Music-News / Fiona Dodwell: "Morrissey UK tour a hit with fans despite continued label silence" (July 19, 2023)


Brit music legend Morrissey has been touring live dates across the UK with his new band line-up. With long-time lead guitarist Jesse Tobias now playing alongside Carmen Vandenberg, Juan Galeano and Brendan Buckley, Morrissey has been performing a string of sold-out shows in Leeds, Portsmouth, Dublin and Liverpool. With the next show being at London's Troxy this coming Saturday – also now sold out – the former Smiths frontman has been delighting crowds by performing a string of both old hits and new, as yet unreleased, tracks.

New Dodwell piece, if anyone is interested.
Same as the others
There is no need to ever read another article from her.

Ok, there was never a need to read one in the first place but she literally keeps writing the same thing over and over and it's basically parroting whatever Morrissey says. Also, let's not pretend I actually read the article. I read one of hers rants once and it was one too many.

Who cares that tours are doing well?
The labels don't because Morrissey isn't willing to cut the label in on the ticket sales or the merch sales. That's what they want. They want a 360 deal where they can get paid for everything he does in exchange for putting out a record that will have marginal sales and not make any money.

There is no reason for any label to sign him at this point.
There is no need to ever read another article from her.

Ok, there was never a need to read one in the first place but she literally keeps writing the same thing over and over and it's basically parroting whatever Morrissey says. Also, let's not pretend I actually read the article. I read one of hers rants once and it was one too many.

Who cares that tours are doing well?
The labels don't because Morrissey isn't willing to cut the label in on the ticket sales or the merch sales. That's what they want. They want a 360 deal where they can get paid for everything he does in exchange for putting out a record that will have marginal sales and not make any money.

There is no reason for any label to sign him at this point.
Oh, the irony ;)
It didn't work the first time, so why should it work on the 97th?

This is all about his own money. He won't spend it. He thinks he's entitled to spend other people's money. That is entirely what this is, and always has been about.

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Yeah, Fiona didn't do her homework well on this one, I mean how can you forget a whole Band member if you're the appointed expert writer of Camp Moz. I'm also getting tired of the over-the-top adjectives. It always sounds as if M ghostwrites this.
It didn't work the first time, so why should it work on the 97th?

This is all about his own money. He won't spend it. He think's he entitled to spend other people's money. That is entirely what this is, and always has been about.

You missed out a couple of zeros there, if you're referring to your own posts on this particular subject.
Dudwell keeps saying the situation is "baffling" but it really, really isn't.

Aside from the money issues, if any label put out either of these albums (one with "BoT" on it, the other with "Notre Dame") then other acts on that label - or employees who work for it - would, I'm sure, protest very loudly.

That's how the world works these days, rightly or wrongly.
I'm at the Troxy on Saturday and have been admiring Morrissey's music since 1986. What I can no longer hear, however, is the man's eternal self-pity. There's no record company that would boycott Morrissey if he just offered a lucrative deal. It's not about politics, it's about the money. Similarly with the media. Morrissey constantly sees himself in the victim role, and he is not only a victim but also a perpetrator. He is an egomaniac and does not tolerate other egomaniacs around him. Morrissey certainly had to make many compromises as a child and youngster. Today he is in a position of power and he lets everyone in the business feel it. There are no compromises with him. His band members know this and could tell a lot about it, but Boz & Co prefer to remain silent because they value the musical collaboration with him above all else and would also like to have a future with him. Articles and posts that see this differently take a fan position and obscure reality.
Dudwell keeps saying the situation is "baffling" but it really, really isn't.
Yeah, but I suspect she might have (or hopes to reach) a wider reader audience than just 'solo', & I'm sure that other (possibly less informed/less invested) audience might also find it completely baffling.

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