Oscar Wilde spoiled Morrissey

umm...i was responding to oskar?

dearest boy/girl,
i apologise for writing all my scattered thoughts. i agree that my thoughts weren't very eloquent but i was trying to make a point about oscar spoiling morrissey not win a grammar contest. and oh, i am hoping to teach literature and so i have to think just a little about the books i read so i apologize. i can understand that not many people want to hear my ramblings. well anyway nobody ever wrote a good book by following all the grammatical rules but i am sorry about the incohesive post. to someone's statement about being psuedo, how real are people anyway. how does one know if one is genuine, everyone performs to a certain exent, don't they? i can't distinguish from the real me and the fake me, wilde would say thay the two are blended. sorry again, i'll end it here before i go too far.

ever yours
Re: umm...i was responding to oskar?

> dearest boy/girl,
> i apologise for writing all my scattered thoughts. i agree that
> my thoughts weren't very eloquent but i was trying to make a
> point about oscar spoiling morrissey not win a grammar contest.
> and oh, i am hoping to teach literature and so i have to think
> just a little about the books i read so i apologize. i can
> understand that not many people want to hear my ramblings. well
> anyway nobody ever wrote a good book by following all the
> grammatical rules but i am sorry about the incohesive post. to
> someone's statement about being psuedo, how real are people
> anyway. how does one know if one is genuine, everyone performs
> to a certain exent, don't they? i can't distinguish from the
> real me and the fake me, wilde would say thay the two are
> blended. sorry again, i'll end it here before i go too far.

> ever yours
> o.o.f.f.w.w.

I think your stuff is very interesting. Don't let the pre-school idiots put you off. I love literature too, the more we understand the better we are. Its also nice to see that you have kept your cool and not sunk to the level of certain contributors, well done you.
Re: umm...i was responding to oskar?

> dearest boy/girl,
> i apologise for writing all my scattered thoughts. i agree that
> my thoughts weren't very eloquent but i was trying to make a
> point about oscar spoiling morrissey not win a grammar contest.
> and oh, i am hoping to teach literature and so i have to think
> just a little about the books i read so i apologize. i can
> understand that not many people want to hear my ramblings. well
> anyway nobody ever wrote a good book by following all the
> grammatical rules but i am sorry about the incohesive post. to
> someone's statement about being psuedo, how real are people
> anyway. how does one know if one is genuine, everyone performs
> to a certain exent, don't they? i can't distinguish from the
> real me and the fake me, wilde would say thay the two are
> blended. sorry again, i'll end it here before i go too far.

> ever yours
> o.o.f.f.w.w.

Hhhhhmmmm, I can be a little bundle of spite sometimes, but is there any wonder? After all I do have to do all the housework on my own with nothing but a bunch of rodents to help!

You see when defending Morrissey and Wilde you have to be clear so that the idiots you answer have no doubt in their dead little heads that scuttling off this mortal coil is really the best thing for them!

> I was thinking, I love Morrissey, so why do I find him so bloody
> annoying? And then I thought, Oscar Wilde! Oscar Wilde was the
> most disgusting, egotistical, empty, idle, posturing media hog
> in the history of the world. Attracting attention was his
> greatest talent. He got what he deserved (for being so
> annoying). And Morrissey, a genuinely talented artist, admires
> THAT pig? Morrissey looks at the lilies and bad poetry and Oscar
> gloating 'look at me I'm famous' and says 'that's beautiful'?
> Morrissey has soaked up too much of Oscar's flower-flopping,
> ring-wearing, clothes-shopping, wallpaper-obsessed,
> self-absorbed aestheticism and that makes Morrissey ANNOYING. My
> God, what kind of person takes Oscar Wilde seriously????

Don't be so deterministic and crass you are obviously saying this on purpose.

Vi. xx
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