Morrissey Central: "I Am Not A Dog On A Chain" (November 29, 2019)


Well, it's better than "Swords"...

Now ... you can't tell me that's a natural position for a dog. Has the alleged, supreme animal rights champion posed a dog in an undignified manner to sell tat? Yes, yes he has.

That's right, Morrissey, abuse animals for entertainment. What a f***ing misfire!
Animal cruelty, what you can’t see in this pic is Moz pinning his poor wee paws to the floor with his big fat size 12s and pinching his ears up. I thought he said “only seals perform, Jonathan”
The 'rodeo' promoting photo on It's Over and now this poor dog staged for our entertainment. This isn't animal rights it's animal abuse.
My friends have the exact same terrier. He'll stand or dance like that for treats and he'll smile on request for nothing. Very lively and loyal.
I'd like the album artwork to consist of more photos like this. Each band member would be represented by a dog. I find in general I can tolerate any person when I picture the dog they most resemble.
A portion of the lyrics to the song have been leaked, and I have it on good authority that they are completely accurate if not totally made up:

The press are vampires, sent to drain
Poison pen employers, hold me up to the flames
And what do I get, for being vain?
Endless attempts to besmirch my good name.

Even though I know--I suppose I'll throw
any goodwill I’ve earned away.

Despite all my pain I am not a dog on a chain
Despite all my pain I am not a dog on a chain
If that's the actual cover, I think I'd be wanting to know where the artwork budget went (and why). Surely that's just Sam giving us the benefit of his wit and artistry... isn't it?? :paranoid:
Mind you, I remember thinking exactly the same about LIHS.
Now ... you can't tell me that's a natural position for a dog. Has the alleged, supreme animal rights champion posed a dog in an undignified manner to sell tat? Yes, yes he has.

That's right, Morrissey, abuse animals for entertainment. What a f***ing misfire!
You must be taking the piss with this post eh??
Any chance for a swipe and to vent acid... you have one minute detail that you have forgotten about... THIS SITE IS FOR MORRISSEY FANS... if you’ve nowt to do go push your granny around the park for an hour, you pointless thicko... you should have been aborted at six weeks

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