Official Facebook Peter Katsis: Simpsons Responses (April 19, 2021)

"Surprising what a “turn for the worst" the writing for The Simpson’s tv show has taken in recent years.

Sadly, The Simpson’s show started out creating great insight into the modern cultural experience, but has since degenerated to trying to capitalize on cheap controversy and expounding on vicious rumors.

Poking fun at subjects is one thing. Other shows like SNL still do a great job at finding ways to inspire great satire.

But when a show stoops so low to use harshly hateful tactics like showing the Morrissey character with his belly hanging out of his shirt (when he has never looked like that at any point in his career) makes you wonder who the real hurtful, racist group is here.

Even worse - calling the Morrissey character out for being a racist, without pointing out any specific instances, offers nothing. It only serves to insult the artist.

They should take that mirror and hold it up to themselves.

Simpson’s actor Hank Azaria's recent apology to the whole country of India for his role in upholding "structural racism” says it all.

Unlike the character in the Simpson’s “Panic” episode…….

Morrissey has never made a “cash grab”, hasn’t sued any people for their attacks, has never stopped performing great shows, and is still a serious vegan and strong supporter for animal rights.

By suggesting all of the above in this episode…the Simpson’s hypocritical approach to their storyline says it all.

Truly they are the only ones who have stopped creating, and have instead turned unapologetically hurtful and racist.

Not surprising…... that The Simpsons viewership ratings have gone down so badly over recent years."

As guessed - author is Peter Katsis.

Update - a second post from Peter Katsis:

More shoddy journalism by COS and Pitchfork today.

They attributed my quote (on The Simpson’s poor writing) to Morrissey, while using false facts to try and support more meaningless stories

More former journalistic press outlets now turning to the same tactics The Simpson’s used to gain attention.

Other real papers, like Rolling Stone, called to ask who wrote the comment.

Someone should tell COS and Pitchfork that is what is called “journalism".

In the meantime nobody has even mentioned the horrible false portrayal of Morrissey used by The Simpsons team. - Peter Katsis

Update - third post. Link posted by Uncleskinny:

Thinking more today on this Simpson’s bullshit…..

Why did Cumberbatch even agree to take this voice-over gig playing the Morrissey character?

Could he be that hard up for cash that he would agree to bad rap another artist that harshly?

Clearly he would have read the outline or script before he took the gig.

Could he actually be as big an asshole as the people on The Simpson’s writing team? and the FOX team?

Apparently so. Maybe he should speak up and tell his side of this.

Does he even have enough balls to do that? - PK

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What Morrissey offended? nooooo! Who would have thought that. If you don’t like the outcome maybe you should have participated and worked with the show and given them insight of how to portray you, we all know they’ve extended olive branches to you to work with them to participate in an episode for many years and you’ve rejected to do so every single time. A little help and maybe the story could have gone a lot different. I for one enjoyed the episode it’s a parody and if you can’t laugh at yourself then who can you laugh at. The Sad part is there is a bit of truth to what the writers wrote and we all know the truth hurts more then a lie does.


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Whine, whine, f***ing whine. It's all they've got.

No chance of any legal case for fear of Mogsy being legally allowed to be called a racist - by law - so all they do is whine, whine, f***ing whine about a 'horrible false portrayal'.

Well boo-f***ing-hoo. Own your clients comments. Say he meant what he said all those times he said the things he said. Like Der Spiegel. Remember that? It got called a fake until the transcript was released and then yer man shut up. Stop being a baby, grow up, own those mistakes instead of f***ing whining all the time.

And have you noticed it's the people he pays that he sends out to defend him - Katsis and Dodwell. He uses his money to hide, and he always has done. He hasn't the balls to front up. An absolute coward using his money to do the dirty work he himself won't do. Actually - let me qualify that - he might front up, but just like every time he's in a position where he can't control the flow of information, something a little bit right-wing pops out, and then he sends out his troops again.
Whine, whine, f***ing whine. It's all they've got.

No chance of any legal case for fear of Mogsy being legally allowed to be called a racist - by law - so all they do is whine, whine, f***ing whine about a 'horrible false portrayal'.

Well boo-f***ing-hoo. Own your clients comments. Say he meant what he said all those times he said the things he said. Like Der Spiegel. Remember that? It got called a fake until the transcript was released and then yer man shut up. Stop being a baby, grow up, own those mistakes instead of f***ing whining all the time.
Maybe double or triple the dosage of your medication today? Genuinely worried about your blood pressure after this perfect storm of Smiths/Simpsons excitement in your life.
Im guessing its the simpsons trying to curry favour now with the woke crowd. "We're sorry about the Apu stuff, but hey look over here, we'll have a go at some low hanging fruit to try and show we are different now!"

The people who are jacking off over it thought are the absolute saddest. I can't imagine being this obsessed with something/someone you hate that you cannot walk away from it. Once again, it either shows very poor mental health, or alternate motives. Notice they are absolutely LOVING it, eating it up ... most likely wouldn't have said boo about the simpsons racist stuff before this but are happy siding with them now. Its all absolute virtue signalling of the highest order. Skinny and co. can get on their high horse all they want but the fact is they couldn't give a shit about any of the actual issues. They just want to stick the boot into Morrissey at any chance possible ... again, either for unhealthy mental health reasons or they've been instructed to.
this statement doesn't feel official until SER and Central have also posted some gold words from Morrissey. i'll wait.
Terribly excited because I've decided to stop taking my medication for depression. I know it doesn't work because when I have all these people telling me I'm going to have withdrawal symptoms and feel suicidal, it never happens.
I'll tell my psychiatrist that I want to be free of it, or maybe I'll get a review panel.
I'm genuinely surprised at how many people here expected this episode to be a straightforward, loving tribute to The Smiths and not simply this rushed lesson in "killing your idols." Like it or not, this is the general public perception of Morrissey. And whether this image is wholly founded on "misinformation" and out-of-context quotes is unfortunately besides the point.

He remains what he's always been: deeply important to his most hardcore fans and something of a punchline to everyone else. This isn't new.

Morrissey has dished it out enough times, I think he's man enough to take it. And if you care that much, I suppose you should just be grateful that it wasn't South Park conducting the satire.
Replace "The Simpsons" with "The failing New York Times"...and downgrade the grammar by about 8 grade levels....and it sounds like a Trump whine. How dare they!
Curious to some examples where The Simpsons have been this hateful & hurtful & nasty to other singers/bands? I can’t think of any...and I watched the show every week for about the first 15 years...less nowadays but still quite a bit in the last 15 years.

There has seemingly been a wave of young woke writers who have taken over the show in the past few years. I've noticed a lot of weird and awkward moments in the show where it was clearly "let's show how woke we are!" and had nothing to do with the story. Lisa complaining that "women have to apologize to men all the time!" in a story about her having to apologize to her (female) teacher, Ms. Hoover. Lots of weird lines here and there that seem taken right out of somebody's twitter. Lisa also went on a rant about the term "SJWs being used by right wing trolls!" (No, lots of people use the term, like me and all my friends on the left. It's a useful term to describe a very specific type of person.)

So anyway, my point being, new wave of writers who are possessed by an ideology that takes no prisoners and sees no nuance and believes they are morally virtuous, you're going to get more episodes like this. Don't be surprised if there's a lot more (not about Morrissey, but other controversial public figures.)
i wouldnt have watched it whether it was good or bad.skinyy,hardly posted for weeks now hes cumming in his troosers with this wonderful episode of a shite surprised cumberbatch went along with this as hes a fan.all we heard before was how wonderful M was from the makers,nice marketing ploy,hope some people challenge them on social media.

You can be a fan of the music and his past work, but you can also not agree with his politics and who they are as a person now. I love the music hes made and the person he use to be but I’m not a fan of who he is now and don’t agree with his points of view. I honestly enjoyed the episode because in a small way the writers wrote some truth in that episode it made me happy and a little sad. It made me happy because it made me nostalgic to when I discovered Morrissey and the Smiths and that joy of your youth discovering them and listening to them to the voice of a young Morrissey who’s every lyric you would hang off of. I was a very devote fan for many years as I grew older that changed I continued listening to him and the music but I noticed that things he was saying now especially in interviews were stupid and thoughtless, and he would make bullshit excuses, and the typical everyone is out to get him bullshit. Then what really set me off is when he would go after some of his most devote fans with legal repercussions and cease and desist orders, like who the f*** does that. These people have kept you relevant when your career was in Limbo. It’s like your not a victim and stop playing one and man the f*** up and take responsibility to what you’ve done and said, which is the sad part seeing how the old version of him on the simpsons is almost a mirrored reflection of what he is today.
This thread also strongly reaffirms my belief that the vast majority of people who complain about "wokeness" don't even know what the word means.
The Simpsons has been a complete irrelevance for years, Morrissey as ever is still a crowd puller hence their tedious potshot at him to get coverage for their godawful shitshow.
Maybe double or triple the dosage of your medication today? Genuinely worried about your blood pressure after this perfect storm of Smiths/Simpsons excitement in your life.
I must admit that after a dark few weeks, Skinny's impotent, futile rage is making me cry with laughter. I've always considered him to be an unfortunate wank stain on the bedsheets of humanity, but I am reassessing my opinion, the man is clearly an insane comic genius. Have you read his comments throughout today? Absolute fruit loop nut job! Brilliant, brilliant - Peter, please don't stop! You have made my day :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
This thread also strongly reaffirms my belief that the vast majority of people who complain about "wokeness" don't even know what the word means.

Referring to me? For me it's a "for lack of a better word" sort of term. It's contentious but it aptly describes an ideology and a type of person that I think everyone innately understands. What would you define it as?
2nd Katsis statement & links to the 2 articles he cites added to the OP (see media links).
Im guessing its the simpsons trying to curry favour now with the woke crowd. "We're sorry about the Apu stuff, but hey look over here, we'll have a go at some low hanging fruit to try and show we are different now!"

They've been like this for about 3 or 4 years. It started creeping in (Bart spraypainting to topple the patriarchy or whatever) and is popping up more and more in the show. As a longtime fan and someone who has regrettably seen every episode, it's pretty bizarre. I consider wokeness the antithesis of the show's classic rebellious, subversive humor, which is now non-existent.
There has seemingly been a wave of young woke writers who have taken over the show in the past few years. I've noticed a lot of weird and awkward moments in the show where it was clearly "let's show how woke we are!" and had nothing to do with the story. Lisa complaining that "women have to apologize to men all the time!" in a story about her having to apologize to her (female) teacher, Ms. Hoover. Lots of weird lines here and there that seem taken right out of somebody's twitter. Lisa also went on a rant about the term "SJWs being used by right wing trolls!" (No, lots of people use the term, like me and all my friends on the left. It's a useful term to describe a very specific type of person.)

So anyway, my point being, new wave of writers who are possessed by an ideology that takes no prisoners and sees no nuance and believes they are morally virtuous, you're going to get more episodes like this. Don't be surprised if there's a lot more (not about Morrissey, but other controversial public figures.)
Jesus, have you been following Lawrence Fox?
The Simpsons has been a complete irrelevance for years, Morrissey as ever is still a crowd puller hence their tedious potshot at him to get coverage for their godawful shitshow.
Funny how everyone else they parody doesn't go off on a bitch fest, just the singer you like. How odd.
Jesus, have you been following Lawrence Fox?

I don't know who that is. I've just been watching the show and making my own observations about it. Even somebody pro-wokeness would probably agree. It's all right there in the writing. Like a lot of TV shows, there is a big batch of new young angry writers who want to cater to a young angry twitter audience. Some shows became this way suddenly, for example, Young Justice season 3 was a pretty fascinating decline into that nonsense compared to the two seasons before it. I'm a tv dork and it's fun to notice trends like this.
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