Morrissey statement on French election posted on Gustavo's Facebook

Link to Gustavo's Facebook post on May 4 posted by an anonymous person (original post):

"Last night Marine Le Pen easily won the French Election debate.

Today both the BBC and CNN say Macron won the debate.

This is precisely the reason why mainstream news media outlets cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Their private agendas are more important than facts, reality, or their duty to the people."

4 May 2017.


Amendment added to original post (posted by Ed Wood):


"My statement is that the mainstream media will not objectively or truthfully report on any figure who is not already a part of the political elite. Marine Le Pen is a perfect example of this.
She proves that the BBC or CNN are incapable of reporting without enforcing their own private agenda. Thus, the BBC and CNN do not actually provide news. Instead, they feed your their opinion which, in fact, no one has ever asked for. For example, today the BBC assures the world that 'the nation salutes Prince Phillip' when, factually, it would not be possible to find any nation anywhere that salutes Prince Phillip, or, if it were found, it certainly would not be England."

5 May 2017


Facebook post now deleted. Posted earlier by an anonymous person:

Gustavo has edited his post again, and says he is going to take it down shortly:

"Thank you all very much for the support, the opinions, and the attention. They are ALL valid but now, the French people have spoken.
. This post is history now and will be taken down soon. If there are any last words, by all means, scream away. If not, I will resume my personal FB with pictures of my dogs and horrible selfies. XO - g"

Media coverage:
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If this is real he can go f*** himself. Full-on racist buffoonery. He and Farage are, to coin a phrase, hand in glove. Booze and racism. A disgrace.
Sure isn't he free to comment however he likes? Moz is entitled to his opinion the same as everyone else, if it actually is Moz.
I'd prefer if he commented on his efforts (or lack thereof) to get a record deal.
can't one give the opinion that she is a good debater but still not believe in her views? Maybe he does, though I couldn't really say he does from this FB post, that's if it is him.

We'll Let You Know rated your post
Troll in this thread :laughing:

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I don't even want to see it. She did not give a good debate
Took some time but finally the coin dropped. Welcome to the real world Mozza!
"Pat McGrath Morrissey's opinion is that she won the debate. It doesn't mean he's endorsing her, correct?
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· Reply · 1 min

Gustavo A. Manzur Jr.
I don't think even that Pat. He's just saying never trust the media. He doesn't endore anyone for what i know.
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· Reply · Just now "

Morrissey knows most of the world, not only making tourism, he works around the globe (Can we say he has "a job"?). I guess he knows the difference between reality and mainstream media construction of the reality.
Maybe he supports Le Pen. Maybe not.
Given his vocal stance on Trump I don't see how he could be in support of her, and this post shows no support

I agree. I think he's commenting on media bias in the general sense. It's puzzling why it's not on TTY- but I doubt very seriously Gustavo would post anything not approved/written by Moz himself, especially with the "public" view on the post.
I agree. I think he's commenting on media bias in the general sense. It's puzzling why it's not on TTY- but I doubt very seriously Gustavo would post anything not approved/written by Moz himself, especially with the "public" view on the post.

Kinda hard to disagree with her and think she won though. She would be considered to win on the merits of her arguments
Entitled to his (wildly inconsistent) opinions but if he's supporting fascists now then I'll never pay a penny for a Morrissey record or show again.
I agree. I think he's commenting on media bias in the general sense. It's puzzling why it's not on TTY- but I doubt very seriously Gustavo would post anything not approved/written by Moz himself, especially with the "public" view on the post.
That's a load of shit. The days of "innuendo Moz" are over. Why even mention Le Pen? Why bother since everyone know she a nazi cretin? This coming from someone who has consistently praised Farage and called him a "liberal educator" just confirms to me that he has lost the plot now. Gustavo said that TTY is "on hold" for now.
This anti-media stance is quite disturbing. The kind of stuff you get from right-wing extremists all over the world at the moment (Sweden, the US, the UK, and so on).
It wouldn't surprise me if his next album is gonna be titled "Tin Foil Hat."

Why tin foil hat? He is expressing his opinion regarding an election. I don't recall him saying the earth was flat or that macron or le pen was a lizard.
Just cuz he doesn't toe the line with the nonsense the media spews doesn't make him some crazy conspiracy theorist. Now run along.

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