Morrissey’s friendship with Viv Nicholson mentioned in podcast

BBC World Service - Witness programme podcast: "Spend, Spend, Spend" - The Miner's Wife Who Won Big

Mention of Viv and Morrissey’s friendship at 7:45 mins.

Witness podcast description:
In 1961, Viv Nicholson became a household name in Britain when she and her husband scooped a massive win on the football pools. Asked what she would do with the money, Nicholson famously replied "Spend, Spend, Spend" and the tabloids followed her closely over the next few years as she spent the winnings on the high life. Viv Nicholson's story later became a successful West End musical and stage play. Simon Watts talks to her son, Howard Nicholson, author of "You Don't Know Viv".

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