Re: Morrisseys' new interview in greek website 4.7.2012
I am not good is Greek-English translations but one question and its answer is of great interest.
Q:Why do you dislike so much ?
A: I don't like the fact that a site using my name is clearly about the Smiths and not for Morrissey.
This site highlights negativism or even more,it is looking for it, a thing that annoys most of people I know.
So,it has become a vechicle for Morrissey haters and no one I know visits this site anymore.The owner claims
that this is an open forum but since everyone posts under the name "Anonymous" how can this be considered open?
The owner of this site approached my former manager last year,saying that all the negative stories would be ended,
if I would pay him 3000 dollars per month.I think this talks by itself.
(This translation is not good because it was made from english to greek and from greek to english,but this is the basic story anyway.)
I believe that his answer explains a lot of stuff going on here...