As time's winged chariot rushes near, the Boomer frauds of punk/post-punk indie rock have their "Diana Moment" with absurd, grandriloguent displays of faux-grief about a man who, sadly, created hepatoxic death through hedonstic excess, although not all liver disease is thus attributable, it appears to have been a factor in the death of Lou Reed. History is re-written, the Velvet Underground were, apparently, all about Lou, with Cale and 'the other two' airbrushed from the revisionist re-write like they were just spare lawnmower parts.
Where have we seen THAT movie replayed?
"Notice me! It's not about Lou, it's about me, my memories, my saga, my diva drama! Oh, cruel world to betray me thus by sending the grim reaper to claim a 71 year old ex-drug addict and alcoholic!" As Morrissey sang so sincerely "Life is nothing much to lose". He did sing that, apparently without a trace of irony, and also "I don't mind dying, dark clouds in the daytime" or some such bosh. However, like Lou, Morrissey availed of hi-tech private medicine which is one of the benefits of 'celebrity wealth, power and status'.
Pointing out that homeless people die on the streets near the hospitals Lou and Morrissey use because they have no access even to diagnostic medicine, never mind transplant technologies, may disturb the lachrymose, but this is BrummieBoy. It's a Birmingham thing. We don't deal with poseurs. We're Peaky Blinders, we are 4 real. We are Mercia, not Manchester. Ask John Lydon about what happened at Bogarts.
Anyroads, Lou Reed's death is insignificant compared to the real tragedies of this planet, as Morrissey so 'famously' declared after the mass murder of Norwegian teenagers who did not get to reflect on their passing over months as Lou perhaps did. And Morrissey, as he flew from that loo in Peru to his concierge doctor in Hollywood no doubt counted his blessings at not having to do "Friday night in outpatients" at Lima General Hospital's emergency room.
"who said I lied to you? Stop me, oh, stop me!"
Stop yourself, mt8. Put a sock in it, bitch, FFS.
The recent killings in Norway were horrific. As usual in such cases, the media give the killer exactly what he wants: worldwide fame. We aren't told the names of the people who were killed - almost as if they are not considered to be important enough, yet the media frenzy to turn the killer into a Jack The Ripper star is .... repulsive. He should be un-named, not photographed, and quietly led away.
The comment I made onstage at Warsaw could be further explained this way: Millions of beings are routinely murdered every single day in order to fund profits for McDonalds and KFCruelty, but because these murders are protected by laws, we are asked to feel indifferent about the killings, and to not even dare question them.
If you quite rightly feel horrified at the Norway killings, then it surely naturally follows that you feel horror at the murder of ANY innocent being. You cannot ignore animal suffering simply because animals "are not us."'t