Morrissey Central "MORRISSEY AND SIOUXSIE" (December 20, 2023)


December 20, 2023
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Morrissey and Siouxsie's duet 'Interlude', the 12-inch disc will soon be re-issued on limited gold vinyl. Watch this space for dates. The disc is pressed on the Roulette label by Warner (London), and it was originally released by Parlophone, reaching number 25. There was no video for this recording, no television appearances, and no photo sessions.



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I doubt she could stop the release- the rights have been bought and paid for by the labels, but she could raise a stink in protest and encourage people not to buy it if she doesn't want to be associated with the re-release - as Moz has done with Smiths compilations in the past- done without permission or input.

Moz was none too complimentary about the recording experience in the autobio and all but accused her of being difficult and sabotaging a successful release. That could be enough to warrant Siouxsie disowning the re-release. And I'd understand that decision, much as I'd be saddened. It's one of my favorite tracks either of them has made.
Well she hasn't said anything and I doubt she will. Plus no one is really going to give a shit if she does. It's not even her song or his for that matter.
"Steve Wright … thank you for playing everything from 'Panic' to 'Wedding Bell Blues' … and, in between, Patti Smith, and also Grumpy And The Banshees. We heard. We listened. You did your best. Thank you!"

- Morrissey.
So your still buzzing at seeing him in Oz i get that, it might take a while before you are able to see the wood for the trees me thinks
When is that? When I sell all my records and denounce him but continue to visit here to troll this site? If you bother to read my posts Im always balanced with praise and criticism. I see the trees clearly.

Do you really think Morrissey called up EMI and asked them to flog this disc so he could make a fortune?
Agreed. I don't think it's overly likely that she will, but she could.
Now a brave move would've been rereleasing Interlude with the British bulldog on the sleeve like Morrissey initially wanted but he has nothing to do with this release, hence no control.
he did at least give her a choice, between Interlude or Happy (?) if memory serves.

Geez, that Happy seems especially unsuitable! The other choices were Loneliness Remembers What Happiness Forgets and Morning Starship, both of which he later covered well. I highly doubt that Siouxsie appreciated that most of the songs were associated with other women, and her own music never seemed to me to be nostalgic for pop of the sixties, so I think a Bowie cover as she suggested would have been better.
Now a brave move would've been rereleasing Interlude with the British bulldog on the sleeve like Morrissey initially wanted but he has nothing to do with this release, hence no control.

In his autobiography he denied the story that she told (about the bulldog) & was upset that she seemed to be contributing to the racist myths about him.
This later documentary about Roger Mayne's photos of Southam Street includes clips of an interview with the cover star, identified at 4:57 as Eileen Waller - the 'Girl Jiving' photo appears at 11:40.

Rapture was the Siouxsie album around the Interlude release, I quite liked. "Oh Baby" and "Stargazer" had some 90s Morrissey vibes, IMHO.

Golden shirt/jacket and quiff...
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I bought it the day it came out, loved it then and love it now but f*** off Morrissey for trying to make money you dont need by selling it again who cares about this ffs ? i hope you see this f*** off wanker !
calm down alfie,its four days till christmas dont want you to end up in accident and emergency with a nervous breakdown.
Come on, it's the good old times. Nothing wrong with the class of 94 when we were all younger and less critical.
??? I was not being sarcastic. It really would be great if for once things would go smoothly and he gets this publication out there. It's not a new song, but it's better than nothing. In recent times with Central's or M's habit to act hastily we can't be sure, if the announcement was ok'd though. But with FWD's background knowledge it seems to be OK.
I bought it the day it came out, loved it then and love it now but f*** off Morrissey for trying to make money you dont need by selling it again who cares about this ffs ? i hope you see this f*** off wanker !
I can't tell if this is a serious response or not. Personally, while not a favorite single... if this is for RSD as FWD suggests then we're talking a one-time pressing of a few thousand copies. What's the harm? More of a collector's item than anything.
??? I was not being sarcastic. It really would be great if for once things would go smoothly and he gets this publication out there. It's not a new song, but it's better than nothing. In recent times with Central's or M's habit to act hastily we can't be sure, if the announcement was ok'd though. But with FWD's background knowledge it seems to be OK.
It wasn't meant to be critical of you. It is almost assumed that there could be problems and misunderstandings in connection with the "30 years of Vauxhall" celebrations (We trust you to wreck it). The year 1994 is a sacred number in the fan cosmos of those who don't have to travel to Australia today to show their boundless affection in the front row at every concert (he plays). His music and lyrics were magical in 1994 and he was absolutely adorable. WE were uncritical, because even without the internet, we should have noticed that "Hold on to your friend" and "Interlude" didn't get a video and that there was no tour or USA concerts were canceled. If he now performs Vauxhall with the current band, he really doesn't care. It was always about Alain, Boz, Gary, Spencer, Woodie or Jonny too. I think he underestimates that to this day.
Woodie himself: "I think Morrissey had reached a new songwriting high (with Boz Boorer and Alain Whyte), was happy (honestly!) and singing so well - there were a great band of musicians and engineers involved in making this something really special."
Still have my beautiful original 12" copy.
So will I be an idiot and get this new release ? Probably.
Loved the original release but there was absolutely nothing extra on there.
An extended version of Interlude and an instrumental version.

I imagine the new release containing the same.

I'm sure Boz produced and the credit read Martin Boorer.
Still have my beautiful original 12" copy.
So will I be an idiot and get this new release ? Probably.
Loved the original release but there was absolutely nothing extra on there.
An extended version of Interlude and an instrumental version.

I imagine the new release containing the same.

I'm sure Boz produced and the credit read Martin Boorer.
What he said^^

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