Peggy Mount - A Collector's Guide

Newport Pagnall

New Member
Hello. As Smiths/Moz fans you will no doubt be gagging to get hold of the newly completed Peggy Mount Singles Discography. :crazy:

Complete with valuations and colour pictures of Peggy's singles collection - this free PDF can be downloaded here :

For the uninitiated, the late Peggy Mount's legacy as one of the great Hollywood stars remains unchallenged, yet few people remember her for her poptastic music. Despite a string of flops throughout her career, only a handful of rabid Pegophiles have recognised her talents at the microphone and collected her every release.

Sometime in the 90s, an obscure folk singer by the name of Terry G Paxman decided to start collating material on her recorded output, publishing several semi-regular newsletters. While Paxman has long since vanished from existence - along with his dodgy typewriter - his work is finally fully realised.

Here at the PMCC we have trawled through the Paxman archives, searched libraries in seaside resorts all over Devon and raided countless bargain bins to bring you to complete collector's guide - starting with the singles. With this guide you will discover why it pays to have Cesar Romero on the cover of your 7" copy of "Cesar Romero", why mono is better than stereo and details of the bizarre Welsh-language EP Peggy recorded with Diana Ross.

As Peggy's appeal as a musician was always, shall we say, cult - her records were not widely released in other countries other than the UK. Occasionally export editions or releases specific to a certain country would emerge but by and large the majority of her releases only saw the light of day in Britain. This is one of the key facts behind Peggy's emergence overseas as one of the most collected pop stars since Shakin' Stevens.
Does it have Food,Glorious Food on it?

Good ole Peggy
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