Mporium (UK): "Limited Edition “Peace Sign” Black Harrington Jackets are now available to pre order" (February 23, 2024)


Morrissey Limited Edition “Peace Sign” Black Harrington Jacket with Morrissey Peace Sign embroidery and tartan lining.
Ships April 1st.

Via marketing email.
Not yet showing Stateside.
Looks like the one he’s wearing here.

I had a Harrington jacket like this but from top man and about half the price.
I think I left it on a train, fascinating story.

£85 is a bit steep though.
I might buy one, don’t have to rush though.
Given the state of his fans from what I’ve seen at gigs I don’t think the small size will go out of stock anytime soon. 😆
This merch drop coming one day after we find out, yet again, that Morrissey is a dick with money is just too perfect. "%5 of each jacket purchased will go to paying back promoters for shows Morrissey bailed on" lol
Looks like the one he’s wearing here.

I had a Harrington jacket like this but from top man and about half the price.
I think I left it on a train, fascinating story.

£85 is a bit steep though.

lol it’s nothing like that jacket , apart from colour .
The jacket in the video is fire , the M Harrington is rank to feck.
The kind of people who where Harringtons in the uk are mods , skins , retro hipsters
But it’s about getting the right type as well
my son wears them , he goes into Jump The Gun ,in Brighton ,him and his mates wouldn’t be seen dead in that . M knows enough about youth cults , he would know that . But hey just my opinion
This merch drop coming one day after we find out, yet again, that Morrissey is a dick with money is just too perfect. "%5 of each jacket purchased will go to paying back promoters for shows Morrissey bailed on" lol
To be fair mate , it’s old news that M is tight as feck he has a long ass record of not paying producers and band members . So it’s no surprise to me . A few mates of mine are starting to think some gigs he just advertises , in order to keep the advance
I fecking hope not. shame it’s come to this , back in Smiths early solo days the bond between M and fans was tight

I saw one the cult members said something about musicians are always getting ripped off , maybe so but that doesn’t mean you should rip your own fans off
To be fair mate , it’s old news that M is tight as feck he has a long ass record of not paying producers and band members . So it’s no surprise to me . A few mates of mine are starting to think some gigs he just advertises , in order to keep the advance
I fecking hope not. shame it’s come to this , back in Smiths early solo days the bond between M and fans was tight

I saw one the cult members said something about musicians are always getting ripped off , maybe so but that doesn’t mean you should rip your own fans off
Wouldn't he be in legal trouble if he kept the advance? Meaning he would have to give it back sooner or later.
Whomever is doing the merch seems not to be across all things Morrissey. What's with the hippie peace sign? I though World Peace was none of our business? Shouldn't this jacket reflect that sentiment?

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