Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

He was new to watercolor but took to it like a duck to water. I wish I could post one of his paintings here. He took them home with him. Darn it.
Next month me and Pilla have shared economy meaning we no lomger have separate accounts for our incomes. Everything will be paid from our shared account. Will make things so much easier.

Pilla is high on the idea of spending the rest of her life with me and is making pizza in the kitchen while singing and watching tv from in front of the oven.

This will sort of require a ring and us getting married. Not that anyone of us like rings. You can marry without rings cause it will be a simple town hall ceremony and no church one. A local politician who has taken it upon himself/herself to bring this service to the people of the town.

My cold feet is gone now and the other day Pilla seemed to be having cold feet which had to do with the more practical things that needed to be solved but in a few minutes today I managed to arrange all that on the phone with the authorities and various companies.

You're here there's nothing I fear!


Followed by:


If I divorce it will be hard to choose between TAT and Miss Blisterlips for my rebound.

USA versus Canada!
Pilla said to me when we were eating:

"Darling, you're so good for me cause you bring me down to earth".

I believe that is how every woman want to feel. They are here and there and everywhere without a man not having any use of being a woman when a single spinster.

I have sent a pack of air sickbags to Rifke cause she will need them.
I've laughed before about Viva's paranormal thread, but I woke up about 25 minutes ago to a weird rumbling synth sound coming from outside which seemed to fill the room. When I looked outside I saw two lights in the sky in the distance which were spread far apart from each other and seemed to be moving up and down or shimmering. One of the lights was much lower in the sky than the other. There's still an unsettling tense feeling in the air. There's probably a logical explanation but it's 5:30am and I'm not sure what the explanation is. I don't indeed on going back to sleep for now, not until it's bright at least.
I've laughed before about Viva's paranormal thread, but I woke up about 25 minutes ago to a weird rumbling synth sound coming from outside which seemed to fill the room. When I looked outside I saw two lights in the sky in the distance which were spread far apart from each other and seemed to be moving up and down or shimmering. One of the lights was much lower in the sky than the other. There's still an unsettling tense feeling in the air. There's probably a logical explanation but it's 5:30am and I'm not sure what the explanation is. I don't indeed on going back to sleep for now, not until it's bright at least.

Can you show me on the doll where the space people touched you?

If an american I'd have killed everyone in that burger joint today, instead I told the staff to go f*** themselves and called everyone "horungar".

The final straw is them not placing out straws and not even understanding that an order of milkshake must come with one.

"Should I eat it with my hands" I wondered and told off the old wrinkled f*** face lady for 15 minutes. What the fook does a person in her age do at a place like that?


Then I praised Breivik and said we get people like him cause of people like you and soon I will be just like him.


It is funny when cucks like office boys in button shirts want to fight you but end up thinking twice about it opting to sit down and eat that burger instead.

I left and used a screw driver on the tyres of 5 cars and scratched HORUNGE on one.

This was the day of a new beginning, I will voice my views wherever I am no matter what. Someone must start the revolution and it was always going to be me.

But I wish I was an american who had killed them all cause everyone in there deserved to die.
If an american I'd have killed everyone in that burger joint today, instead I told the staff to go f*** themselves and called everyone "horungar".

The final straw is them not placing out straws and not even understanding that an order of milkshake must come with one.

"Should I eat it with my hands" I wondered and told off the old wrinkled f*** face lady for 15 minutes. What the fook does a person in her age do at a place like that?


Then I praised Breivik and said we get people like him cause of people like you and soon I will be just like him.


It is funny when cucks like office boys in button shirts want to fight you but end up thinking twice about it opting to sit down and eat that burger instead.

I left and used a screw driver on the tyres of 5 cars and scratched HORUNGE on one.

This was the day of a new beginning, I will voice my views wherever I am no matter what. Someone must start the revolution and it was always going to be me.

But I wish I was an american who had killed them all cause everyone in there deserved to die.
Bit of an overreaction, wouldn’t you say? Just ask for a straw next time. They’ll give one to you.
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You're describing your own Saturday nights with whichever deranged characters you can convince to meet you from Tinder :alien:

It doesn’t just happen on Saturdays. Also, I use Grindr not Tinder. I don’t have to do much convincing...just have to log online and try not to be a c*** when someone says something I find stupid.

For example, this person blocked me because I questioned their foreskin:
Bit of an overreaction, wouldn’t you say? Just ask for a straw next time. They’ll give one to you.
They did but that's not the point and the environMENTAL muppets just want to f*** with everyone and treat us like fooking babies.

Those people don't have a brain so putting a bullet in their head would make no difference and they would just carry on like the zombies they are.

I hate your friendly positive stance toward everything and you are more swedish than me in that sense. People like you will retreat and retreat until the edge of a cliff is behind you and you have to jump and you will jump saying thank you to the oppressors.

Do you ever get mad and think that perhaps you owe it to yourself and others to say no and actually protest and tell people how you feel?

No wonder that neighbour of yours can roam free and had it been me he would be dead now with his own dick down his throat after 24 hours of torture where the grand finale would be to chop it off and shove it down his throat to make him choke to death.

Balkans was so much fun and gave me ideas and the police have once again questioned me about my time down there.

Most people don't deserve to live and it is a fact.
Bit of an overreaction, wouldn’t you say? Just ask for a straw next time. They’ll give one to you.
A bit away from the joint stood two young men from the middle east in their Adidas uniform selling drugs so I pointed at them telling the wrinkled f*** face lady that people like you are told to f*** with people like me so people like them can ruin the lives for us all.

She took her cleaning cloth and went.

"If you had taken vitamin c you wouldn't have looked as shit as you do" she heard me saying behind her.

Lock and load next time. Fooking crackers and wine bitch in front of the tv. Hate that kind with a passion. A bit of cum on her face would have been a great improvement.

I'll tell her that the next time.

"five f***ing cars
and one towing truck"
Bit of an overreaction, wouldn’t you say? Just ask for a straw next time. They’ll give one to you.
But it wasn't an overreaction this summer when you moaned about paper straws on this board and instead of voicing your discontent chose to moan in the car and be a keyboard warrior here.

That's the difference between you and me. Makes no sense you ended up in the states and by the looks of it the place has turned you to shreds.

You see Miss Holy you voted for a society where burglars and mad people get away with terrorising you in your own home but never at any time are you able to link those things together and see the big perspective.

You live a life with the view of an ant and how the f*** can you be employed when the american is booming under the best president you ever had?

You lefties are just trying yo f*** things up so you go on sex strikes and stop working and boycott products and the rest of the world is yawning their fooking jaws off cause guess what nobody cares what you do cause you have no power to change a f***ing thing.

Someone related to you wrote a book a hundred years ago and it did not change anything other than making people realise she was a traitor to her own country and then those traitor genes spread across the world.

That's why we will always have guns and will use them. If idiots like that stopped being an issue we would finally have peace but never will your kind realise it is you that is the problem.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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