I'm guessing you mean you've either heard a version as part of a full radio show recording or a crop of some audio that features 2 presenters.
I do recall a couple of Smiths Torrents bits from many years ago that may have included announcer commentary.
Perhaps also may have been from one of the recent(ish) re-broadcasts of said radio shows.
Nothing is pinging my memory otherwise - other than press at the time echoing the 'controversy'. I may have a few taped Peels/similar in storage, but as per Skylarker, most people wanted "clean" copies of the sessions minus even 1 second of presenter voice.
I have a feeling it is not the first Peel session, but the Jensen session (September 5, 1983) you are thinking of that saw the track cut due to the "controversy". It would later surface on The Janice Long Show (~2 years later after things were calmer). I believe the removal of the track via Jensen would probably mean Janice &/or others may have played it with an explanation maybe
Post in thread 'The Guardian: "‘An astounding rush of real-time creativity’: 40 years of the Smiths’ Peel Sessions" by Michael Hann (May 31, 2023)'
It may feature:
When a large collection of bits were broadcast via digital satellite...
If you didn't grab them at the time, I can dig them out.