Morrissey offered no kind words after 9/11. But he's quick to call Americans "terrorists"

This from a singer who openly courted nazi skinhead fans at a Madness concert!
Re: This from a singer who openly courted nazi skinhead fans at a Madness concert!

Is that when you got into Morrissey?
Picturing a mob of morons CHEERING Reagan's death is not far off from idiot skinheads
Re: Picturing a mob of morons CHEERING Reagan's death is not far off from idiot skinheads

Is that why you're still here?
Of Morrissey is gonna demonize America I will demonize him. He's easy to demonize.
I can demonize Morrissey: He's cheap, petty, racist, hateful,shallow, fake, greedy
And his head is too big. Keep demonzing the USA Moz. The British courts ruled you a lying cheat.
After Moz was ruled a lying cheat he ran to America.
Probably because some of them are- terrorists- Oklahoma? Waco? shall I go on?
Re: Of Morrissey is gonna demonize America I will demonize him. He's easy to demonize.

Then stop listening to him, moronic idiot.
Re: After Moz was ruled a lying cheat he ran to America.

Excuse me, but The Smiths WERE: Morrissey AND Marr. End of discussion. Joyce is just a bloodsucking idiot.
Re: I can demonize Morrissey: He's cheap, petty, racist, hateful,shallow, fake, greedy

And yet, you're still here, on the Morrissey-solo website, spouting your shit. I hear Rush Limbaugh's got one.
Re: This from a singer who openly courted nazi skinhead fans at a Madness concert!

You evidentally don't read much, do you?
You obviously have no idea what you are talking about: Not all skins are racist: S.H.A.R.P.!
Moz made a Japanese interviewer fly to LA, wait for days, then stood him up. PRIMA DONNA
Moz admitted it in song: "They weren't lies, they weren't lies, they weren't lies"
Oh yeah, Moz claims the judge was "out to get him" HAHAHA No, the judge found that he was unreliable
The prima donna stood up Kilborn too. And is trashing Bowie...why?
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