Mobile phone found 23rd/12th Gmex

Sleepy lifeguard

The sanest days are mad!
Hello all I have found a mobile phone on the floor as I left the gig last night, if you know who it might belong to please PM me. I willl begin to ring the contacts on the phone tomorrow morning as a last resort. Cheers G
very nice of you
sorry tgat im c,ogging upthis thread with worthless sentimentality, but i just think most ppl wouldnt bother and this is v kind of you ;) xx
I'll join the list of others and say that is very nice of you and I appreciate your actions.
yes nice one.. that phone will be priceless to someone- photos, texts and addresses. hope it finds the rightfull owner..
Thanks for your kind comments, arrangements being made for return of phone to owner. Cheers G
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