Morrissey Central "Rhino" (June 8, 2024)


Pre-order the vinyl in orange/black or CD.

Get tickets for Vegas.

Rhino's promotion (using the press release) repeated here.
Would be nice if they mentioned who remastered it at Abbey Road.
Image above from June 2, 2006 @ "Rock am Ring".
I think to show his unending gratitude for all the deep appreciation that his fans extend to him here on this site every day, Morrissey should make a brand new album and dedicate the next one to all of the members here on Morrissey-Solo!

That album can be entitled Judgin’ All Week and Goin’ to Church on Sundays! 😇 ⛪:D
I don’t see a problem with or divergence between passing judgment on a pop star and his music and going to church on Sundays. Fighting with other members of the forum, on the other hand. That’s certainly not Christ-like and I fail miserably all too often.
to think ink cartrdges and a few seconds could have got the smiths back together,on second thoughts probably not.then again with the price of ink these days you would need a smiths reunion to buy a few cartridges.
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The closing 2 plus minutes of instrumental riffing and distortion, starting at about 10:02, maybe earlier is what I imagine Anon is referencing

One fan’s ‘noise’ is another fan’s sonic bliss. That band was at its peak and on fire in ‘92. And has yet to be beaten by any band Morrissey has had since, IMO.
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One fan’s ‘noise’ is another fan’s sonic bliss. That band was at its peak and on fire in ‘92. And has yet to be beaten by any band Morrissey has had since, IMO.

I have been wondering if he'll edit out the few minutes of noise at the end of 'National Front Disco'. Personally I love it, but with all the band being ancient history I can see how he might give it the snip.

I think you and Anon might agree on that score. And yes, the live band here is heard to beat. I'd put it later- during the Introducing Morrissey through to about 97, but that's only by the slimmest margins.
I think you and Anon might agree on that score. And yes, the live band here is heard to beat. I'd put it later- during the Introducing Morrissey through to about 97, but that's only by the slimmest margins.

Yeah, I don’t really understand the anon’s reasoning for why he/she thinks M would cut
that part for. But It’s difficult to understand the real reasons for the adjustments that M makes to reissues in general, which with many, wish he wouldn’t do.

I think he makes these changes simply as a way to reclaim or state that the work is really his and not his fans. If that makes sense.
Yeah, I don’t really understand the anon’s reasoning for why he/she thinks M would cut
that part for. But It’s difficult to understand the real reasons for the adjustments that M makes to reissues in general, which with many, wish he wouldn’t do.

I think he makes these changes simply as a way to reclaim or state that the work is really his and not his fans. If that makes sense.
I think that's exactly it. He views the work as his, and not ours. His say-so has always been the most important stamp of what he views as legitimate. Compilation and re0issues are to be ignored- even boycotted, unless he approves of them. If he wants to drop a track - replace it with an alternate take, tinker with the tracklist, so be it, because these are his albums.

Fair enough, I suppose. Though if were any of his co-writers (of the cut songs,) and especially of this 32-year-old live album, I might not be so understanding Moz was not singing to tape after all! Hopefully, they will at least be on the inner sleeve.
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That'd open him up to a whle o slew of compensation muckiness. And even if the person was ok with no momentary compensation, there would probably still be talk on the blogs and elsewhere about exploitation etc.

These two proved to me he can still design a great sleeve- -Wedding Bell Blues in particular. Perhaps he needs to go back to film stills or other photography to do do it best. Something about the Typography in the bonfire mock up looks...... filmsy to me
Love the picture of Alain White pretending a clam shell is a bar of soap.
Yeah, I don’t really understand the anon’s reasoning for why he/she thinks M would cut
that part for.
Because it's an extended non-vocal part from a group of musicians he no longer has any relationship with. Morrissey couldn't preserve the instrumental noodlings at the end of 'Maudlin Street' on the 'Viva Hate' reissue without getting out the scissors and chopping bits out, so if he attempted any similar editing toomfoolery on 'Beethoven', I suspect this would be the most likely part to go.
View attachment 105163View attachment 105164

Pre-order the vinyl in orange/black or CD.

Get tickets for Vegas.

Rhino's promotion (using the press release) repeated here.
Would be nice if they mentioned who remastered it at Abbey Road.
Image above from June 2, 2006 @ "Rock am Ring".

Sure Morrissey , We'll be there ..."depending on our general moods" ✌️♥️S.d.Mozz Crackup gang Daisy, Rocco, Molly, Maggy, Jackson, David, Zack, Judy🌴
Because it's an extended non-vocal part from a group of musicians he no longer has any relationship with. Morrissey couldn't preserve the instrumental noodlings at the end of 'Maudlin Street' on the 'Viva Hate' reissue without getting out the scissors and chopping bits out, so if he attempted any similar editing toomfoolery on 'Beethoven', I suspect this would be the most likely part to go.
please stop him! Lol. Moz do what Moz do, he is the true voodoo man.
Wow. No-show tunes! (aka "cancelacíon canciones" across the border.)
I heard he's even going to cover the Sound of Silence, with new band member Johnny Mercer on guitar.
View attachment 105163View attachment 105164

Pre-order the vinyl in orange/black or CD.

Get tickets for Vegas.

Rhino's promotion (using the press release) repeated here.
Would be nice if they mentioned who remastered it at Abbey Road.
Image above from June 2, 2006 @ "Rock am Ring".
Nice to see the old fella back.
I am at a loss as to how bad the cover art is I do not get where he is at these days. The old cover was classic , with the color scheme.. If not that, why not use a picture from when he was young and handsome. Not like now, in that picture he doesn't even really look like himself
Its like he is wearing Robbie Williams body and hair (though thankfully not face )

I hope he tours.

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