Morrissey Central: " IT’S … SOMEWHERE" (November 22nd 2019)


November 22, 2019

Today is the official release date for "It's Over"/"It Happens Every Time" single/45 on BMG.

No sign of the disc as yet here at M-central. Please let us know if one pops up in your local scrap metal merchants. Thank you. -VH


Remind me again ~ do we know who the hell VH is?

Viva Hate?
Vida Hope? :yum:


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Hey. I haven't found this single at my local scrap metal merchants. Just letting you know.

I’m sorry. I’ll have to talk with BMG about this. In the meantime, can I interest you in purchasing a different single?
Day just never arrives
-How about sticking a picture of the shitty single on cartons of milk* ?

* vegan milk substitutes.
I just checked Spillers, they said they’ll have it in ...

VH means vinyl hunter.
They're tryin' to find where the heck this thing is hidin'.
This is one of the few forms of huntin' that The Wild Turkey Community approves of.
I just watched albert finney in Under the Volcano! my god, what a performance!! one of the best i've ever seen! I can see why moz likes him, he seems like just the sort of person moz would like. and as Ive said before, there's something about him that reminds me physically of moz, the way his head is stuck on or something, especially when he was wearing these glasses (which reminded me of the ones moz was pictured wearing a while ago)

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