Morrissey on BBC 6 Music Live 2017 (Oct. 2, 2017, Maida Vale, London) - reminder / reports


You Have Killed Me / I Wish You Lonely / Spent The Day In Bed / Speedway / Istanbul / Ganglord / Jacky's Only Happy When She's Up On The Stage / Back On The Chain Gang / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / The Bullfighter Dies / When You Open Your Legs / Jack The Ripper / Home Is A Question Mark / All The Young People Must Fall In Love / My Love, I'd Do Anything for You (not played) / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris (not played)

Setlist provided by @NeilW70 / Twitter.

  • BBC 6 Music Live video highlights (10 songs, UK only) - BBC iPlayer. Link posted by Jim_Royle.
  • Photos posted at BBC Radio 6 Music / Facebook (4 total)


  • From @NeilW70 / Twitter. Link posted by BrummieBoy.

    Full #morrissey setlist at #maidavale. Looks like three more songs after went off air. Photo credit to @Dr_Paul_Thomas

  • Link posted by an anonymous person:

Just a reminder poached from the BBC site for people wanting to watch/hear the show:

How to catch Moz tomorrow:

1) On the BBC website

Visit the BBC Radio 6 Music homepage at to keep up-to-date with all the latest highlights from this year's 6 Music Live.

You'll be able to watch the live performances, plus an interview with Lauren, by visiting us from 11:30am each day.

Then, from 7pm each evening, you'll be able to watch each set on-demand, available for the following 30 days.

There'll also be a selection of video highlights and photos from all the acts available via the website.

2) On the BBC Red Button
Press Red from any BBC TV channel from midday each day to watch Morrissey, Mogwai, alt-J, Loyle Carner and Morrissey's sets live.

The performances will then be looped on Red Button, before a highlights programme goes live at 7pm.

There'll also be a special programme featuring the best bits from all the acts, available via the Red Button from Saturday 7 to Friday 13 October.

FULL RED BUTTON SCHEDULE (subject to change)

Monday 2 October: 12:00 - 16:15 / 19:00 - ongoing
Tuesday 3 October: ongoing - 12:00 / 12:00 - 22:00 / 22:50 - ongoing
Wednesday 4 October: ongoing - 12:00 / 12:00 - 15:45 / 19:00 - ongoing
Thursday 5 October: ongoing - 12:00 / 12:00 - ongoing
Friday 6 October: ongoing - 12:00 / 12:00 - ongoing
Saturday 7 October: ongoing - 17:50 / 22:00 - ongoing
Sunday 8 October: ongoing - 12:20 / 16:30 - 17:50 / 23:40 - ongoing
Monday 9 October: ongoing - 09:00 / 21:05 - ongoing
Tuesday 10 October: ongoing - 09:00 / 17:00 - 22:00 / 22:50 - ongoing
Wednesday 11 October: ongoing - 18:00 / 23:00 - ongoing
Thursday 12 October: ongoing - ongoing
Friday 13 October: ongoing - 22:00

3) On the Radio
Lauren Laverne will be taking her 6 Music show to Maida Vale, 10:00-13:00, each morning, featuring special editions of Memory Tapes, interviews with all the artists, and more build-up, before the live performance from 12:00.
Listen live, or on-demand for 30 days after broadcast, by following the links below:
4) On Facebook

Keep an eye on our 6 Music Facebook page every day from 10:30am to see Lauren in conversation with some of our acts and guests. They'll also pick the tracks to go on their Memory Tapes.

5) On Instagram

We'll be backstage on Instagram Stories, showcasing all the best photos from each performance.

6) On Twitter

Follow the conversation and share reactions on Twitter, and see some of the best moments from each session


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More so, he didn't say anything strange about the Ukip election.
He suggested it was rigged. Not that far fetched. To keep the unwanted candidate (by the party nomenclature) out.
He has not said anything in favour of the so-called anti-Islamic candidate. He just pointed out the miserable tactics of that party just as with Labour or Tories. They are all the same.
Q3, you are as hopelessly besotted as K-Sun!
Q3, you are as hopelessly besotted as K-Sun!

But Sister, sometimes I get the idea that it is of an immense importance for people to make out for once, for shure and always that Moz is racist. I agree he has made controversial statements, but I don't believe he is racist. Other people do.

Not that he cares himself anymore about being called racist as so many other people don't care anymore about it being called racist. The term has been exhausted.

If you cannot say anything critical about any religion at all, like Christianity, or Islam, or Judaism without being called racist that will be far more damaging and dangerous, I think.

I know there is a somewhat delusive side about being in favour of a certain artist you admire, but then again, it brings a lot of enjoyment too. If that is the criterion, than I can't have the pleasure anymore about any music or art or whatever. So I take the risk.

If I am deluded, bad luck, on to something else.
I don't want to be a cynical, complaining, bitter old man. (Yes, I know, many want to portray Moz as such, it's really laughable, he has a f***ing great life, believe me) :thumb:
Oh Hell yeah "All The Young People..." sounds like his catchiest hook since "Everyday Is Like Sunday". CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS ALBUM!
I'm very positive about the new songs on second listen, I find them all engaging and entertaining in some way. Although I admit, when he sings on Home Is A Question Mark 'wrap your legs around my face,' I really hoped that it wouldn't be on he actual record...

All The Young People is particularly wonderful - doesn't sound like anything he's done before, unless you count Is It Really So Strange..?
But Sister, sometimes I get the idea that it is of an immense importance for people to make out for once, for shure and always that Moz is racist. I agree he has made controversial statements, but I don't believe he is racist. Other people do.

Not that he cares himself anymore about being called racist as so many other people don't care anymore about it being called racist. The term has been exhausted.

If you cannot say anything critical about any religion at all, like Christianity, or Islam, or Judaism without being called racist that will be far more damaging and dangerous, I think.

I know there is a somewhat delusive side about being in favour of a certain artist you admire, but then again, it brings a lot of enjoyment too. If that is the criterion, than I can't have the pleasure anymore about any music or art or whatever. So I take the risk.

If I am deluded, bad luck, on to something else.
I don't want to be a cynical, complaining, bitter old man. (Yes, I know, many want to portray Moz as such, it's really laughable, he has a f***ing great life, believe me) :thumb:

I do think it is simplistic to call Morrissey a racist. And I agree that his love for Baldwin, Angelou, etc. shows a sincere sympathy for the African-American experience. I believe I used the word "racist" to describe some of the hateful trolls on this website, not Morrissey himself. Correct me if I'm wrong.

That being said, I do think he is anti-immigrant and anti-Islamic, and it is right for people to call him out for his reckless statements in support of hateful politicians.

Does that me you shouldn't continue to be a fan? Of course not. But I can't blame the people who can no longer stand by and support Morrissey anymore. That is their right and I respect it. For myself, I will still listen to the music, and maybe go to more shows, and buy the records if they're not crap. But I won't pretend that the things he says are anything less than horribly misguided and offensive.
I do think it is simplistic to call Morrissey a racist. And I agree that his love for Baldwin, Angelou, etc. shows a sincere sympathy for the African-American experience. I believe I used the word "racist" to describe some of the hateful trolls on this website, not Morrissey himself. Correct me if I'm wrong.

That being said, I do think he is anti-immigrant and anti-Islamic, and it is right for people to call him out for his reckless statements in support of hateful politicians.

Does that me you shouldn't continue to be a fan? Of course not. But I can't blame the people who can no longer stand by and support Morrissey anymore. That is their right and I respect it. For myself, I will still listen to the music, and maybe go to more shows, and buy the records if they're not crap. But I won't pretend that the things he says are anything less than horribly misguided and offensive.

'I do think it is simplistic to call Morrissey a racist. And I agree that his love for Baldwin, Angelou, etc. shows a sincere sympathy for the African-American experience.'

ah!, so your planet does show signs of intelligent life after all.


I do think it is simplistic to call Morrissey a racist. And I agree that his love for Baldwin, Angelou, etc. shows a sincere sympathy for the African-American experience. I believe I used the word "racist" to describe some of the hateful trolls on this website, not Morrissey himself. Correct me if I'm wrong.

That being said, I do think he is anti-immigrant and anti-Islamic, and it is right for people to call him out for his reckless statements in support of hateful politicians.

Does that me you shouldn't continue to be a fan? Of course not. But I can't blame the people who can no longer stand by and support Morrissey anymore. That is their right and I respect it. For myself, I will still listen to the music, and maybe go to more shows, and buy the records if they're not crap. But I won't pretend that the things he says are anything less than horribly misguided and offensive.

Not accusing you of anything or it must be you are a nice guy with a strong and well argumented opinion. Nowhere I saw you posting and accusing Moz of being racist.

Although I don't agree with all you say, you come across as honest and open for arguments. As i would like to be too. That in itself is almost a great virtue nowadays.

Sometimes I can empathize with the emotional and sincere fears and dislikes of people being really focused on racism as seeing it as dangerous, hateful and evil. It is as the real racists proved. I mean the nazis.

But the fears of many people regarding a religion that has already so many believers worldwide and has a drive for worlddomination, the Qu'ran is being used by terrorists as their leading light, as they say, is frightening. Not only to me.
There is not many compassion for non believers. Same with other beliefs. But they are not as frightening as such to me.
Not accusing you of anything or it must be you are a nice guy with a strong and well argumented opinion. Nowhere I saw you posting and accusing Moz of being racist.

Although I don't agree with all you say, you come across as honest and open for arguments. As i would like to be too. That in itself is almost a great virtue nowadays.

Sometimes I can empathize with the emotional and sincere fears and dislikes of people being really focused on racism as seeing it as dangerous, hateful and evil. It is as the real racists proved. I mean the nazis.

But the fears of many people regarding a religion that has already so many believers worldwide and has a drive for worlddomination, the Qu'ran is being used by terrorists as their leading light, as they say, is frightening. Not only to me.
There is not many compassion for non believers. Same with other beliefs. But they are not as frightening as such to me.
I get it. If I only knew Muslims from watching movies or TV news, I might be frightened as well. That's why its important to go out and meet people, talk to them, understand our common humanity, etc. Or try this: watch some Muslim stand up comedians. There are some good ones!
I get it. If I only knew Muslims from watching movies or TV news, I might be frightened as well. That's why its important to go out and meet people, talk to them, understand our common humanity, etc. Or try : watch some Muslim stand up comedians. There are some good ones!

I know, there are some really good ones here too!
I live in a city with many people who have an Islamic background so I am not depending on movies or news that is always manipulated.

And I personally never had any negative experience with the people.
It's the religion that apparently seems to be hijacked by people, criminals and murderers, as they claim everything in the holy book is the word of Allah, and everybody who is not a Muslim should be killed or submit themselves to their death cult. By the way, many Muslims were killed by these insane people too cause they considered them to be not real Muslims.

I don't like religions, be it, Christianity, Islam or Judaism.
Not that a secular society is so much better.
The Sovyet society in Russia committed as much crimes as it was the same as a beliefsystem. Or the Nazi regime.
I dislike ideology as it dehumanizes people and denounces the individuality of people. They always have to sacrifice their total lives in the name of something that is so much more important than their life.

I know in the name of Christianity many crimes and murders were committed but in this timeframe nobody is afraid of Christian terrorists who motivate their acts on their holy book and killing everyone, everywhere on the planet. Even other Christians.
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I am so glad I chose to go see The Killers and pass on Morrissey. The new material is very childish and dated and his political views are yesterdays news. Morrissey its time to call it day and hang up your mic.
The Killers always put on a great show, and you don’t have to worry about any dodgy UKIP comments
Well finally got round to watching it. Think its quite impressive to be honest, the new songs suffer from live teething performances (Spend the Day In Bed was far better on Jools Holland), I still maintain Istanbul is a cracking song and the ocvr of Back on The Chain Gang was quite lovely.

Speedway and Jack the Ripper are different class though

Admittedly I am only watching the 40 minute highlights (think and had to fast forward through World Peace)
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Jackie's always happy when she's up on the stage
i make this claim now let me explain
since she lost you
jackie's always...
she's free and the truth of make believe
since she lost you
she is determined to prove how she can fill up her days
of every lost and lonely day
she'll make you believe what you will never believe
since she lost you
Jackie's only jackie when she's..
living bodies are naturally...
since she lost you
every lost and lonely day
i am singing to my lover tonight
sing for blacker than ever before
this country makes me sick
Jackie, cracks when she isn't on stage
see the effects of sexual neglect
no script, no clue, no auto cue
no audience telling her what to do
exit, everybody's heading to exit
everybody running for the exit

With these lyrics in mind, do you see THIS song being about Ms Sinatra ?
Considering previous speculation.......since SHE lost YOU ?
(daddy the drinker, daddy the womaniser, daddy the singer, daddy with friends in dark places.)
Obviously it's NOT about Jackie !
Maybe, but I don't recall it. I remember him complaining about how only black artists were allowed on Top of the Pops (in spite of the fact that they put him on pretty much every time he had a single in the charts).

The thing is Cornflakes, that back when you were a little-baby-flake, from 1972 onwards, Morrissey and Marr were jogging around (in Jeans, looking hard as nails) secretly listening - FOREVER - to Lieber and Stoller, Holland, Dozier, Holland, The Cookies, Twinkle, Cilla Black, The Ronettes. That pattern pretty much continues as well as mentioning the great Sex Pistols and other fantastic black or white artists, male or female.

The thing is Cornflakes, that back when you were a little-baby-flake, from 1972 onwards, Morrissey and Marr were jogging around (in Jeans, looking hard as nails) secretly listening - FOREVER - to Lieber and Stoller, Holland, Dozier, Holland, The Cookies, Twinkle, Cilla Black, The Ronettes. That pattern pretty much continues as well as mentioning the great Sex Pistols and other fantastic black or white artists, male or female.


Morrissey was mainly listening to his mum's records, and I doubt he ever looked even as hard as a paperclip. Not that there's anything wrong with that per se.

Check out his unbridled enthusiasm for Motown and the list of artists he would prefer to listen to in this clip.

Morrissey was mainly listening to his mum's records, and I doubt he ever looked even as hard as a paperclip. Not that there's anything wrong with that per se.

Check out his unbridled enthusiasm for Motown and the list of artists he would prefer to listen to in this clip.

Aww bless. I was on a TV show once with Paul Coia. Nice chap.

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