Morrissey: I'd Kill Donald Trump for the 'Safety of Humanity' - Breitbart, NME, Washington Times

Morrissey: I'd Kill Donald Trump for the 'Safety of Humanity' - Breitbart
British musician Morrissey says if given the chance, he’d kill President Donald Trump to ensure the “safety of humanity.”

Morrissey says he would kill “vermin” Donald Trump “for the safety of humanity” - NME. Link from Rene.

Morrissey supports killing Donald Trump ‘for the safety of humanity’ - The Washington Times. Link
posted by Orson Swells
Singer blames ‘American media’ for having ‘created’ the president in the first place

Related item:
Morrissey: I'd Kill Donald Trump for the 'Safety of Humanity' - Breitbart
British musician Morrissey says if given the chance, he’d kill President Donald Trump to ensure the “safety of humanity.”

Morrissey says he would kill “vermin” Donald Trump “for the safety of humanity” - NME. Link from Rene.

Morrissey supports killing Donald Trump ‘for the safety of humanity’ - The Washington Times. Link
posted by Orson Swells
Singer blames ‘American media’ for having ‘created’ the president in the first place

Related item:

How come no one's outraged at the interviewer for asking the question in the first place?
Oh the confusion of a million Twitter snowflakes. I can hear their brains grinding, trying to make head or tail of these confused politics: 'Morrissey is clearly a racist, but he hates Trump. Not even my media studies degree is gonna help me with this one'!
Oh the confusion of a million Twitter snowflakes. I can hear their brains grinding, trying to make head or tail of these confused politics: 'Morrissey is clearly a racist, but he hates Trump. Not even my media studies degree is gonna help me with this one'!
I'm sorry but there is no confusion. As with his objection to the royal family, he is not smart enough to construct a coherent argument. With the royals he simply hurls personal insults and Trump he opts to press 'the button'.
He's a child.
Yes and Peterb of Nowhere in particular is a grown up and sensible intelligent human being who spends his time on a website dedicated to a child.
Gotta love his politics, just sends the left into meltdown:

- Abhors sexual assault but requests a perspective - MOZ IS A RAPE APOLOGIST OMG
- Down with the monarchy - Ummm yes Moz, but no..????
- Brexit was fantastic for democracy - OMG MORRISSEY IS A RACIST AND XENOPHOBE
- Wants to remove Donald Trump - Woo????? Uhhhh??? Ehhhh
"Morrissey: I'd Kill Donald Trump for the 'Safety of Humanity'"

God, how mainstream :sleeping:
Yes and Peterb of Nowhere in particular is a grown up and sensible intelligent human being who spends his time on a website dedicated to a child.
Now, now Thewlis, there is no need for that.
Just because I am dissing your favourite pop singer I mean no disrespect to you.
Anyway your insults make no sense. I mean, you're here too are you not? Do you spend all your time doing this?
But you do make a good point, why am I here if he is such an imbecile?
A couple of answers come to mind; I enjoy posting but more substantially, I have a lot invested in Moz, I've bought and enjoyed his records over the years and happen to think hes a great artist.
And I am from Barnet which might as well be nowhere and I'll pass on the grown up and sensible bit.
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“Whether they criticise him or laugh at him, he does not care, he just wants to see his picture and his name."
- Morrissey.

Moz sure knows how to get the headlines. But is he not asking for trouble? Surely the CIA or whoever takes any threat (even just verbal) seriously enough?
His comment about Reagan dying (at the Dublin Quarry concert at Dublin Castle) was bad enough and that was about a president who had just died. Making a comment like that about a current president could be playing with fire.
Aww hang on: this is just the 'push the button' comment. Ahh that's fairly harmless.
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I'm sorry but there is no confusion. As with his objection to the royal family, he is not smart enough to construct a coherent argument. With the royals he simply hurls personal insults and Trump he opts to press 'the button'.
He's a child.

Yep. He’s playing silly games. I don’t think the Secret Service take kindly to threats to kill the President, and from a foreign national they probably like it even less. If Morrissey didn’t like US border officers putting their hands on him, imagine how he’ll react when those hands are up him.

I wonder if anyone can remember off the top of their heads the date of the last Bad Korea rocket launch? It seems to predate that time Trump told Lil Kim not to f*** with him and formed a good working relationship with Emperor Xi.

It seems the media and the Twitterati can never quite get it right, be it the Messiah Obama or the Satanic Trump. Neither man could possibly live up (or down) to the hype.
Seeing as the tour rolls into Washington soon me reckons he should jump the white house gates if he's true to his word:thumb:
Moz sure knows how to get the headlines. But is he not asking for trouble? Surely the CIA or whoever takes any threat (even just verbal) seriously enough?
His comment about Reagan dying (at the Dublin Quarry concert at Dublin Castle) was bad enough and that was about a president who had just died. Making a comment like that about a current president could be playing with fire.
Aww hang on: this is just the 'push the button' comment. Ahh that's fairly harmless.

But he was only being polite and responded very honestly, with his heart on his sleeve to a very suggestive, very hypothetical question as the journos know he will and they’d have their quote on Trump as they wished.
Click bait.
Moz doesn’t care about it.
The NME make me sick. Because the NME are full of shit! They reviewed LIHS, gave it a terrible review btw and then the reviewer did a video in which he said that he loved certain tracks! Then they go and post even more bollocks about Morrissey! And then what do they do!? They go and sell a Morrissey t-shirt on their store!

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Seeing as the tour rolls into Washington soon me reckons he should jump the white house gates if he's true to his word:thumb:

is there a button he can push on the other side ?

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