Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

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Just going to quietly leave this here…….

And couldn’t find a chef’s kiss so these below will have to do *shudder* Poor M, but he will mingle with dickheads.


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While nibbling on my mashed potato in the canteen, my mind cast back to this and it really does have a new meaning. Have you noticed how M looks for some kind of backup.
Even M wasn’t safe 🥶
Is Malarkey kylie?!?

Who’s Kylie? I don’t know what Malarkey’s position is exactly, but it’s clearly not in an advisory capacity. She maybe just makes the coffee and curates the collection of skinhead porn. But whatever she does there, she’s definitely overhearing some of Morrissey’s conversations.
Who’s Kylie? I don’t know what Malarkey’s position is exactly, but it’s clearly not in an advisory capacity. She maybe just makes the coffee and curates the collection of skinhead porn. But whatever she does there, she’s definitely overhearing some of Morrissey’s conversations.
kylie the intern. duhhhhhh :rolleyes: where's aztec camera to explain? he knows better than me about kylie the intern.
My take is that if more than one person accuse somebody of harassing them, I automatically believe them. I can imagine one person making false accusations out of spite or mental problems or whatever, but eight? No way.
Your post would be better off in the RB thread.
Ever heard of Salem? With your policy of automatic belief if there are multiple accusers you would have executed the whole town.
Hope everyone kept their receipt and bought ticket insurance.
Sorry you Aussies don't get to see Alain and Guz in the band this time around, sadly you'll have to settle for Moz with the weakest live guitarists of his entire 40 year career.

PS.. Russell is being silenced for exposing the NWO.

Is it not N.W.A.?

Bitch, this site has never let me assert anything without having to go fetch the quote that backs it up.

Then furnish the evidence for your assertion that Morrissey wrote Notre-Dame because "someone" (unnamed) told him about it.

In trying to rescue Morrissey, you make him out to be a credulous mouth-breather. Apparently he'll just uncritically believe any old unsubstantiated story told to him and decide to write a song about it. If you're right, then I guess we can look forward to albums with songs like Georgia Guidestones, Elvis Presley is alive and well in a Nebraska mansion, and My nephew Johnny slept with Cheryl Tweedy before she was famous.
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