Morrissey's Autobiography: The Lost Tome Found -

Cancelled concerts, scrapped autobiographies... Come on yall, Morrissey
Has NOT been relevant in almost 20 years. Enjoy the memories of the
smiths and Viva Hate but let this guy fade away in peace he's done!
So stupid. Morrissey should sue this guys dumb ass just for the fun of it.

Pussy-play get your dictionary out and look up humour !
The good old British sense of humour (I doubt you'll get it though)

Harper Hey
Cancelled concerts, scrapped autobiographies... Come on yall, Morrissey
Has NOT been relevant in almost 20 years. Enjoy the memories of the
smiths and Viva Hate but let this guy fade away in peace he's done!

Playcat-police-cop ! Another has dared to leave the path of the Holy church of Morrissey ! The worshipful master is not going to be happy what are we to do to put a stop to these defectors ?

Peru Guru
Has that old Manc queen released his book yet or what?

Has he chuff ! But then again how can you release a book with no content.
Anyway who cares at least my turkeys will be ready for release at Christmas if nothing else ! They really are putting the weight on now (£££ Ker-ching).

Playcat-police-cop ! Another has dared to leave the path of the Holy church of Morrissey ! The worshipful master is not going to be happy what are we to do to put a stop to these defectors ?

Peru Guru

How clever, another cult reference, YAWN!!!!!!! What is more disturbing, people who try to connect with others who share a common admiration for an artist, or a small group of hate-filled, self-important people who have made it their mission to try to persuade others to dislike him? That is a futile goal, by the way, because most of us are adults with free-will who decide whether or not we will continue to follow Morrissey. Snarky, juvenile, or vulgar comments from an invisible poster will not make one bit of difference in that choice. The people who are obviously the most obsessed are the ones who claim to be done with him; yet they just can't seem to stop coming to this site. If I ever decide that I am through with Morrissey, which is highly unlikely, I will simply walk away; that's what rational people do. So run, run young man (or woman) through the glen...see if we care, see if we care.

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