Morrissey on Minogue

I'm sorry to read about your mom, Amy. I know alcoholism from your perspective. It hurts a lot.

Thanks, I am more disappointed now than angry with her. She was doing really well, over 3 months without bingeing, but the alcohol just crept back in gradually and now she's fallen off the wagon again :tears:

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I'm gonna have to go with Amy on this one.

I don't blame you. It's to be expected.

Redpathetic; I do accept that these horrible things happen to people all over the world on a daily basis - it's one of the cruel facts of life. My own life so far has not been 'easy'. But the events you discuss - the astonishing, unbelievable frequency of them, the fact that you claim to have been raped several times by different people in presumably unrelated incidents and then to have been abducted, etc - the chances of all these things happening to 1 person are almost non-existent. You can understand that it sounds implausible to the point of ridiculous.

The other thing I don't quite get is your willingness to divulge this hugely private information in torturously graphic detail on an Internet forum. If these things had happened to me, I would spend 90% of my time in therapy and only discuss the matter outside of that with my closest friends. Just my opinion.
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I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I'm gonna have to go with Amy on this one.

How unlike you to seek an opportunity to capitalize on other people's conflict. :rolleyes: Whatever the truth is in this case, I'm sure that it makes no difference who you're "gonna have to go with", and anyone with any sense would sit back and keep quiet.
Thanks, I am more disappointed now than angry with her. She was doing really well, over 3 months without bingeing, but the alcohol just crept back in gradually and now she's fallen off the wagon again :tears:

That sucks. I've given up any hopes that my dad will ever stay sober. :(

Redpathetic; I do accept that these horrible things happen to people all over the world on a daily basis - it's one of the cruel facts of life. My own life so far has not been 'easy'. But the events you discuss - the astonishing, unbelievable frequency of them, the fact that you claim to have been raped several times by different people in presumably unrelated incidents and then to have been abducted, etc - the chances of all these things happening to 1 person are almost non-existent. You can understand that it sounds implausible to the point of ridiculous.

The other thing I don't quite get is your willingness to divulge this hugely private information in torturously graphic detail on an Internet forum. If these things had happened to me, I would spend 90% of my time in therapy and only discuss the matter outside of that with my closest friends. Just my opinion.

Although I'd add that once one gets past a certain post count, all of SoLow can be mistaken for friends. :o
Redpathetic; I do accept that these horrible things happen to people all over the world on a daily basis - it's one of the cruel facts of life. My own life so far has not been 'easy'. But the events you discuss - the astonishing, unbelievable frequency of them, the fact that you claim to have been raped several times by different people in presumably unrelated incidents and then to have been abducted, etc - the chances of all these things happening to 1 person are almost non-existent. You can understand that it sounds implausible to the point of ridiculous.

The other thing I don't quite get is your willingness to divulge this hugely private information in torturously graphic detail on an Internet forum. If these things had happened to me, I would spend 90% of my time in therapy and only discuss the matter outside of that with my closest friends. Just my opinion.

I was sent from the adoptive home where I'd been since 2 weeks of age, to a group home at 11, the group home said if I was a good girl I'd get a foster home, which excited me, because I pictured a happy place like I'd seen on television, so I get the foster home, and about a month into that the father begins to do weird stuff, which didn't really bother me, like grease the bunk bed staircase, one night, and the next, sprinkle a packet of dried split peas inside my pillowcase...I thought, " Someone has a weird sense of humour, but I'm just happy that this family is being kind enough to have me. ", the next night, he is outside the bedroom, his daughter is in the bed under me. I'm twelve, she's 11 at this point. He says, " Good night Sharon. " I thought to myself " I'm going to spare him the embarrassment of acknowledging this. He must not realise it's about 1:30 a.m. and tomorrow there is work to go to for him in the morning, and school for us kids. He had three boys in a room further down the hall. Everyone must have heard what was followed, but kept silent.

So I stay silent, with good intention, not even realizing there is anything malicious going on. I'd assumed it was an innocent, though silly mistake he was making. He next says, " I know you're awake you little bitch. " Later he said something that included the word 'slut'. I had actually never had sex yet at that point, though I was attracted to some boys and took care of my appearance.

The next thing he said, to get me to answer, was " Sharon, your mother's on the phone. ", ( meaning, the adoptive mother that put me back into the government system at 11 ) . I knew she was not on the phone. The kitchen was just across the hall and this was back in the day when phone rings were loud, and she wouldn't bother calling anyway unless it was to have a holiday Christmas or Easter pretending to be a normal family with her and my adoptive sister, who I always assumed had grown out of the nasty stuff I'd instantly forgive, stuff which eventually, I confronted her about but was only given evasion about, evasion to the point of having to sever ties ten years ago... Anyway, when I realised this horror was going to continue to escalate, as he wasn't backing off, I thought I'd better confront him with an answer to his bait. I said " Peter, I know my mother is not on the phone, and if you don't leave me alone, I will call, my mother. " just to shut him up or bring it to a head, just, get the tension overwith he answers " Go right ahead! " and I knew he wouldn't really let me but I had to go through the I got down, walked to the phone, dialled, and he forced the receiver down before it connected. He had a tumbler in his hand, and when I crossed the hall from bedroom to kitchen I noticed through the doorway of his and his wife's bedroom, his wife standing there, silently, unable to do anything, and a bottle of scotch in his bedstead/headboard ...the next thing I remember is standing by that same phone in the morning, everyone gone, except wifey, mousy wifey who was kind, but, just his slave, and, she must have had a lobotomy to put up with that, but I don't know...he had a really bad ego, I'd seen signs but didn't take them seriously until that I call my social worker.

I tell her what happened and I said, you have to get me out of here. This guy is going to do something horrible. I was really scared. She answered, in a dulcet voice: " Well, Sharon, I'm all booked up for the next two weeks. If you're still concerned, give me a call then. " I was all but, but, ...but she repeated herself..." Well, Sharon, I'm sorry, but there's really nothing I can do. If you're still having trouble in a few weeks call me again."

I took my books and made like I was going to school...I didn't go to school, I learned to guess which way walking the train tracks would get me to the city, where I might be able to locate a girlfriend. I learned to assess things quickly, like train bridges with feet of snow on them, for the best way to handle it should a train come while I'm crossing, I learned to throw caution to the wind to have a chance of escaping unbearable horror. The sister who had tried to kill me, had never hurled words at me like he did...and I was much younger when she did those things, I can't explain any better than that at this point, why I didn't run away from home when it was my sister putting me in danger...I guess, because it was the only home I knew but this foster home, I knew there were alternatives. There was the group home for instance, that I might be able to return to but that social worker, she instantly destroyed my trust in that system, and I was off trying to survive, at an early part of the age of 12...

I somehow located my girlfriend's new residence, her mother let me stay a few days and then suggested I call my worker. I was very grateful to her and obeyed. The social worker came to pick me up instantly, and returned me to the group home, but the group home was different. Different's going to be a lot of work to write my story. It really happened, whether you believe or don't.

So, I found out that way, that if a kid is on the run, she gets immediate attention, not that I ever wanted it after losing faith in that system. It sent me into a state of mind that was so lonely, all that had to happen was that the first day at the new school with the same group home, but now I was old enough for high school...all that had to happen was another girl, who was 16, during a smoke break, 'recess', asked me if I wanted to run away with her to another city, with this sunny smile, and I melted. Well, she turned out to be just a sort of a pimp/hooker...I was still freshly turned twelve.

I have to go walk my dog now. More later, if you can stomach it and if I can.
Dave, I'm tired of your adolescent bullshit. Get over it. We're both still here.

You might be tired of me, but what I wrote is true, and when I feel like it, I'll write more. It's not really necessary, but I feel that you elected me to the position when you started in on me. Remember, I was the one minding my own business. You should spend more time with your family instead of playing your stupid manipulative games on here so much.

It's pretty obvious that if all you can say is "bullshit" and "get over it" you don't have much defense, but maybe you can sit back and let one of your friends speak for you as you have in the past.
You might be tired of me, but what I wrote is true, and when I feel like it, I'll write more. It's not really necessary, but I feel that you elected me to the position when you started in on me. Remember, I was the one minding my own business. You should spend more time with your family instead of playing your stupid manipulative games on here so much.

It's pretty obvious that if all you can say is "bullshit" and "get over it" you don't have much defense, but maybe you can sit back and let one of your friends speak for you as you have in the past.

Of course it's obvious that I don't need much of a defense because what I did didn't even warrant a reprimand from the moderators, to say nothing of an infraction or ban. That said, I know you were offended by it, and I apologized. You didn't accept it. :rolleyes: You have serious issues, Dave, if after three months, you still can't accept the fact that nobody thinks this was as big a deal as you do. Unlike you, I never suggested or even insinuated that you should leave; hell, I occasionally still enjoy reading your posts, and not just for laughs.

For the record, can everyone else who was a "victim" of my "stupid manipulative little games" please step forward and make yourselves known? Paris Hilton and Norman!, we already know about you. Anyone else? There should be one more.

And bringing up my family? Please. Kewpie already tried that; I would expect better of you. My family doesn't give a flying f*** what you think.

Can we just go back to ignoring each other? Please?
indexphpgq0.gif, it seems Kylie Minogue has sort of opened a floodgate of emotion here. Maybe the fine people at the OBE have a secret therapeutic agenda?
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