swift eclipse
Active Member
Familiar ground for Morrissey. The lyrics are like a patchwork quilt made from ideas of his prior songs. Examples: (WORK)"I was looking for a job and then I found a job" from 'Heaven knows I'm miserable now'...(WORK)"No, I've never had a job because I've never wanted one" from 'You've got everything now'...(WATCHING THE NEWS)"But last night the plans of a future war was all I saw on channel four" from "Shoplifters of the world unite"...(SPENT THE DAY IN BED)"You want to turn it on it's head by staying in bed" from 'He knows I'd love to see him'...(RAIN)"The rain falls hard on a humdrum town" from 'William, it was really nothing'...(BUS)"And if a double decker bus crashes into us" from 'There is a light that never goes out'...(BOSS)"Frankly, Mr. Shankly this position I've held it pays may way and it corrodes my soul" from 'Frankly, Mr. Shankly'...(TRAIN)"Train, heave on to Euston" from 'London"...(TO ALL OF MY FRIENDS)"Tell all of my friends" from 'Now my heart is full'...(SHEETS FOR WHICH I PAID)"I turn the music down and I don't know why, this is my house" from 'Best friend on the payroll'...(I'M NOT MY TYPE)"Me without clothes? Well, a nation turns it's back and gags" from 'Late night, Maudlin Street'... (CASTRATION)"Nobody talks about castration" from 'The queen is dead'... (NO HIGHWAY)"The lanes were silent" from 'I started something I couldn't finish'... (BE GOOD TO YOURSELF)"Do your best and don't worry" from DYBADW. Overall, the lyrics to this new song feel somewhat insipid and as illustrated not new to his canon idea wise. But as usual, compared to rest of the garbage the music world creates nowadays, this is a masterpiece. But really it's just a throwaway song not nearly as good as any of the aforementioned.
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