians" was justfied. I have never seen a blunter minterpretation to mislead people.
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