Interesting. Makes sense. For some if one was raised on the Smiths then looked at 'Viva' suspiciously when it arrived,a different angle.
I listened to various punk(as a punk would do),then a friend lent me 'Queen is Dead'. It was just so different,and I wasn't sure what to think of it actually. Then soon after another friend played me the video 'Suedehead' and well,everything just clicked,the clouds parted and I was born !

Just seeing him,the way he carried himself,etc... I just felt,oh,I'm not alone then. Of course I had to get everything immediately! Then the singles 'Drug' 'Playboys',etc,followed,which was so exciting,the anticipation of each release. Ah,ill-spent youth!
So this is one of the reasons 'Viva Hate' is at the top for me. It really is a magical record and I can't see how one would place it lower! boggles the mind!