Morrissey statement on French election posted on Gustavo's Facebook

Link to Gustavo's Facebook post on May 4 posted by an anonymous person (original post):

"Last night Marine Le Pen easily won the French Election debate.

Today both the BBC and CNN say Macron won the debate.

This is precisely the reason why mainstream news media outlets cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Their private agendas are more important than facts, reality, or their duty to the people."

4 May 2017.


Amendment added to original post (posted by Ed Wood):


"My statement is that the mainstream media will not objectively or truthfully report on any figure who is not already a part of the political elite. Marine Le Pen is a perfect example of this.
She proves that the BBC or CNN are incapable of reporting without enforcing their own private agenda. Thus, the BBC and CNN do not actually provide news. Instead, they feed your their opinion which, in fact, no one has ever asked for. For example, today the BBC assures the world that 'the nation salutes Prince Phillip' when, factually, it would not be possible to find any nation anywhere that salutes Prince Phillip, or, if it were found, it certainly would not be England."

5 May 2017


Facebook post now deleted. Posted earlier by an anonymous person:

Gustavo has edited his post again, and says he is going to take it down shortly:

"Thank you all very much for the support, the opinions, and the attention. They are ALL valid but now, the French people have spoken.
. This post is history now and will be taken down soon. If there are any last words, by all means, scream away. If not, I will resume my personal FB with pictures of my dogs and horrible selfies. XO - g"

Media coverage:
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Link to Gustavo's Facebook post on May 4 posted by an anonymous person (original post):

"Last night Marine Le Pen easily won the French Election debate.

Today both the BBC and CNN say Macron won the debate.

This is precisely the reason why mainstream news media outlets cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Their private agendas are more important than facts, reality, or their duty to the people."

4 May 2017.


Amendment added to original post (posted by Ed Wood):


"My statement is that the mainstream media will not objectively or truthfully report on any figure who is not already a part of the political elite. Marine Le Pen is a perfect example of this.
She proves that the BBC or CNN are incapable of reporting without enforcing their own private agenda. Thus, the BBC and CNN do not actually provide news. Instead, they feed your their opinion which, in fact, no one has ever asked for. For example, today the BBC assures the world that 'the nation salutes Prince Phillip' when, factually, it would not be possible to find any nation anywhere that salutes Prince Phillip, or, if it were found, it certainly would not be England."

5 May 2017

He needs a new band. He needs to get rid of all these guys who are just yes men to him. Jesse the drunk is an enabler and bad influence. The downfall of Moz in one word and any Moz fan who cares should care! Releasing statement though Gustavo because he won't say NO! How has this become the lead singer of the Smiths!!!!? Quit the boozing Moz!!! It's so apparent!
It's being reported everywhere now so if it was not him who made the comment I think it would have been refuted by now. Predictably not going over well and some are saying it's a statement about the media, and yes it is, but it's a statement about how the media, the mainstream media though I don't know what truthful media he's been getting info from, is lying about who won a debate and I can't see how he would think she won that debate without thinking that her ideas and the arguments for them trumped his and will resonate the most amongst those who watched. She didn't win on rhetorical ability meaning she didn't stump macron or drive him into a corner that I could see so it looks like he thinks her ideas are what won her the debate. Seems that marr was right about there political differences
They all get along very well and are level headed. The fact that they all respect him after all of these years and hardships speaks volumes to his character.
whatever you say, Calamine Lotion. :thumb:
"I could be Calamine Lotion. Or I could be anyone else. We can't really know the truth. It's up to each of us to decide for ourselves. Logic is painful and hurts my brain. The truth is an illusion." - Calamine Lotion, Jr
Morrissey should voice about his Brittain , also going to vote in June

Morrissey's vieuw on the France president candidate is His personal,
and find it a bit extreme

what's his reason to out against the papers who said Le Pen lost the debate isn't true, and go on about social media

Social media rules and can get people vieuws change, I hope that the point what Morrissey wanted to point on, and took the France debate as example

but you didn't have to Morrissey
Why doubt the source?
The profile is followed by everyone in the Moz camp and has been active for a long time - including the 'illness' picture he posted last year.
I'm pretty sure Sam or Boz would know if this was spurious and react. It's not.
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French presidential candidate on the cover of Garçon magazine.

Je voterais pour lui.

oh yes, he'll do.... he'll do nicely. and he pretty much has the same name as my favourite french pastry. now i dont know what the other candidate looks like, all i know is, in the words of paul mccartney "im voting for whoever looks the best". that's what we did here in canada. this guy though, he looks kind of like that guy off of svu only with less of a disproportionately large forehead. svu is not a very good show mind you. why does it smell like cigarettes in here? has some cad been smoking? or just making toast? now how about those new york yankees?
Bowie is a tough one as he came outright with some gems. Owning NAZI memorabilia including Dr Goebbels’s desk didn't help! If Moz had said the following, the world's press would have probably exploded:

“Britain is ready for a fascist leader… I think Britain could benefit from a fascist leader. After all, fascism is really nationalism… I believe very strongly in fascism, people have always responded with greater efficiency under a regimental leadership…Adolf Hitler was one of the first rock stars…You’ve got to have an extreme right front come up and sweep everything off its feet and tidy everything up.”

(Bowie from Playboy Sept, '76)

That said, the media has been inflating most of what he's done since the 'salute' in Victoria Station '76.
Bowie recanted his 'salute' and attributed a lot of his actions in the early days to his poor mental state/drugs/occultism.
Perhaps he was inspired by this lot - who obviously would have invaded Poland if they hadn't of disbanded :)

Tongue firmly in cheek,

Despite all the careful failure to clarify anything in his second post, Morrissey can't really claim that she 'easily won' the argument without admitting that he agreed with her - clearly, if he thought she was talking a pile of steaming baboon shit, he'd have said as much, and wouldn't have rushed to her aid.

Morrissey has consistently been pro-nationalism, since the days of the Smiths. I think he wants England to be English, and France to be French. As he sees it, he want protect their culture from the tide of immigrants washing across Europe. Many millennials don't believe in the concept of borders at all, and want Europe to be some vast melting pot of humanity, so the fact that he holds these views is obviously going to be hard for them to accept. We also live in crazily polarised times, where according to if you don't believe in the total freedom of movement for everyone, you are immediately called a racist and a Nazi.

It is ironic though, that despite his bashing of Donald Trump, these calls about 'fake news' and untrustworthy mainstream media do actually sound EXACTLY like the sort of shit Trump would say.
Moz can f*** right off on this one. And Johnny will choke with shame. Marine Le Pen is a fascist in sheep's clothing. I'm no fan of Macron either - but I would vote for Donald Trump if it kept Le Pen out of power. The son of Irish immigrants - Moz should know better than to express anything that might be construed as supportive of anyone running under the banner of 'Front National'.
Morrissey is sort of an idiot. I don't know how anyone can fail to see that, but you have to separate the art from the person. I still listen to his music and I'll always be grateful to him for making lots of great songs that I felt a real connection with, but he's not a nice person, not a fair person, not an honest person, not a smart person, and comments like this, whether he said it or not, should not surprise anyone. And with his many ill conceived and poorly received public statements it's really ludicrous to suggest that his opinion of who won a debate would have any relevance at all except to his personal politics, which are and have been nationalistic.
But he is a professional troll and once again it makes perfect sense when you look at it that way. It got people talking who couldn't name three Morrissey songs. He is much more well known as a public figure than he is as a singer.
If this is real he can go f*** himself. Full-on racist buffoonery. He and Farage are, to coin a phrase, hand in glove. Booze and racism. A disgrace.

How can making a comment about someone showing bias be construed as racism? How?
If your comment is real you can go f*** yourself. Full-on stupidity of the highest order. You and Kim Jong-un are, to coin a phrase, puppets on a string. Star wars and stupidity. A joke.
My view is that if you flirt with and seem to therefore support right wing politicians, arguing in their favour - then people are naturally going to think you have a political soft spot for them. If Morrissey felt strongly that the right wing was in any way bad would he worry about that the media had a certain agenda? Would it be a point of contention?
Also 'Morrissey statement on the French election' should actually be 'Morrissey statement on the state of the media' if he wasn't that bothered about that candidate's profile being manipulated.
I don't believe Morrissey is a racist. I agree with and believe what he says about it being illogical to hate someone because of where they've come from or the colour of their skin. I just believe that he doesn't recognise the toxicity of aligning yourself with certain figures, even if in all honesty you're just being objective.
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