Morrissey Central "OPEN LETTER TO JOHNNY MARR." (January 25, 2022)

This is not a rant or an hysterical bombast. It is a polite and calmly measured request: Would you please stop mentioning my name in your interviews?

Would you please, instead, discuss your own career, your own unstoppable solo achievements and your own music?

If you can, would you please just leave me out of it?

The fact is: you don’t know me. You know nothing of my life, my intentions, my thoughts, my feelings. Yet you talk as if you were my personal psychiatrist with consistent and uninterrupted access to my instincts. We haven’t known each other for 35 years - which is many lifetimes ago. When we met you and I were not successful. We both helped each other become whatever it is we are today. Can you not just leave it at that? Must you persistently, year after year, decade after decade, blame me for everything … from the 2007 Solomon Islands tsunami to the dribble on your grandma’s chin ?

You found me inspirational enough to make music with me for 6 years. If I was, as you claim, such an eyesore monster, where exactly did this leave you? Kidnapped? Mute? Chained? Abducted by cross-eyed extraterrestrials? It was YOU who played guitar on ‘Golden Lights’ - not me.

Yes, we all know that the British press will print anything you say about me as long as it’s cruel and savage. But you’ve done all that. Move on. It’s as if you can’t uncross your own legs without mentioning me. Our period together was many lifetimes ago, and a lot of blood has streamed under the bridge since then. There comes a time when you must take responsibility for your own actions and your own career, with which I wish you good health to enjoy. Just stop using my name as click-bait. I have not ever attacked your solo work or your solo life, and I have openly applauded your genius during the days of ‘Louder than bombs’ and ‘Strangeways, here we come’, yet you have positioned yourself ever-ready as rent-a-quote whenever the press require an ugly slant on something I half-said during the last glacial period as the Colorado River began to carve out the Grand Canyon. Please stop. It is 2022, not 1982.

Morrissey. January 2022.


Marr, January 26th:

Some related posts moved to this thread: Johnny Marr responds to Morrissey's open letter via Twitter (January 26, 2022)

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Just a guess - reunion's off 😂
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Morrissey is completely correct. Every time Marr has something to promote he name drops then drags.
This is actually kinda funny. half savage, half funny. The 'cross-eyed extraterrestrials' line was priceless.
I have never read so many trues in so few lines. Moz is absolutely and undeniable RIGHT!
While Marr bringing up Morrissey in every interview he does is getting annoying, he isn't entirely to blame, the journalists/interviewers are usually the ones that bring up Morrissey first.
Things are about to get spicy!
I laughed out loud reading this. And cringed some. Poor Johnny - I thought he had been kinder to m at late. I do wonder how much this is Johnny bringing him up vs being asked questions.
I really hope JM doesn't dignify this diatribe with a response.
Things are about to get spicy!
I laughed out loud reading this. And cringed some. Poor Johnny - I thought he had been kinder to m at late. I do wonder how much this is Johnny bringing him up vs being asked questions.
I too started to say in his defense, but then realized Johnny could put prohibit questions regarding the smiths and Moz through his management but is clearly deciding not to.
I haven't laughed so much since I read the last post by WeirdUnclePeter... brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! Oh Moz, you scamp!

I look forward to Nile's considered, meme-free response to all of this...
Holy shit! Moz completely lost it!! Change the odds of a reunion from "a snowball's chance in hell" to "much less than a snowball's chance in hell"! :ROFLMAO:

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