Morrissey Central "MORRISSEY HUNG" (November 25, 2022)


Mountaintop Modern Magazine - scintillating.
Things you find lying around the Doctor's Surgery, eh!?
Radio silence on all Moz Channels for Rebels. It's eery. I hope Capitol / Quest have told SER and Camp Moz to behave.
Born to hang

On the day of my postponed show Moz releases a single and posts this stuff with no mention of aforementioned single. So strange lol (morrissey central doesn't appear to load for me all morning)
There's a strange conflict (almost a sort of cognitive dissonance) between the likes of SER, Dodwell et al believing that Morrissey is world adored, at the peak of his powers, remains centerstage, better than ever etc etc etc - while also believing that any, even accidental, mention of him warrants another press release on Morrissey Central.
I love Moz, but Central posts just feel like this as of late...Surely these types of things would be better suited as facebook posts...
From what I hear, this is the only time you will ever hear "morrissey hung". KnowhatImean

My daughter saw it in person in the splendid bathroom of a suite at the Sunset Marquis, and she says yr wrong (or, your sources are wrong, that is. They're having a laff at u).
Radio silence on all Moz Channels for Rebels. It's eery. I hope Capitol / Quest have told SER and Camp Moz to behave.
MSolo could pick and choose which MCentral posts it wants to put on the main page, rather than complaining about content found. So long as MCentral resists circulating publicity of ill repute, and keeps the main news coming, who cares?
Ewwwww, I hate that picture of him, I think it's from that video I refuse to watch of that song I refuse to listen to
MSolo could pick and choose which MCentral posts it wants to put on the main page, rather than complaining about content found. So long as MCentral resists circulating publicity of ill repute, and keeps the main news coming, who cares?
I don't think this site is going to pick and choose, I think it's the biggest respository of Morrissey information on the internet and continues to work hard to be that, so I think they want all of it. It's like a Moz Museum.

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