NME: Billy Bragg on Morrissey

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Billy Bragg's thoughts: If I lie and say some crap about Morrissey, maybe the people that don't like him, will buy my records.

f*** Spillers
f*** The Guardian
f*** NME
f*** Billy Bragg
HES A COMMIE CUCK:straightface:

worse he belongs to the the DramaJ 'Never will be able to write a melody for my sucky song lyrics' club.

both BBragg and DramaJ got about 120 years between the two of them and they have yet to make
a melody.:censored:

He sees himself as Billy Bragg from Barking Essex. He's fighting the good fight from his 2m mansion in Whitest Dorset. Anther champagne socialist with a need to comment on everything that he knows nothing about.
I wonder what year he last spoke to morrissey. He obviously believes everything he reads in the papers and has no problem doing interviews with any of them as he doesn't stir controversy by saying anything remotely original and goes along with the presses morrissey bashing. Whatever it takes to be a popular folk hero I guess.
He sees himself as Billy Bragg from Barking Essex. He's fighting the good fight from his 2m mansion in Whitest Dorset. Anther champagne socialist with a need to comment on everything that he knows nothing about.
I wonder what year he last spoke to morrissey. He obviously believes everything he reads in the papers and has no problem doing interviews with any of them as he doesn't stir controversy by saying anything remotely original and goes along with the presses morrissey bashing. Whatever it takes to be a popular folk hero I guess.

I know Barking. Studied there. Lived a mile up the road as a kid. Where my family were from, from at least the late 1930's. The place that I knew from being a kid in the 70's till when i studied there in the 90's had changed beyond all recognition in terms of ethnic makeup. The lovely old high street had become full of kebab take aways and pound shops. In otherwords.....a shit-hole.
i find the comparison to this oswald mosley ill-chosen bc before bringing that up, bragg is lengthily dwelling on the importance of the smiths and morrissey's legacy. so what is the legacy that oswald mosley betrayed? i don't get it? anybody? just shows me that many of his critics can't grasp and judge the full persona of a complex human being in a differentiated way but have to bring up shallow comparisons which in fact only reflect their own ideologically restricted worldview.
I know Barking. Studied there. Lived a mile up the road as a kid. Where my family were from, from at least the late 1930's. The place that I knew from being a kid in the 70's till when i studied there in the 90's had changed beyond all recognition in terms of ethnic makeup. The lovely old high street had become full of kebab take aways and pound shops. In otherwords.....a shit-hole.
He SEES himself as Billy Bragg from Barking. He just doesn't want to live there, multicultural and all as he is - unlike Oswald thingy who is now Morrissey. Bragg is like his name, he talks a good fight.
I love what Morrissey stands for. Honesty and truth.

Whereas Billy 'Bard of Barking' Bragg is just another socialist money-loving millionaire who has long rejected the racial diversity of London for a country mansion in Dorset (one of the richest and whitest areas of England).

If I lived such a blatantly hypocritical life - still calling myself a multiculture-loving socialist - I'd shoot myself in the head.
He sees himself as Billy Bragg from Barking Essex. He's fighting the good fight from his 2m mansion in Whitest Dorset. Anther champagne socialist with a need to comment on everything that he knows nothing about.

Hey, that's kind of like Morrissey living outside of England and commenting on its politics!
All these old timers who haven't had a sniff at chart success in two decades suddenly become semi relevant by mentioning Morrissey's name on the basis of a commie witchhunt. That big nosed whinger wishes he was half the lyricist that Morrissey is.
All these old timers who haven't had a sniff at chart success in two decades suddenly become semi relevant by mentioning Morrissey's name on the basis of a commie witchhunt. That big nosed whinger wishes he was half the lyricist that Morrissey is.

That's how it looks to me too. I mean, none of these c***s mention Morrissey unless Morrissey has a record out or he's touring. And when they do, it's only for clicks in the hope of forwarding their terrible careers.

@ All the washed-up, never great, always shit, swines. You know who you are! Check out the album charts this evening. Wankers!
The mistake Bragg and other commentators make is the assumption that Morrissey is a very intelligent man, and knows exactly what he's doing with these recent gestures. He doesn't. When it comes to politics, the man is a total f***ing idiot. He has never read the For Bigots manifesto. He backs them because their leader is a gay, feminist, vegan lesbian.
Morrissey is literally the only human being on planet Earth who has expressed support for Bernie Sanders and For Bigots. He's a total and utter politically illiterate f***wit. But not the racist, far-right nutter he's being made out to be.
The mistake Bragg and other commentators make is the assumption that Morrissey is a very intelligent man, and knows exactly what he's doing with these recent gestures. He doesn't. When it comes to politics, the man is a total f***ing idiot. He has never read the For Bigots manifesto. He backs them because their leader is a gay, feminist, vegan lesbian.
Morrissey is literally the only human being on planet Earth who has expressed support for Bernie Sanders and For Bigots. He's a total and utter politically illiterate f***wit. But not the racist, far-right nutter he's being made out to be.

Agree, funnily enough the critics seem to forget his bashing of Trump and Theresa May, his support of Sanders and his affection for Dick Gregory and James Baldwin. I don’t take my views on UK politics from someone who lives in LA though, so I don’t pay Morrissey’s political endorsements too much mind, especially as he just usually opts to support “outsiders” - Sanders, Galloway, Waters.

Billy Bragg, can write great songs (A New England, Between The Wars, To Have and Have Not, Lovers Town Revisited) and I know people who spoke to him semi-recently and said he was a nice bloke, which I don’t doubt.
Though it’s a cliche that he lives a champagne socialist life now, popping into the towns to promote his version of social change and mobility before f***ing off back to his Dorset mansion away from it all; they do say there’s no smoke without fire.

I’m sure he got asked about Moz rather than bringing him up himself, as that would just be an opportunity for virtue signalling.
Though then again, what else does he have to bring to the table in 2019 other opinions on Morrissey.
Billy Bragg advised voters to vote Liberal Democrate, who promptly joined forces with the David Cameron's Conservative party to form the Government which led to Brexit and Austerity. Billy Bragg is the Worzel Gummidge of pop.
Billy Bragg advised voters to vote Liberal Democrate, who promptly joined forces with the David Cameron's Conservative party to form the Government which led to Brexit and Austerity. Billy Bragg is the Worzel Gummidge of pop.
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you have to have to be a born cuck to follow advice from the likes of Soviet Bragg or his fellow traveler, DramaJo_O
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