My Favorite Murder podcast profiles woman abducted hours after attending 1991 Morrissey concert

My Favorite Murder--a "true crime comedy podcast hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark"--recently (April 18th) published a new episode--half of which centered around the abduction and murder of Denise Huber. Denise had been traveling home after attending the June 2nd, 1991 Morrissey concert in Inglewood, California. There's no specific connection to Morrissey and her abduction/murder--just that the Morrissey concert had been why she was out so late.

The Power Rangers Murders

The Murder of Denise Huber

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Henrik Galeen, who wrote the Nosferatu screenplay, was Jewish. As were the key, early producers at Universal Studios. The great (perhaps greatest) 80s horror movie, Society, is set in a Jewish context.

Jack the Ripper’s apparently layered relationship with Christianity, the media and modern science scarcely combined to ‘hit home’ Christian values. Indeed agitators like myself—who dare to question your platitudes—might suggest that his actions (along with the intentions of thousands of horror movies) rather challenged Christian values, somewhat.

Some friends from Islamic backgrounds have suggested there might ‘rightly’ be consequences for women who dress immodestly. Many pre-Christian, pagan, Patriarchal contexts would only allow (...).
Muslim men fear women and the control over women is like the Texas christian men who through various means force their women to stay.

I know a swedish popular culture paper who wrote about those men in Texas and their fear of losing control over their women which was an eye opener although most women of course live a life in a golden cage.
I did not mean by christians entirely but in a christian context and many are the jews that have worked within a christian framework in all kinds of art.

Platitudes or not the fact remains that for some reason horror movies were an extended arm of the christian church. It might be that they challenged the church by making awful murdering movies but got away with it by making the movie theme to be about christian values in the end.

The horror movies created loads of serial killers and men in general who saw women as objects.
And many are the Jews who have worked within Jewish/philosophical frames of reference, only to see this obscured by audiences who referred only to their ‘own’ narrow contexts for the construction of meaning. Thus the formers’ artworks became mere (if occasionally ‘subversive’) entertainment—and sometimes (it seems) an extension of the christian church; I would suggest this process served everyone (save perhaps for a few lobotomised sociology lecturers) poorly.
And many are the Jews who have worked within Jewish/philosophical frames of reference, only to see this obscured by audiences who referred only to their ‘own’ narrow contexts for the construction of meaning. Thus the formers’ artworks became mere (if occasionally ‘subversive’) entertainment—and sometimes (it seems) an extension of the christian church; I would suggest this process served everyone (save perhaps for a few lobotomised sociology lecturers) poorly.
Jews provided comedy that had very typical markers and it wasn't for everyone but was a huge success in Sweden.

I think what you mention makes me think of when european movies have to made in an american way for it to work over there but that is just the business people having no confidence in their own people. Hollywood tries to protect americans from foreign movies cause they are usually better and more honest but of course Hollywood movies are mostly no brainers where the people behind it writes the entire explanation to the movie on the nose of the american viewers.

But americans of course have world news in 60 seconds so you can't expect them to relate to anything outside the US.
Nope the movie horror world was run by the christian elite. Horror was used to hit home christian values and big tits and sexy bodies and clothes were punished.

It's a very partial or biased truth, but you are not wrong, but maybe the tealire is more complicated.

-The moralistic use of fiction is very old and it even precedes Christianity itself!
The Greek tragedies were about the simple idea of what happened when a man or woman tried to escape from the inevitable destiny (i.e, Oedipus will kill his father and get married to his mother, the attempts to avoid it will only nmak it worse).
The Greek comedies were very moralistic too... They mostly mocked the "outsiders" who didn't fit into the desired ways of being.
Those are pre-Christian examples.

-The Victorian melodrama was always very moralistic... And it has its roots in the medieval moralistic plays. The morale of the story always had a tendency to preserve the Status Quo, but this was not limited to Religion and it often included secular problems, specially the idea that a person who belongs to the lower class and ascends to the high class will be punished by catastrophic events.

-The horror genre always had a moralistic message. Shelley's Frankenstein has been mentioned and it's a good example (i.e, the same logic of the Greek tragedy... A scientist can't violate the laws of God -death- because the only result will be disgrace).

... But this was not specifically a "plan" of any Christian Church. Actually, the Hays Code (of censorship) was an explicit intervention of the Church and its idea was not that the "sexy bodies" and "sexy clothes" had to be punished in the fiction... But actually that they could not even be screened at all.

You are not wrong, but the reality is a bit more intricate and it doesn't really involve a "Christian elite", but very normal people or even the society as a whole. I.e, when God Browning filmed "Freaks", he followed some rules: the "sexy girl" who wanted to use her sexuality as to move from the lower class to the high class got punished... But the Freaks, the real outsiders, the monsters finally won... The audience and the critics didn't forgive this "sin" and the movie became a disgrace for Browning's reputation (even if history later made him a legend due to this transgression).
It's a very partial or biased truth, but you are not wrong, but maybe the tealire is more complicated.

-The moralistic use of fiction is very old and it even precedes Christianity itself!
The Greek tragedies were about the simple idea of what happened when a man or woman tried to escape from the inevitable destiny (i.e, Oedipus will kill his father and get married to his mother, the attempts to avoid it will only nmak it worse).
The Greek comedies were very moralistic too... They mostly mocked the "outsiders" who didn't fit into the desired ways of being.
Those are pre-Christian examples.

-The Victorian melodrama was always very moralistic... And it has its roots in the medieval moralistic plays. The morale of the story always had a tendency to preserve the Status Quo, but this was not limited to Religion and it often included secular problems, specially the idea that a person who belongs to the lower class and ascends to the high class will be punished by catastrophic events.

-The horror genre always had a moralistic message. Shelley's Frankenstein has been mentioned and it's a good example (i.e, the same logic of the Greek tragedy... A scientist can't violate the laws of God -death- because the only result will be disgrace).

... But this was not specifically a "plan" of any Christian Church. Actually, the Hays Code (of censorship) was an explicit intervention of the Church and its idea was not that the "sexy bodies" and "sexy clothes" had to be punished in the fiction... But actually that they could not even be screened at all.

You are not wrong, but the reality is a bit more intricate and it doesn't really involve a "Christian elite", but very normal people or even the society as a whole. I.e, when God Browning filmed "Freaks", he followed some rules: the "sexy girl" who wanted to use her sexuality as to move from the lower class to the high class got punished... But the Freaks, the real outsiders, the monsters finally won... The audience and the critics didn't forgive this "sin" and the movie became a disgrace for Browning's reputation (even if history later made him a legend due to this transgression).
I speak about classic horrors that were badly made and had music and sounds that created the scary effect. They all had a christian undertone where the victim or victims all acted in a way that broke against christian morals and therefor the end was inevitable. Since I haven't watched horrors a lot or at all I am only talking about horrors from the 70's and 80's and 90's.

It was american horrors during these centuries that were inspired by bible belters and many came from the region that made these movies. They were more than likely even funded by the church or various smaller cults trying to make a buck by spreading the warning to kids to not like sex or sexy clothes and so on.

It is too obvious when you watch them. Most horror fans just saw a movie and never realised how brainwashed they got cause some movies are tools to scare kids and force them to visit the church and become a part of religion.

You christians just don't want to admit it as you never thought about these things before and some horror fans who thought the rebelled against christianity were in fact supporting it without knowing it.

But now I have spread the word and explained a part of movie history few are aware of.
And many are the Jews who have worked within Jewish/philosophical frames of reference, only to see this obscured by audiences who referred only to their ‘own’ narrow contexts for the construction of meaning. Thus the formers’ artworks became mere (if occasionally ‘subversive’) entertainment—and sometimes (it seems) an extension of the christian church; I would suggest this process served everyone (save perhaps for a few lobotomised sociology lecturers) poorly.
The horror genre in them days were often made by americans brought up in a strict christian culture and christianity is full of horrors and blood and murder with which christianity threatens everyone to join or be shunned and eventually punished.

The horror movie women were symbols of sin and all got punished in the end.
Again, I talk about classic american slasher horrors and not well made horror movies that did develop a lot in the 90's and onwards and became more like dramas based on novels inspired even by real events.

Take a horror drama like "Alice Sweet Alice" where the catholic church is more than present where a rebelling tomboy girl who is not as sweet as her sister is blamed for everything and even talked about in a sexual manner by two policemen at the police station.

Or The Shining where two men in masks are in a hotel room where one man is about to give the other man a blowjob to hit home the message that homosexuality is a christian sin. I could go on but the church and christianity flashes its message in every horror movie. In some more than in others.

Frankenstein is about the industrialisation and the futuristic warning to man that machines will become uncontrolable monsters so that one has no christian values at all.

We also have The Exorcist of course which is a giant promotion video for the catholic church and having been in contact with the catholic church in Sweden last year and one exorcist stationed in Stockholm then that particular movie is not a fiction or anything cause they deal with such cases all over the world.

Satan is back on earth and I believe in Satan but I don't believe in the existence of God. The bible states that earth is hell and heaven is where some go after having spent life in hell on earth.

We all have Satan in us and the man who this thread is about also had him in him. I know how easy it is to give in to Satan and evil power and I have been present at exorcisms that changed my view on life and death and heaven and hell.

The only one who talks to you in an exorcism is Satan who long ago defeated God which is why there is no hope for man and the catholics I met who works with exorcism know they have lost which is why the Vatican is so nervy and buying time for the inevitable collapse and the attacks from muslims on the Vatican which is the start of the end of the world.

All roads lead to Rome and all roads will be gone in Rome.

I could post dozens of personal videos from exorcisms but I see them as evidence for the exorcists to work on and learn more how to save individual souls cause we are all souls and it weighs 21 grams and it leaves the body at death. Where it goes no one is sure of.

Life is but a temporary struggle on the path to enlightment. Life has no real meaning and what we do here does not matter one bit but the closer you are to Satan the more you care about life cause it is in life Satan can wreak havoc by using us as tools. We're no good to Satan when we are dead.

Suicide is only a christian sin because the church knows that life on earth has no value or meaning at all but they need members to fund them. Catholics are prone to become possessed and they struggle with the sexuality and Morrissey is just one of many catholic victims of a way to repress humans and their sexual desires.

This is why so many catholics turn into paedophiles cause only in that religion do kids become symbols of purity and innocence and sexual desire. The catholics are in for one hell of a punishment from Satan not God cause God does not exist and never did.
Again, I talk about classic american slasher horrors and not well made horror movies that did develop a lot in the 90's and onwards and became more like dramas based on novels inspired even by real events.

Take a horror drama like "Alice Sweet Alice" where the catholic church is more than present where a rebelling tomboy girl who is not as sweet as her sister is blamed for everything and even talked about in a sexual manner by two policemen at the police station.

Or The Shining where two men in masks are in a hotel room where one man is about to give the other man a blowjob to hit home the message that homosexuality is a christian sin. I could go on but the church and christianity flashes its message in every horror movie. In some more than in others.

Frankenstein is about the industrialisation and the futuristic warning to man that machines will become uncontrolable monsters so that one has no christian values at all.

We also have The Exorcist of course which is a giant promotion video for the catholic church and having been in contact with the catholic church in Sweden last year and one exorcist stationed in Stockholm then that particular movie is not a fiction or anything cause they deal with such cases all over the world.

Satan is back on earth and I believe in Satan but I don't believe in the existence of God. The bible states that earth is hell and heaven is where some go after having spent life in hell on earth.

We all have Satan in us and the man who this thread is about also had him in him. I know how easy it is to give in to Satan and evil power and I have been present at exorcisms that changed my view on life and death and heaven and hell.

The only one who talks to you in an exorcism is Satan who long ago defeated God which is why there is no hope for man and the catholics I met who works with exorcism know they have lost which is why the Vatican is so nervy and buying time for the inevitable collapse and the attacks from muslims on the Vatican which is the start of the end of the world.

All roads lead to Rome and all roads will be gone in Rome.

I could post dozens of personal videos from exorcisms but I see them as evidence for the exorcists to work on and learn more how to save individual souls cause we are all souls and it weighs 21 grams and it leaves the body at death. Where it goes no one is sure of.

Life is but a temporary struggle on the path to enlightment. Life has no real meaning and what we do here does not matter one bit but the closer you are to Satan the more you care about life cause it is in life Satan can wreak havoc by using us as tools. We're no good to Satan when we are dead.

Suicide is only a christian sin because the church knows that life on earth has no value or meaning at all but they need members to fund them. Catholics are prone to become possessed and they struggle with the sexuality and Morrissey is just one of many catholic victims of a way to repress humans and their sexual desires.

This is why so many catholics turn into paedophiles cause only in that religion do kids become symbols of purity and innocence and sexual desire. The catholics are in for one hell of a punishment from Satan not God cause God does not exist and never did.
When I state that Satan defeated God then that is something I do not believe in personally but can accept as a christian theory cause personally I am aware that God never existed. But there is a power out there and it is both good and evil. A force of nature with the same code as we can find in plants.

I'm not entirely sure that plants and flowers and so on are what we think they are.
Satan rejected my soul Morrissey sings with sadness in his voice. Lucifer is the prince of light not darkness. A misunderstood character balancing between good and evil. Satan has helped me a lot in my life to get back at people that chose to do be evil and do wrong.

One of them died ina violent car crash where his head was decapitated and I told that person you will die for what you did. He was also a homosexual who saw it as his right to punish straight people by taking their kids.

For the good of those that lost their kids I made Satan kill him. So when I say on here that I have satanic powers that I can direct at anyone like people saying godspeed then I will and have.

Satan punishes anyone using the word godspeed.
Swedish satanists with their baby Lucifer on the young moms show.

Sindy on the left taught me more about Satan than anyone else.
My Pilla is possessed as well and just recently her doctor that treated her for epilepsy admitted that he was wrong in giving her those meds cause she is not suffering from epilepsy at all.

When he put electrodes on her had many years ago she saw her dead ex in front of her who hanged his dog and himself when she dumped him. The doctor got mad at her for saying that but has since apologised.

Epilepsy and the old theories of possession are in fact correct and there does not exist a thing like epilepsy cause that is demonic possession and the poor catholic exorcists deal with this all over the world all the time.

The old knowledge wasn't always wrong and people back then were more in tune with things outside the body. I famous swedish tv psychic has since mad Pilla's life and our home free from this force but I have talked to her ex Andreas and recorded it on the mobile several times and for some those videos can be quite frightening when he takes over her hands and they become like snakes that foresee my every move.

When he uses her nails to claw her face saying he hates her and wants her dead I tried to reason with him. He saw the light and in it stood his dog Snuffe and then he was gone. He cried and asked me to take care of Pilla and made me promise I would.

But Pilla still affects computers and electricity in our home and can shut down a streaming service by just walking into the living room.
Again, I talk about classic american slasher horrors and not well made horror movies that did develop a lot in the 90's and onwards and became more like dramas based on novels inspired even by real events.

Take a horror drama like "Alice Sweet Alice" where the catholic church is more than present where a rebelling tomboy girl who is not as sweet as her sister is blamed for everything and even talked about in a sexual manner by two policemen at the police station.

Or The Shining where two men in masks are in a hotel room where one man is about to give the other man a blowjob to hit home the message that homosexuality is a christian sin. I could go on but the church and christianity flashes its message in every horror movie. In some more than in others.

Frankenstein is about the industrialisation and the futuristic warning to man that machines will become uncontrolable monsters so that one has no christian values at all.

We also have The Exorcist of course which is a giant promotion video for the catholic church and having been in contact with the catholic church in Sweden last year and one exorcist stationed in Stockholm then that particular movie is not a fiction or anything cause they deal with such cases all over the world.

Satan is back on earth and I believe in Satan but I don't believe in the existence of God. The bible states that earth is hell and heaven is where some go after having spent life in hell on earth.

We all have Satan in us and the man who this thread is about also had him in him. I know how easy it is to give in to Satan and evil power and I have been present at exorcisms that changed my view on life and death and heaven and hell.

The only one who talks to you in an exorcism is Satan who long ago defeated God which is why there is no hope for man and the catholics I met who works with exorcism know they have lost which is why the Vatican is so nervy and buying time for the inevitable collapse and the attacks from muslims on the Vatican which is the start of the end of the world.

All roads lead to Rome and all roads will be gone in Rome.

I could post dozens of personal videos from exorcisms but I see them as evidence for the exorcists to work on and learn more how to save individual souls cause we are all souls and it weighs 21 grams and it leaves the body at death. Where it goes no one is sure of.

Life is but a temporary struggle on the path to enlightment. Life has no real meaning and what we do here does not matter one bit but the closer you are to Satan the more you care about life cause it is in life Satan can wreak havoc by using us as tools. We're no good to Satan when we are dead.

Suicide is only a christian sin because the church knows that life on earth has no value or meaning at all but they need members to fund them. Catholics are prone to become possessed and they struggle with the sexuality and Morrissey is just one of many catholic victims of a way to repress humans and their sexual desires.

This is why so many catholics turn into paedophiles cause only in that religion do kids become symbols of purity and innocence and sexual desire. The catholics are in for one hell of a punishment from Satan not God cause God does not exist and never did.
Frankenstein was originally called ‘... or The New Prometheus’. It was a modern revision of an Ancient, pre-Christian, cautionary tale.

In the song Israel, Morrissey obviously associates his sexuality with a Jewish state threatened by its Islamic neighbours.
Frankenstein was originally called ‘... or The New Prometheus’. It was a modern revision of an Ancient, pre-Christian, cautionary tale.

In the song Israel, Morrissey obviously associates his sexuality with a Jewish state threatened by its Islamic neighbours.
Futuristic warning about the future we now find ourselves in.
The word "Horror" is american and is pronounced Whore Roar which is why sexy babes are slaughtered in them while screaming cause the church people needed a new popular culture way to curse those sinners and teach the kids to not act sexy.
The word "Horror" is american and is pronounced Whore Roar which is why sexy babes are slaughtered in them while screaming cause the church people needed a new popular culture way to curse those sinners and teach the kids to not act sexy.

It's a Latim word though...

... And now we need Aztec Camera explaining that it is a word from Los Angeles and n n n nnn nn n n n n etc.
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