Re: Morrissey attacks 'blustering jingoism' of Olympic Games - Guardian 6 August
It's so kewl when you're flustered and devoid of even an idea of a response and then resort to typing "Lol. *insert trolling meme*"...
Notice how I spelled "cool" with a K-E-W-L? Yeah, that's because I was being sarcastic.
Oh, so now you're telling me you're going to try to infect me with AIDS as well?
Oh, I didn't realise you were being sarcastic!

and your use of K-E-W-L is so MAJOR-ly razor sharp, I'm like..

so crushed!!!!
chill dude, this is online. 'online' and 'I.R.L' are DIFFERENT!......or are you suggesting i might be a real, genuine psychopath who's gonna jump on a plane and take it all to the 'next level'?

cuz i mash up 'online' & 'i.r.l' and pretend to be me pretending to be someone else pretending to be me pretending to be crazeeeeeeeeee!
I can see where you're coming from, what with the Batman Slaughter. Still, you must be old enough to pack a gun now. That's if you've learned how to shoot one [rollseyes] It must be kinda gross not being able to step out when there so many zombie-flesh eating bath-salt casualties ripping flesh,,. No wonder you spend so much time in this peaceful haven of sanity and tranquility.
just keep your distance in the corridors, don't corpse me and i won't drag you into my cell. again. ........unless, of course, i'm confusin you with another ! could always change your screenhandle and drop that dumbass 'scary' avatar to present a more....appropriate image to my psychotic's one for your new screenhandle:
'Leave !ViVa Alone!'

we iz so off-topik here we cuds derail tha fred. u wanna get butt-naked an oil up for some man-on-man wrestling,
meet me in 'The Pigsty' boy. otherwise, STFU and don't holla back or i haz 2 ansa cuz i is OCD so bad can't do lotz of stuffs. why i gots 'secretary'. OCD is not cool, or k-e-w-l. I haz 2 wash my handz each time i touchez this kbrd or i gets itchies. datz y i dktate 2 Shazza.
you put me 'on Ignore' now, and i'll leave u be?......good boy....otherwise you gonna be sad, real sad....