NME at it again - "All the band reunions we don’t want to see happen"

it seems NME is at it again.

The Smiths

An obvious one, yes, but for good reason. The Smiths’ break-up was particularly messy – they had already parted ways before the release of their fourth album, 1987’s ‘Strangeways, Here We Come’, amid a toxic atmosphere that included Morrissey running out of the studio as soon as he was done recording and Johnny Marr saying he “didn’t form a group to perform Cilla Black songs”. But the aftermath was even messier: a bitter royalties dispute, decades of barbed words exchanged as well as the band members’ increasingly divergent political views (Marr recently responded to reunion rumours by wryly suggesting they get “Nigel Farage on guitar.”)

Why it would suck: Marr may have been joking about Farage on guitar, but we wouldn’t be surprised to see Anne Marie Waters in the crowd if this nightmare did occur. The Smiths originally split because Morrissey and Marr had differences creatively, but now they’re just two completely different people. It’s a no from us
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Britain is in stage four of a very serious illness,has been for years.enjoy all that vitamin d in Tenerife.
Dodging the virus. Just come back from Venice, missed being quarantined for 2 weeks by a few days and going to the resort where 1,000 are on lock down in April. Hopefully lots of Vitamin D then.

I don't want to be around for stage 5.
He's back to filling up zine space. We get a controversial & a mercurial, also a shameful theft of the 'dame is not for turning' line.

Thanks Nerak, I'd not seen that before (Radiohead playing The Smiths [Headmaster Ritual]).
Just made me appreciate even more just how good Morrissey & The Smiths were in their day.
'Effing Brilliant.
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Dodging the virus. Just come back from Venice, missed being quarantined for 2 weeks by a few days and going to the resort where 1,000 are on lock down in April. Hopefully lots of Vitamin D then.

I don't want to be around for stage 5.
blue there is no stage five,five is death.
The NME get something right for a change.

I don't want to see 50-something Marr and 60-something Morrissey on stage again pretending to like each other and to have anything in common in 2020. It would be utterly tragic.

Be grateful for the five years they had and for the fact that we can revisit those songs anytime we like.
And yet, here you are, commenting on it.
This is certainly rich, coming from a person who clearly gets anxiety from being away from this site for too long. You know, the site dedicated to the artist you hate, yet obsess over and comment on to a point that must take away from other aspects of your life and livelihood of the frequency of your posts are any indication.
This is certainly rich, coming from a person who clearly gets anxiety from being away from this site for too long. You know, the site dedicated to the artist you hate, yet obsess over and comment on to a point that must take away from other aspects of your life and livelihood of the frequency of your posts are any indication.
Is Safari one of the 14 registered Melvis fans who dwell here?
Is Safari one of the 14 registered Melvis fans who dwell here?
Haha, Melvis... Um, I am/was a fan for a long time, but like many people I am having a difficult time reconciling the man Moz is these days with the music that meant to very much to me for so long. I don't think he's a racist demon as much as I think he's a politically ignorant person who is completely unwilling to understand how or why his comments paint him in such an unflattering light, and surrounding himself with yes men certainly doesn't help his position. In short, I don't like him very much as a person (at least, not as the person that he presents to the world), but the music has always been important to me, though I think there's been a certain amount of diminishing returns since Quarry.

I'm basically a lurker on the forums, as I have no interest in being dragged into the middle of the ridiculous extremes that so many people seem to have here at Solo. I don't think Moz is a saint by any stretch, but I also think that there are decidedly more worthy targets out there than a curmudgeonly and clearly bitter pop star with a frail ego and no filter.

The only reason I bothered to comment was to call Skinny out on his hypocrisy, which I know won't change anything, but for f***s sake. I don't even necessarily disagree with his worldview overall, but how pathetic do you have to be to stalk a forum of an artist you profess to hate every single day, multiple times a day? Just move on already.
Es verdad, si. Para decirlo en términos de Trump, pueden "volver a donde vinieron". Lo que no quiere decir que Morrissey deba descuidar de ninguna manera el imperativo latinoamericano. El cielo renuncia. Seguramente hay un guitarrista joven incómodo, tal vez en México, o en Argentina, una víctima casual, farouche, torpe en todos los aspectos, excepto cuando se trata de sus dedos en un diapasón. Y delgado, andrógino; no musculosos como Manzur o Tobias, más en el molde físico de un Johnny Marr o Chrissie Hynde, sus ojos oscurecidos por el grueso flequillo. Él (o ella) tiene un talento muy superior al mundano. Han abandonado su banda de covers de Smiths / Morrissey por aburrimiento, y ahora es el momento de que salgan a la luz. ¿Pero cómo los encontrará Morrissey? El no puede. El no lo hará. Está demasiado contento de sacudir su trasero de sesenta años para bailar, números alegres ahora. Así es como termina Morrissey. No con una explosión, sino con vergüenza.
Gustavo y Tobias parecen más un par de bailarines de algún club gay, la contribución musical es nula, solo hacen que Morrissey not is la sombra de lo que algún día nos ofrece, triste pero se nota la ausencia Alain y Gary
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Gustavo y Tobias parecen más un par de bailarines de algún club gay

Yes. And, come to think of it, the whole band seems willing to appear that way:

Not that those would qualify as exceptionally hot "gay dance club moves," but between the coordinated unflattering outfits and the sheer indignity of it all, it's his most embarrassing video since November Spawned a Monster. The problem is that the embarrassments and the musical misfires are no longer few and far between, but are becoming overwhelming.

I remember Andrew Paresi's essay about his stint as Morrissey's drummer in the first few post-Smiths years, and he said something like, "the fated day that Morrissey walked into that smoky billiards bar and saw Gary Day and those other rockabilly musicians with their tattoos, cuffed trousers, and pompadours, I knew my time as his drummer was all but over." Morrissey used to let himself be ruled to a good extent by his aesthetic impulses. Either those impulses have become degraded, or he is ruled by something else now. A proper artist would assess the music from 2017-present and conclude, "I need to change things up and start from zero. Everyone, you're fired."
Si. Y, ahora que lo pienso, toda la banda parece dispuesta a aparecer de esa manera:

[MEDIA = youtube] eZuB5TWrSv4 [/ MEDIA]

No es que esos califiquen como "movimientos de clubes de baile gay" excepcionalmente calientes, pero entre los conjuntos coordinados y poco halagadores y la pura indignidad de todo, es su video más vergonzoso desde noviembre Spawned a Monster . El problema es que las vergüenzas y las fallas musicales ya no son pocas y distantes, sino que se están volviendo abrumadoras.

Recuerdo el ensayo de Andrew Paresi sobre su período como el baterista de Morrissey en los primeros años posteriores a Smiths, y dijo algo así como "el día predestinado en que Morrissey entró en ese bar de billar lleno de humo y vio a Gary Day y esos otros músicos rockabilly con sus tatuajes". , pantalones con puños y copetes, sabía que mi tiempo como baterista había terminado ". Morrissey solía dejarse gobernar en buena medida por sus impulsos estéticos. O esos impulsos se han degradado, o él está gobernado por otra cosa ahora. Un artista adecuado evaluaría la música desde 2017 hasta el presente y concluiría: "Necesito cambiar las cosas y comenzar desde cero. Todos, están despedidos".

Estoy de acuerdo con usted, posiblemente un conjunto de malas decisiones, dejando de lado el verdadero talento musical, leí allí de alguien que comentó una charla con Boz, en la que expresó que todavía estaba presentando canciones a Morrissey y todos fueron rechazados. la atención fue para Gustavo. También debemos agregar la influencia de SER en toda la gestión de marketing. Esto es como una bola de nieve cayendo de la montaña.

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