(Yes, things are a bit quiet at the moment

Yes. ...because that was their debut.
Not a f***ing collective clue on this entire Melvis site.
It's the year of the 35th anniversary of The Smiths' debut, Hatful Of Hollow and 25th anniversary of Vauxhall and I and they're celebrating 24 years of Boy Racer???
Edit: Forgot to mention 15 years since You Are The Quarry was released...
Apology for skimming over your post already submitted.You do realise the debut and Hatful Of Hollow both were released in 1984? The comma is there for a reason.
...if you want to celebrate the halfway point between relevance and the downward elevator - have at it.Don't forget the 10 year anniversary of Years Of Refusal.
Don't forget the 10 year anniversary of Years Of Refusal.
You do realise the debut and Hatful Of Hollow both were released in 1984? The comma is there for a reason.
Don't forget the 10 year anniversary of Years Of Refusal.
Easy to forget that which is not worth remembering.16 February 2009 (UK) & 17 February 2009 (US)...you're too late by >9 months
Pretty sure she mentioned the year, not the actual date of release - so...HOH: released on 12 November 1984 so yr a bit late (15 days)...
HOH: released on 12 November 1984 so yr a bit late (15 days)...
Funny. I just grabbed a vehicle for work. Has a cassette deck. Rocking the Peel Sessions, HOH and TQID, which I dig out from my storage. They all sound sweet!Lol, I actually remember buying that on cassette & playing it to death! Christ how time flies.
Pretty sure she mentioned the year, not the actual date of release - so...
Thanks for being THAT person.
Excellent summation of the state of Morrissey 2019.Ok then lets play the game of diverting racist headlines/attention.
So which musician takes writing credits for this "iconic track" ????????
Answers on a post card please
Congratulations The Boy Racist
Of course things are a bit quiet, people have had enough and moved on but don't worry you can always count on me to keep standing on those fingers.
I sure do! A few interesting, factual tid-bits...No probs at all, any time.
I just love accuracy, don't you? xxx
Always an excuse. That’s just the sound of Melvis.Morrissey sounded full of cold to me during the Southpaw/Maladjusted period. I don't know whether he had sinus problems at the time, or what.