I haven't seen The Girl on a Bicycle, but she's also in Kenneth Anger's curious occult short film Lucifer Rising (1972). The soundtrack was originally supposed to have been by Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, but Anger found him too drug-addled, so he contracted Bobby Beausoleil of the Manson family, who ended up recording it from prison. It's a wonderful psychedelic tapestry by Beausoleil, and superior to Page's soundtrack work on the Charles Bronson movie Death Wish.
Marianne Faithfull enters in the Stonehenge portion at 14:40. Donald Cammell (director of Performance) is in it as Osiris in the first, Egyptian portion.
Marianne Faithfull, RIP "This is the evening of the day … my very first purchased disc, Come And Stay With Me … years later, sitting on her bed in Brussels … hearing her version of Dear God, Please Help Me … she said 'Lou Reed told me to cover it' … her music brought us all closer … the girl to...
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