Morrissey Is A Good Person And Not A Racist, But It's Time To Talk About Britain First


New Member
I don't think Moz is racist. The media does and has made it toxic. But if the purpose is getting stuck in on the side of the working class, then perhaps a cup of tea and a catch-up is in order. Does anyone else feel conflicted about this and wish we could have a tea and vegan toastie while discussing this with Moz? Love the bloke but do think it's time for a good cuppa
and his heart.

I honestly don't care if he's a racist or not. His art is excellent. I don't need to agree with his views.

I do, though.
He’s never supported Britain First

Given the extreme capitalization in the thread title, the OP may not have meant the political party, but the priority of Britain as a subject of discussion when he and Morrissey sit down for tea.
I was reading this article (in the Guardian) earlier:

And thought his particular paragraph could apply to dear ol' Mozzer's choice of pinbadge.

Ryley denied that she or her husband were racist. “I’m not a racist in any form.” She confirmed that her husband had been photographed in a T-shirt from the far-right group Britain First. She said: “I don’t think Chris is a supporter of Britain First, he was just wearing that shirt because it was convenient at the time.”
He seemed perfectly sane and rational in his last interview and made sense to me, not racist. I think he had a rough patch with the Guardian newpaper, and he may of got caught up with some right wing ideology, but if this is really true or not I don't know. He's been stuck in America since his trouble with the court and can't move back to the UK, which is a type of exile, I don't think that helped matters. The media always dig for stories and they forget that Morrissey's topics in his songs aren't always his point of view, and hes got a very strong sense of irony and some of his lyrics could be taken too literally. If he has turned a bit funny its hardly surprising because you only have to to listen to The Smiths and notice people are letting him down and he's got grudges. Also his music is his persona, I have often wondered if part of his key to writing songs comes from his treatment from the press, and if they go hand in hand (in their own sick way). Hes a good person, LA is a odd place to settle when you've grown up in Manchester in the 60s.

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Simple: Moz does not think that For Britain were racist or far right.

I don't know enough about them and my interest in British party politics is very limited, so don't have a strong opinion about it, but 1. I trust Moz's take more than The Guardian's and the like, 2. I know well how easily the press will call anything far right (while they never call anything far left)
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I was reading this article (in the Guardian) earlier:

And thought his particular paragraph could apply to dear ol' Mozzer's choice of pinbadge.

Ryley denied that she or her husband were racist. “I’m not a racist in any form.” She confirmed that her husband had been photographed in a T-shirt from the far-right group Britain First. She said: “I don’t think Chris is a supporter of Britain First, he was just wearing that shirt because it was convenient at the time.”

No, it couldn't.

He was completely clear that he thought For Britain had been smeared. That he was against racism & fascism & it was animal rights that he was supporting.
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Simple: Moz does not think that Britain First were racist or far right.

I don't know enough about them and my interest in British party politics is very limited, so don't have a strong opinion about it, but 1. I trust Moz's take more than The Guardian's and the like, 2. I know well how easily the press will call anything far right (while they never call anything far left)

He's never mentioned that party.
How do you know Morrissey is a good person? Because he can write nice lyrics? (Less so nowadays, mind you)

Agreed, I think that Morrissey’s lyrics are unique because they come from the perspective of someone who realizes they are not a good person.
Agreed, I think that Morrissey’s lyrics are unique because they come from the perspective of someone who realizes they are not a good person.
Well, how do you know he isn't a good person then? Let's face it, none of us really know the man but I find it hard to believe an absolutely terrible human being has written and expressed the lyrics he has and can sing with such pure emotion. Just some thoughts on the matter.
I don't believe he is a Racist with a capital R, however neither do I think he is a 'Good Person'. Like most human beings, he is a mix of good and bad traits, though I've heard enough examples both from other people's experiences and his own statements to suspect I'd find him an insufferable asshole in real life, and would actively cross the road to avoid him. Great singer and songwriter though, which should be all that matters when it comes to artists.
Was thinking of For Britain, edited my post (thanks). Didn't even know about this other party, whatever they're about.
Guess the same happened to OP?


It only matters because For Britain was set up as a far right trojan with the intention of using animal rights, gay rights & feminism to trick voters, whereas Britain First doesn't hide its racism.
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