Morrissey bans owner davidt from concerts for life

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Two separate sources:

Morrissey bans superfan for life - via Toronto Sun
Morrissey Slaps Concert Ban On Website Owner - WENN via ContactMusic

Morrissey has taken extraordinary action against the owner of a fan website by banning him for life from the singer's concerts.

The former The Smiths frontman declared war on after owner David Tseng refused to prevent members from discussing the star's private life or criticizing his career moves.

The singer stepped up his campaign against the forum last month by taking to the stage during a show in England wearing a T-shirt printed with the words: "F**k".

Tseng was shocked when Morrissey's security guards ejected him from a concert in Copenhagen, Denmark on Monday - and now it's emerged the Suedehead hitmaker has banned Tseng from all of his gigs because of his "poisonous" website.

A spokeswoman for the Morrissey tour tells WENN, "Mr Tseng via his poisonous website has caused so much intentional distress to Morrissey and Morrissey's band over the years that Mr Tseng is not welcome at any Morrissey shows."
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Personally I thought I Am Vagitarian was genius. :p It's called HUMOR! Geez.

You are a total stranger directing your mental issues at a person who isn't the figment of your imagination that you've molded him into in your own mind, and he does not communicate with you via your imaginary friend in the sky. Does it feel good to continue trying to get attention on this site when you've been soundly rejected in every possible way? Please do what you said you were going to do and realize you've been a fool, shut off the computer, and stop being part of the problem on this site. Go back to Steve Martin and bother him some more or something.
You are a total stranger directing your mental issues at a person who isn't the figment of your imagination that you've molded him into in your own mind, and he does not communicate with you via your imaginary friend in the sky. Does it feel good to continue trying to get attention on this site when you've been soundly rejected in every possible way? Please do what you said you were going to do and realize you've been a fool, shut off the computer, and stop being part of the problem on this site. Go back to Steve Martin and bother him some more or something.

Anonymous wants to play hardball.
Like Dave Tsweng this site is f*****y, close it down. Love and kisses the Wong Boy. Wong Boy, haha, see what I did there? f*** YOU MORRISSEY SO-LOW you suck skin flutes. Viva Morrissey and well done for banning this pseudo fanboy.
"Big Mozzer is watching." Pretty ridiculous. As a true artist, Morrissey should know all about the importance of freedom of speech. I guess some people don't have that right, if they aren't Yes Men, hangers on, lackeys, or cronies. Sorry, David.
Maybe there should be a setting where all Anonymous postings would remove. then the civilized of us here (registered) might communicate more clearly. and another setting for only anonymous postings, if just to read and wonder and laugh and move on.
On one hand, Morrissey needs to ignore the internet and realize that the pure shit that often spills from it isn't worth taking serious. Basically he should get a grip and move on.

But on the other hand, what passes for "freedom of speech" on this site is often hateful and abusive to both Morrissey and some of the other posters, and shouldn't be labled OK just because someone has the "right" to say it. I see no reason why anyone should be prevented from sharing their opinions and views, but the problem seems to be with how people choose to go about it and with how they interact with those who might oppose them.

I don't like that Morrissey has banned David from attending shows; in the end it just makes him (M) look like a childish drama queen. Still, a little tweaking around here (ie: disabling of anonymous postings) could have prevented some of the damage.
A UK-based lawyer writes: the lack of understanding as to whether or not a concert constitutes a private or public event amply demonstrates the level of sheer ignorance that pervades this site (for the record, Tseng has no redress or remedy under British, American or even Danish law). Furthermore, if SPM and his band were not public figures, the deliberate, sustained and extensive campaign of public vilification conducted on this website would unequivocally fall foul of the new laws against electronic harrassment (the so-called "internet stalking" laws). If SPM were a commercial brand, there have been numerous instances over the past couple of years where the comments published on this site would constitute criminal libel. Leaving aside the fact that this website advertises itself as a fansite, there are posters here who appear content to perpetuate such a campaign (which, I stress, would result in civil and criminal trials in any other context or circumstance) while naively pleading freedom of speech and attacking SPM's ethics for audaciously daring to retaliate. Frankly, this is an astonishing and indefensible level of hypocrisy.

What if some enterprising soul were to set up "" and posted photos and video footage of Tseng, his home address, family details and daily itinerary, and offered a bounty of $50,000 for his murder? Would that be acceptable because it's simply free speech? No, it wouldn't because it contravenes the law - and free speech absolutely must operate within the boundaries of the law. And before you start claiming that some laws are bigger than others, well that's no argument, I'm afraid: you're either breaking the law or you're not. Advocating the detention and annihilation of Jews would surely constitute freedom of speech under the sub-high school-level definition of the principle which appears to operate on this site; and presumably those Jews who don't board the trains voluntarily and instead speak out against persecution are "fascists" and "enemies of free speech"..?

Whether Tseng decides to close the site or not is irrelevant: the damage has been done and this website is already dead in the water; just a few rabid rats left fighting it out between themselves, and I'm not hanging around to join them.

What nonsense. As a Barrister myself - and one with a few quid in the bank - I will gladly find David Tseng a legal eagle, pay for it and win him some money. That's a promise.

A couple of issues for the hard of thinking: even at a private event, you can sue if you're denied a service you have paid for. If the INTENTION of Morrissey to charge David and ban him from entering the gig can be proven, Morrissey can be sued for even more.

Now grow up, you internet stalker.
Oh Mozza, has fame destroyed your kindness or was it ever there?

I call for a change of name.! The REAL hero of the Smiths and the member who actually cares about his fans.

I guess that particular anonymous got bored with you. You're not interesting enough to actually engage in conversation. Seems like all of the posters left here are the dregs.

Do these "dregs" include you? Because it seems like the logic of your heightened awareness of the way things work is defeated by the fact you felt obligated to log in anonymously to spread your enlightenment. :straightface: Get a life.
I read many of the comments here and realise it must be in our natures to constantly bicker and fight. I think many of us need to grow up and stop acting like f***ing kids (which is actually an insult to kids!).

Good on Davidt for sticking up for freedom of speech (and shame on Morrissey for trying to suppress it) but I think this site could do with a bit of moderation. It's getting tiring having to wade through all the shit to get to the decent posts...
So this episode is "proof" that Morrissey hates his fans? So why then would he have bothered to issue the statement when Mel died?

There is one issue only at the heart of this: is it fair or is it hypocritical to suggest that we can say and do whatever we like, but Morrissey can't?
I read many of the comments here and realise it must be in our natures to constantly bicker and fight. I think many of us need to grow up and stop acting like f***ing kids (which is actually an insult to kids!).

Good on Davidt for sticking up for freedom of speech (and shame on Morrissey for trying to suppress it) but I think this site could do with a bit of moderation. It's getting tiring having to wade through all the shit to get to the decent posts...

^^ agreed re moderation, but i think its too late as the damage has been done - if any of the other moz sites can get the same news news stories just as quickly then theres no reason for any fan to ever come back here . and if davidt is to be praised for sticking up for freedom of speech then that absolutely includes moz's right to say what he thinks of so low and to kick anyone out of his gigs.
this is unbelievable! how can he treat a fan, someone who has contributed to his stardom, with such disrespect? i'm really shocked...i used to really admire morrissey.
i'd put my name, but i don't want to be banned from any concerts. smh -__-
"it must be in our natures to constantly bicker and fight"

It's also in the nature of fans to want to copy their idol - in this case making pithy written ripostes. However, when you lack the requisite intelligence, wit, eloquence and style, these ripostes often come across as ignorant outbursts.
What nonsense. As a Barrister myself - and one with a few quid in the bank ... QUOTE]

Oh, here we go - back to the old "I'm a barrister/work in the music industry/work in publishing/record companies..." trick which is only ever employed to try to present a sense of false authority. LOL. No genuine legal eagle would bother to intervene in this kind of trite internet bickering (nor boast about earnings!!!), plus anyone with a brain knows that by buying a ticket you accept and agree to the terms & conditions. But yeah, you just try and sue artist or management for throwing out davidt, that'll be f***ing hilarious.

Maybe david should change the name of the site to and you'll promise to post all the updates here, yeah? haha.
"it must be in our natures to constantly bicker and fight"

It's also in the nature of fans to want to copy their idol - in this case making pithy written ripostes. However, when you lack the requisite intelligence, wit, eloquence and style, these ripostes often come across as ignorant outbursts.

So when Morrissey wished George Bush died instead of Ronald Regal that was intelligence, wit, eloquence and style?

I do agree that those things are usually missing here but Morrissey doesn't excel in these areas like he used to. In the 80's when he trashed someone there was something really funny about it. Now he's more blunt and in turn the quips sound more authentic and that makes it harder to laugh about them.
im sorry to say but its time to GET OFF THE STAGE!

crazy old coot bites the hand that would have been long forgotten if it wasn't for David Tseng's dedication to you all these silly old man!

I've only just realised that this site is not for Morrissey fans. It's for anything BUT. No wonder Morrissey is so distraught by things that have been said on here.

I, for one, am leaving this site and never coming back.
I've only just realised that this site is not for Morrissey fans. It's for anything BUT. No wonder Morrissey is so distraught by things that have been said on here.

I, for one, am leaving this site and never coming back.

I come here, but only for updates and articles. The nastiness here is just revolting.

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