I believe he may be referring to Benny as he does have a tendency to stuff the boards with his posts, however, I find them to be right on-topic, entertaining and direct. My main issue with anonymous posting is an ability to acquire a knowledge of the person through a history of posts made. It is more fun to get to know (as best one can) the attitudes and beliefs of a named poster. I see Jamie or CG or Aztec Camera or Brummie or Reality Bites and I already have an idea of what to expect. They are all a cast of characters that I find very interesting. Plus, what is to prevent an anonymous poster from continually assigning themselves a new identity thereby circumventing the ability to block their posts? Sometimes given the scale of the project at hand you have to settle for a 90% success rate. Nothing is perfect for everyone in every way.
You have a point about knowing whose posts you are reading, forming opinions of them and I understand how this could sometimes add to the enjoyment of the site. As you say, nothing s perfect for everyone in every way. Some people go to great lengths to inflict their personalities on this site and I almost wonder what it might be like if there were no registered users at all. In the more extreme cases it might actually be an improvement. When the brand or identity is more important than the information conveyed in the post, as is the case with a few of the established characters, it's just an annoyance to me. There was a poster here who was only active for a short time, but in that time he posted very frequently, and had a tendency to have started the majority of the posts on the first page of Off Topic. Some of us knew him from another site where he had done the same thing. Personally I don't think he was a bad guy. I liked him and had had interesting discussions with him. But he did seem to have a strange need to start threads every day and most of them were not really successful. He was an extreme example of what I mean when I say that sometimes it would be better if people did not feel any kind of accomplishment seeing their 'name' on the pages of this site.
Just offering this as something to consider, not an attack on anyone, although it's not hard to imagine three to five registered users this applies to immediately, and once I think about it I could make a list.