Morrissey A-Z: "Shame Is the Name"


Well-Known Member

Today's song is this Morrissey/Whyte composition, originally a B-side to "I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris" and also included on the Swords compilation.

What do we think?
Lamentably, few people "write home' these days. Should they, I doubt many would be writing home to inform their nearest and dearest of their adoration for Shame Is The Name - certailnly not with a 1st class stamp. It's fine, but it is a little too colour-by-numbers for me - not one I can rapturously throw my arms around.
[Unrelated to this song, so apologies, but: I'm off on holiday for 12 days from Tuesday and will be completely offline for that time. Are people OK to take a break from these A-Z entries, or does somebody else want to keep it going while I'm away? Happy either way!]
[Unrelated to this song, so apologies, but: I'm off on holiday for 12 days from Tuesday and will be completely offline for that time. Are people OK to take a break from these A-Z entries, or does somebody else want to keep it going while I'm away? Happy either way!]
Think about what you’ve typed. :crazy:
Now crack on and have a wonderful time 🥰

The song, back to that: very good. Should have got a live outing 🚬
[Unrelated to this song, so apologies, but: I'm off on holiday for 12 days from Tuesday and will be completely offline for that time. Are people OK to take a break from these A-Z entries, or does somebody else want to keep it going while I'm away? Happy either way!]
enjoy yourself bookish,you have done well so far,good to get a wee break from the a-z as well,enjoy.
i like everything from swords,could be an origin story for teenage dad on the estate,not a fan of the mix,too much going on,voice is good on this.
7 shames/10 names.
One of the best Swords tracks, enlivened with Chrissie’s backing vocals and a strong, piano-led tune to boot. While it sounds quite removed from the Refusal sessions, its unwillingness to concede into the default Ringleader stodge rock template makes this one stand out even more. A good vocal from Moz additionally makes the arrangement soar in places. It’s just the lack of real development (and, arguably, a more memorable chorus) that holds this one back, as, by the track’s end, fatigue of hearing “shame is the name” sung again settles in fast.
A strong vocal melody here which partly overcomes the patchy backing track. There are moments of musical prettiness, but it's a long way from Alain's finest contribution.

The lyrics aren't exactly a career highlight for Morrissey, either.

Chrissie Hynde is desperately underused (again), but I guess we will return to that theme in a day or two.

In the poll on the Hoffman board this ranked 76th from 264 solo songs.
It’s pretty good.
I really enjoy this one! It's a long way from being a classic and it goes on for 30 seconds too long but for a lightweight exploration of the concept of shame it's pretty catchy and it skips past the more chugging efforts of this era.
[Unrelated to this song, so apologies, but: I'm off on holiday for 12 days from Tuesday and will be completely offline for that time. Are people OK to take a break from these A-Z entries, or does somebody else want to keep it going while I'm away? Happy either way!]
Since you are not only posting the songs with an incredible discipline and regularit, but also an active participant in the discussion, I’d suggest to take a break. Wishing you an enjoyable holiday too.
It’s okay, and nice to hear now and then, but not much more.
@BookishBoy Enjoy yourself! 🙌🏻
[Unrelated to this song, so apologies, but: I'm off on holiday for 12 days from Tuesday and will be completely offline for that time. Are people OK to take a break from these A-Z entries, or does somebody else want to keep it going while I'm away? Happy either way!]
You've done an outstanding job here Bookish. I'm happy to wait until you're back.

As for the song, musically it is cornpaste.

Lyrically it's underdeveloped.

This is the review for far too many post-Vauxhall songs.
[Unrelated to this song, so apologies, but: I'm off on holiday for 12 days from Tuesday and will be completely offline for that time. Are people OK to take a break from these A-Z entries, or does somebody else want to keep it going while I'm away? Happy either way!]
Have a great break, Bookish, and enjoy your rest: you certainly deserve it! :p
As these A-Zs are being added to links in the wiki, we will wait - the consistency is appreciated.
So, no, other efforts are not required.
Enjoy your holiday.
My feelings about this song are echoed by a bunch here. I think it’s a fine song but I do find something in the mix or production a bit off putting and it for sure needed a better chorus but it works fine for what it is. It’s so really enjoy the subject matter
Really like this one from Swords.
Powerful drums courtesy of Matt W, tinkling piano (Manning), lovely booming bass (Solomon W), & the slicing & shimmering guitar work courtesy of Jesse T, I assume. Great vocals from Moz. A great little rocker of a track which is never, ever skipped.

Interesting note from PJLM:
"Note: the sample at the beginning of the song is in French: "Salaud Mauricet, dégueulasse, tes jours sont comptés Mauricet... Il va t'arriver du mouron Mauricet!", which roughly translates to "Bastard Mauricet, disgusting, your days are numbered Mauricet... something fatal will happen to you Mauricet!". The 't' at the end of 'Mauricet' is silent and therefore the name sounds like 'Morrissey' to the English ear. The sample was lifted from the 1959 film "Les 400 coups" ("The 400 Blows")."

Très intéressant en effet.
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