Morrissey returns to Argentina for two concerts in November 2015 according to Rockomotora

Alfredo writes:

We are so happy here in Argentina. :-)

Announcement of two shows in November:

By Gabriel Campos

Excerpt (Google Translate to English):

After canceling his presentation at Technopolis by health problems in mid-2013, Morrissey returns to our country... This year the event will be in mid-November and the sites selected would be the Luna Park and Coliseum Theatre.

UPDATE May 21:

Uncleskinny posted the link that reports Morrissey will return to Brazil also in November:

Após cancelar em 2013, Morrissey chega em novembro - Desktak Journal

Marco adds:

This is very obscure site or newspaper. They don't mention any source. Keeping my fingers crossed, but better wait for an official confirmation or the announcement at Morrissey "Official" Facebook :lbf:
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Will know one rid us of this turbulent CrankFraud pest ? Argentina he's all yours !

The other day I was surprised to learn the world is full of very old singers. A quarter of them is between 62 and 67, and there are quite a few in their eighties, who are still touring.

If anyone had warned me in 1986 that Morrissey would be one of them, I would have laughed. But well, it seems to be happening. I'm really astonished. I kind of expect to board a cruise ship in 2045, if I'm still around, and find him there to greet me and the other senior passengers, and then later on he'll serenade us all at dinner with "kiss me a lot" and invite us to rumba to "Asleep".

So basically he's got a lot of time and a lot of gigs ahead of him.
There'll probably be another signing session in Sydney.
A lot of TTY statements about Charles, William, George...

That, or he keels over pronto. I think it's going to be very short or very, very, VERY long.
I'm very hapyy for south American fans, hope Morrissey adds some dates more than Argentina only.

seems a record deal is far away...

'and they say he's mentall'... don't cry for me...
The other day I was surprised to learn the world is full of very old singers. A quarter of them is between 62 and 67, and there are quite a few in their eighties, who are still touring.

If anyone had warned me in 1986 that Morrissey would be one of them, I would have laughed. But well, it seems to be happening. I'm really astonished. I kind of expect to board a cruise ship in 2045, if I'm still around, and find him there to greet me and the other senior passengers, and then later on he'll serenade us all at dinner with "kiss me a lot" and invite us to rumba to "Asleep".

So basically he's got a lot of time and a lot of gigs ahead of him.
There'll probably be another signing session in Sydney.
A lot of TTY statements about Charles, William, George...

That, or he keels over pronto. I think it's going to be very short or very, very, VERY long.

probably long but less frequent making the times he does come out even more special but yes this is very true. ive seen many a jazz great at seventy plus. I very much enjoyed mansons last album, though I like all of them, and hes like 50 give or take I think. to me as long as you can bring the songs music I say eplease go on
Morrissey returns to South america - Perú, Chile, Argentina, Brasil

Agora vai. Morrissey vem ao Brasil em novembro para fazer os shows que está devendo desde 2013, quando cancelou as apresentações no país "por motivos pessoais". O cantor inglês, que completa 56 anos amanhã e é ex-líder da banda The Smiths, começa a definir com os produtores da América do Sul as datas e locais.
Em 2013, seriam três shows. Morrissey cantaria em São Paulo, Rio e Brasília. Argentina, Chile e Peru estariam na turnê.
Ainda não se sabe se Chile e Peru continuam, mas Brasil e Argentina já estão certos na nova agenda sul-americana do cantor.
Re: Morrissey returns to South america - Perú, Chile, Argentina, Brasil

Agora vai. Morrissey vem ao Brasil em novembro para fazer os shows que está devendo desde 2013, quando cancelou as apresentações no país "por motivos pessoais". O cantor inglês, que completa 56 anos amanhã e é ex-líder da banda The Smiths, começa a definir com os produtores da América do Sul as datas e locais.
Em 2013, seriam três shows. Morrissey cantaria em São Paulo, Rio e Brasília. Argentina, Chile e Peru estariam na turnê.
Ainda não se sabe se Chile e Peru continuam, mas Brasil e Argentina já estão certos na nova agenda sul-americana do cantor.

Is this some type of cryptic code? This is weird. Brazil is spelled with a Z not an S.-Anonymous
Re: Morrissey returns to South america - Perú, Chile, Argentina, Brasil

Is this some type of cryptic code? This is weird. Brazil is spelled with a Z not an S.-Anonymous

Not in portuguese, dear. With a S is how you spell Brasil in portuguese.

But there is now another article at Popload a far more reliable source that says Morrissey would come to Brazil for two "different" concerts in São Paulo, but only in 2016. The way he says makes me believe that he is talking about Lollapalloza 2016 and the Lolla Parties that presents some of the acts in solo concerts in previous date regarding the festival... This year we had some Lolla parties in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia and Porto Alegre...

Here it is the article I'm talking about... he says about the drinking article that was posted at NME and at the end he mentions that everybody mentioned in the article (Morrissey, Bono, Noel, Bobby) may play in Brazil during 2016.

The article is in Portuguese...
Re: Morrissey returns to South america - Perú, Chile, Argentina, Brasil

Not in portuguese, dear. With a S is how you spell Brasil in portuguese.

But there is now another article at Popload a far more reliable source that says Morrissey would come to Brazil for two "different" concerts in São Paulo, but only in 2016. The way he says makes me believe that he is talking about Lollapalloza 2016 and the Lolla Parties that presents some of the acts in solo concerts in previous date regarding the festival... This year we had some Lolla parties in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia and Porto Alegre...

Here it is the article I'm talking about... he says about the drinking article that was posted at NME and at the end he mentions that everybody mentioned in the article (Morrissey, Bono, Noel, Bobby) may play in Brazil during 2016.

The article is in Portuguese...

imagine that, language being mutable. hope you get to see him and have fun. has he played there before

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