New Morrissey interview on Greek website LiFO (July 4, 2012)

Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

I am not good is Greek-English translations but one question and its answer is of great interest.

Q:Why do you dislike so much ?

A: I don't like the fact that a site using my name is clearly about the Smiths and not for Morrissey.
This site highlights negativism or even more,it is looking for it, a thing that annoys most of people I know.
So,it has become a vechicle for Morrissey haters and no one I know visits this site anymore.The owner claims
that this is an open forum but since everyone posts under the name "Anonymous" how can this be considered open?
The owner of this site approached my former manager last year,saying that all the negative stories would be ended,
if I would pay him 3000 dollars per month.I think this talks by itself.

(This translation is not good because it was made from english to greek and from greek to english,but this is the basic story anyway.)

I believe that his answer explains a lot of stuff going on here...

Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

I used google translate:

Why so unpopular in; (Fotis Vallas, LifO).

I do not like the fact that my name used in a site that is obviously for the Smiths and not for Morrissey.
It also brings out the negativity and, more importantly, the looks, which annoys most people I know.
Therefore, it has become a vehicle for Morrissey haters and nobody I know is not coming anymore.
The owner says it is an open forum, but since we all post them under the name "Anonymous", then how is it open?
The owner approached the site, in fact, my former manager last year, saying it would stop all negative stories, if I was paying $ 3,000 a month.
I think this says it all.

Did Morrissey's former manager approach David that he'd pay him $ 3,000 a month if he would stop publishing negative stories?
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Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

Did Morrissey's former manager approach David that he'd pay him $ 3,000 a month if he would stop publishing negative stories?

Going from the OP's translation, I suspect you have that arse backwards. Quelle surprise.
Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

David approached Morrisseys' former manager and told him that all the negative stories would disappear if Morrissey would pay him (David) 3000$ a month.
That's what Morrissey claims.
(Don't trust google translation...!)
Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

I am of 2 minds about this accusation against David T:

1. it is totally made up and has 0 basis in fact
2. on behalf of Moz, "somebody" offered David T some amount of $ every month to basically gain "editorial control" of this site and he(David T) said: no

I really cannot imagine it going any other way :straightface:
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Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

I am not good is Greek-English translations but one question and its answer is of great interest.

Q:Why do you dislike so much ?
A: I don't like the fact that a site using my name is clearly about the Smiths and not for Morrissey.

lol, what? :lbf:
Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

I'm sceptical about the article, but out of curiosity I put the whole thing in Google Translate and had a quick read. Some very Morrissey-esque quotes here and there.

"Some artists would sell their own blood at the right price"

"I am my own best friend. Whenever I hear about somebody getting married, I send a funeral wreath".

"I find it hard to get out of bed, or find a reason to do it [...] it is not laziness, but melancholy. I miss 1752".

(On career criticism) - "I think the good reviews stopped about ten years ago".

Compares slaughterhouses to Auschwitz gas chambers, insults Gwyneth Paltrow and celebrity culture, more moaning about being under-valued by the music industry.

Also says he'd wipe Kill Uncle from his back catalogue, if it were possible.
Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

lol, what? :lbf:

Maybe I keep seeing that he's "special" because actually he's mentally retarded? :squiffy:
Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

The owner of this site approached my former manager last year,saying that all the negative stories would be ended,if I would pay him 3000 dollars per month.I think this talks by itself.

Is this true??
Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

So now the autobiography is not December 2012, but sometime in 2013. Not entirely surprised, as I feel like we would've heard something of it by now.
Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

Is this true??

The detail about me asking for $3000 / month to stop 'negative stories' is not true. I did meet with Merck around the time he was proposing a management package (Jan. 2011) and I said I would be open to working with Morrissey on changes to the site but no dollar amount was discussed. He approached me about meeting without saying what it was about. I don't know what Merck actually said to Morrissey but I did not hear back after the initial meeting.
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UPDATE: July 9, 6:00PM PT:

MorrisseyessirroM posted a link to the original interview in English now on the LiFO site.

The actual excerpt regarding

Why do you dislike (Dear Quentin, DJ)

---I dislike the fact that my name is used when it’s so obviously a Smiths site and not a Morrissey site. It also relishes the negative and even seeks it out, which has upset most people that I know. Consequently it has become a vehicle for Morrissey-haters, and no one I know will log on to it any more. The owner says it is an open forum, but since everyone posts under the name Anon, then how can that be considered open? The owner of the site apparently approached my ex-manager last year saying he would stop all negative stories if I paid him $3,000 per month! I think that just about sums it up.

(davidt): The detail about me asking for $3000 / month to stop 'negative stories' is not true. I did meet with his ex-manager Merck Mercuriadis around the time he was proposing a management package (Jan. 2011) and I said I would be open to working with Morrissey on changes to the site but no dollar amount was discussed or any agreements to remove anything from the site. He approached me about meeting without saying what it was about. I don't know what Merck actually said to Morrissey but I did not hear back after the initial meeting.

UPDATE: July 9, 8:45AM PT:

Digital version of the interview in the print edition.

Morrissey: "O κανιβαλισμός είναι ακόμα πολύ δημοφιλής, δε νομίζετε;"
- LiFO

Morrissey exclusive: "Most pop artists would sell their blood for a price."

Just days before his arrival in Greece, Morrissey answers the questions asked by Greek fans: 5 musicians, 4 journalists, 2 radio producers and one blogger.

Amy adds:

I'm sceptical about the article, but out of curiosity I put the whole thing in Google Translate and had a quick read. Some very Morrissey-esque quotes here and there.

"Some artists would sell their own blood at the right price"

"I am my own best friend. Whenever I hear about somebody getting married, I send a funeral wreath".

"I find it hard to get out of bed, or find a reason to do it [...] it is not laziness, but melancholy. I miss 1752".

(On career criticism) - "I think the good reviews stopped about ten years ago".

Compares slaughterhouses to Auschwitz gas chambers, insults Gwyneth Paltrow and celebrity culture, more moaning about being under-valued by the music industry.

Also says he'd wipe Kill Uncle from his back catalogue, if it were possible.

mcrickson adds:

So now the autobiography is not December 2012, but sometime in 2013. Not entirely surprised, as I feel like we would've heard something of it by now.
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Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

The detail about me asking for $3000 / month to stop 'negative stories' is not true. I did meet with Merck around the time he was proposing a management package and I said I would be open to working with Morrissey on changes to the site but no dollar amount was discussed. He approached me about meeting without saying what it was about. I don't know what Merck actually said to Morrissey but I did not hear back after the initial meeting.

It would be hilarious if you issued him a cease and desist order...
Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

The detail about me asking for $3000 / month to stop 'negative stories' is not true. I did meet with Merck around the time he was proposing a management package and I said I would be open to working with Morrissey on changes to the site but no dollar amount was discussed. He approached me about meeting without saying what it was about. I don't know what Merck actually said to Morrissey but I did not hear back after the initial meeting.

Thanks David. Morrissey twisting the truth again then, tut tut.
Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

I wonder what Moz meant by the "...clearly about the Smiths..." remark ? I gather the translation muddies the waters but ... ? Even the most cursory scan of the site reveals people (yes,I'm one of them) baying for recent set lists, hoarded Moz demos and a new album. Admittedly , I haven't browsed that keenly but I'm yet to come across thousands of comments devoted to , I don't know, some 1984 Scunthorpe Polytechnic gig for example.

As ever, who knows ?
Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

I am not good is Greek-English translations but one question and its answer is of great interest.

Q:Why do you dislike so much ?

A: I don't like the fact that a site using my name is clearly about the Smiths and not for Morrissey.
This site highlights negativism or even more,it is looking for it, a thing that annoys most of people I know.
So,it has become a vechicle for Morrissey haters and no one I know visits this site anymore.The owner claims
that this is an open forum but since everyone posts under the name "Anonymous" how can this be considered open?
The owner of this site approached my former manager last year,saying that all the negative stories would be ended,
if I would pay him 3000 dollars per month.I think this talks by itself.

(This translation is not good because it was made from english to greek and from greek to english,but this is the basic story anyway.)

I believe that his answer explains a lot of stuff going on here...

That is just not true. Oh dear.

Well, David T quite casually lies when it suits his cause (claiming that a user was a known former banned user which simply wasn't true, then using that as an excuse to ban a username posting negative things about this site). So there's no reason to believe a word he says on anything & it's 100% believable that he would try to bribe M's manager and then lie about it afterwards.
Well, David T quite casually lies when it suits his cause (claiming that a user was a known former banned user which simply wasn't true, then using that as an excuse to ban a username posting negative things about this site). So there's no reason to believe a word he says on anything & it's 100% believable that he would try to bribe M's manager and then lie about it afterwards.

100% ?
Well, David T quite casually lies when it suits his cause (claiming that a user was a known former banned user which simply wasn't true, then using that as an excuse to ban a username posting negative things about this site). So there's no reason to believe a word he says on anything & it's 100% believable that he would try to bribe M's manager and then lie about it afterwards.

Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012

Thanks David. Morrissey twisting the truth again then, tut tut.

Im under the impression Morrissey lies a lot, actually. Not a commendable trait.

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