The only animal Morrissey cares about is himself. A delusional careerist fraud who, hilariously, dedicated his life to becoming 'famous' and has singularly failed. How he must hate those of us who looked on all along raising queries, then alarm bells about this pseud. But karmic justice prevails. He is now an abject laughing stock. But it's still rather sad as he really could have done something useful with his life...
It's amazing that even with his back up against the wall, he still manages to try and divert the blame towards
other people; I know that's the mark of a sociopath but can you ever get used to their haughty kamikaze ways when you're not one? No, never, that's the sad part.
So according to him, people who are disgusted by what he does and says are people who hate him unconditionally anyway. Is that the Norwegian gist of it?Dyrehatere, whatever that means, (dehydrated peeps?) everybody knows that's a persecution fantasy, not the real problem here; the real problem is the person who can't open his mouth without saying something that most people consider hurtful and offensive; The problem here is the person who persistently shows he has a huge disorder, and rejecting him is the healthy option, as he cares about absolutely no animal or human; trying to re-release his album and wasting even more (natural and otherwise) resources on his ego is yet another proof of that.
It's like he skipped the whole socialization phase as an infant. It's more and more likely he spent his childhood chained in a dark cellar. But then at least he's consistent and follows his own crazy path; he can't help himself, fair enough. What I'd like to know is, what do the musicians who have his back and promote every thing he does exactly have in their heads? Is there any pride to be felt in being the minion of a sociopath on the decline? Think of all that was wasted. Take a step back.
And he still tries to get the attention of the person(s) his every move revolts. Even when you think he's done, he'll pick a new name, a picture to let you know he wants your attention, and your disdain, badly. Anybody who doesn' have the same problems he has would recognize this as
really bad f***ed up shit. Trolling is cute for a while but the man is approaching sixty, and yet he still finds people to help him keep this modus operandi alive. In the name of what, exactly? Are you lot completely delusional?
The people who help him do this are utterly pathetic, I've said so before, but they have to hear. Greed has stopped being an excuse. You've all made enough money, you've all capitalized on sickness for far too long.
If it ends in tears, you'll be forced to take a good look at yourselves.
There were good things to be done, yes. None was done. None. Nothing that was expected, given the amount of money, the fame; for animals, humans, the world. You are all part of a huge waste. It was all useless, and harm-inducing, on multiple levels. You should be ashamed, but of course, you're not, because you're all self-serving opportunistst, even if you'd like to think of yourselves as, I don't know. Friendly, popular chaps?
You WON'T be remembered with kindness, bear that in mind. I say this without hate. When this stops, and it will, (as nothing has any impact anymore, and there is no kindness, no generosity and no joy), you just won't be.
Well they will still love you in far-off places, where folks just want to have a good time at a concert with no second thoughts or knowledge or the who why where or when.
Or the waste. since like meat, Music in this instance is just another product. Nobody cares how it was made:
What was that? With what? With... "love"? Dare you say it?
Dare you?