Er, no. It's a really nasty piece of work.
" I found myself thinking he was a mix of Edith Piaf, Matt Monro and the late Tory MP Alan Clark."
Being compared to Alan Clark is not very 'nice'. It's actually a bit below the belt given that politicians notorious outbursts on 'sensitive topics' such as race relations. And he was a mass philanderer, so what's the link to Morrissey? Other than cantankerous outbursts and inability to self-edit before putting foot-in-mouth....Both have/had an entitlement agenda regarding media deference and coverage, but in Clark's case it was based on inheriting a Kent castle and wallowing in privilege inherited -rather than the privilege Morrissey accrues from his pop culture earnings from honest toil. It really isn't very 'nice' as a comparison at all, unless I'm el plotto losto and have missed something? The UKIP Nigel Farage car-crash interview Moz gave? Still a totally unfair link to nasty types who still refer to 'Bongo Bong Land' and think it's ok.
After being compared to Jeremy Clarkson, I'm sure Moz will be absolutely delighted by this 'nice' review. NOT! Of course, the author might just be a bit thick and didn't realise how 'inappropriate' such a link is. It's a vile thing to say and far more damaging than the Telegraph dismissal as it's covert and below the radar. Those 'in the know' will immediately raise an eyebrow at the comparison to The Rt Hon Alan Clark. Any sub-editor at the Grauniad should have picked this howler up and removed it. Possibly left in as a depth-charge. The conspiracy continues!!!
"Racist comments from Clark about Britain's black community result in a press outrage"
If Moz gets out of bed the wrong side, The Guardian can expect a fuming Letter Before Action for this one, even if that's pointless compliance with the gangster legal codes used by House of Fraudz types like Alan Clark. Or they can explain how and in what way Morrissey can be fairly compared to the deceased crackpot Clark.
So, in writing this, am I 'trolling' or pointing out something very sinister or very stupid?
"then you will see the glass, hidden in the grass"