i dont know! i guess i dont really understand because wine doesnt really appeal to me, so the fuss people make over it always seems disproportionate.
i think it comes down to people want to have "nice things" every day, when really they should be seen as a luxury. i mean, im guilty of that because i drink coffee every day (although i dont actually think coffee is very nice; actually it has quite a terrible taste in my opinion) and admittedly got a bit huffy the other day when we didnt have any at work (surely whatever dolt is responsible for supplying coffee would have the foresight to ensure we dont run out?!), which was not very equanimous of me. we start to incorporate these things into a routine or custom, all completely manufactured and arbitrary, to make ourselves feel, i think, less flat, to make us think that we are creatures of refinement, connoisseurs of taste, and that we are fulfilling needs which, when analyzed, really arent needs. like, i really dont need coffee for anything, but ive made up this myth about how it clears my mind fog, and yet on days when i dont have coffee i dont have mind fog, and if anything, coffee makes me irritable. i think that's one of the reasons i like being sick: it's a way to feel filled up, occupied, in your natural state, without looking for outside sources for fulfillment or distraction. i guess you could say im a connoisseur of sickness. i know all the best kinds. i never get sick though. never, never, never. it's tragic. how i wish i were sick in austria right now, like 12"etc!