OK Since Morrissey-Matters Has Got This Site Moving At Last...

Ever since Morrissey-Matters announced its intention to host secure fully logged in chat this site implemented (and by doing so reversed its long held policy) exactly the same type chat 24hrs in advance of launch, since Morrissey-Matters.com announced full multimedia newspage this site implemented said feature 48hrs in advance... make of that what u will! however it is good to see that competion has spurred growth! and thats gotta be healthy!


well done, Reg

It Matters!


Ever since Morrissey-Matters announced its intention to host secure fully logged in chat this site implemented (and by doing so reversed its long held policy) exactly the same type chat 24hrs in advance of launch, since Morrissey-Matters.com announced full multimedia newspage this site implemented said feature 48hrs in advance... make of that what u will! however it is good to see that competion has spurred growth! and thats gotta be healthy!



why i dont like reggie;

he said this and else
about my dead father
hes a mean man
who just started a site
to better harass several women
thats all

ps:ask that b*tch? exWife of mine, if my daddy built refineries
no, never mind, just keep spewin garbage OFF this site
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