"Low In High School" enters at #5 in UK album charts

Well, it’s come in at #5. Rather disappointing. I have to believe that if Moz weren’t constantly saying inflammatory comments, it would’ve done better. His sexual assault comments have been everywhere, and if people dove into the interview to see the context, they’d also have encountered his Berlin “rape capital” stuff. Perhaps someone who knows more about by the charts, sales, and all that could find a better explanation or analysis than I.

Excerpt from officialcharts.com article:

Morrissey picks up his 13th Top 10 record with Low in High School at Number 5. Low in High School was also the best-selling on vinyl and cassette this week.

Posted by SCL:

Now, official numbers for Low inHigh School:

No.5 UK Albums Chart: 25,728 copies sold
Nº1 UK Vinyl Albums Chart: vinyl 6,766

* World Peace. . . sold 18,762 during its 1st week
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Andy, watch, I will now connect you with the facts:

Morrissey LIHS No.5 UK Albums Chart: 25,728 copies sold

Spirit debuted at number five on the UK Albums Chart, selling 23,658 units in its first week. (Depeche Mode)...
Hamburg Demonstrations (2 December 2016) UK No. 61 (P. Doherty)...
Night Thoughts, Suede, released on 22 January 2016, UK N0. 6 ...
Adrenalin Baby, Johnny Marr, released on 9 October 2015, It peaked at #96 in UK Albums Chart ...
Strange Little Birds, Garbage, released on June 10, 2016, debuted at number 17 on the UK Albums Chart with 5,293 copies sold on its first week...
4:13 Dream
is the thirteenth studio album by English rock band The Cure. It was released on 27 October 2008, UK N0. 33...
The Platinum Collection is a compilation album by David Bowie, released in 2005 (DB is 58 years old), UK No. 53...

Man! That is going to hurt him/them! You may as well have dropped a nuke on their heads! :D
The Boy From Manchester Who Wouldn’t Sell

What a disappointment for Steven. BMG tried their best. Unfortunately, no amount of promotion will make up for shite music and preposterous lyrics.

Cheerio Steven xx
Cheerio back to your Donny Osmond cassette collection. You are nobody's nothing.
Well, it’s come in at #5. Rather disappointing.

Only if you are determined that it be disappointing and want it to do badly. #5 is not disappointing, unless you're Taylor Swift. Consider how many artists never make top 10 or even any chart, of anything, ever. Also, compare Morrissey's chart performance with that of other artists of comparable stature and longevity - he probably does a lot better in the charts. When Tom Waits or Bob Dylan or someone like that puts a new album out, do people look at its chart performance and go "oh, rather disappointing"? Of course not. I'll grant you that Morrissey himself is fixated on an outdated notion of charts and singles, sure, but nonetheless it's just not the main/only criterion for judging the success of an artist or album. Unless you're gunning for that artist and WANT to see them fail, in which case that is the frame you will put on everything they do. It's absolutely stupid to consider #5 in the charts a disappointment or failure, and it just reeks of wanting to see him fail.
Your opinion, album sales tell a different story, 4 albums, 2 platinum, 1 gold and her latest straight in at number 1.

No they don't. Steps debut album was certified platinum 5 times over. Does that mean its the 90s version of Dark Side of The Moon?

By August 1998, Steps continued to build momentum with their third single "One for Sorrow" which peaked at number 2, and began an unbroken chain of 14 consecutive Top 5 hits on the UK singles chart. Steps' singles success translated into album sales, with their debut album Step One entering the chart at number 2. It was certified 5x Platinum following a run of 50 weeks in the Top 20.
Andy, watch, I will now connect you with the facts:

Morrissey LIHS No.5 UK Albums Chart: 25,728 copies sold

Spirit debuted at number five on the UK Albums Chart, selling 23,658 units in its first week. (Depeche Mode)...
Hamburg Demonstrations (2 December 2016) UK No. 61 (P. Doherty)...
Night Thoughts, Suede, released on 22 January 2016, UK N0. 6 ...
Adrenalin Baby, Johnny Marr, released on 9 October 2015, It peaked at #96 in UK Albums Chart ...
Strange Little Birds, Garbage, released on June 10, 2016, debuted at number 17 on the UK Albums Chart with 5,293 copies sold on its first week...
4:13 Dream
is the thirteenth studio album by English rock band The Cure. It was released on 27 October 2008, UK N0. 33...
The Platinum Collection is a compilation album by David Bowie, released in 2005 (DB is 58 years old), UK No. 53...

Interesting comparison especially Depeche Mode, whose Spirit album was pretty good imo and arena shows are nearly full to capacity. I should know I was there in Birmingham last week. On a Sunday. I would say Morrissey has a similar stature to Depeche Mode in the UK nowadays and these figures back it up
Oh Morrissey, please look at the sales numbers and not the meaningless ranking in front of it - please don't say something silly, we'd really love another album with BMG!

What we don't know is how many sales BMG need to make it worth their while. And, more importantly, what they reckon the next one will sell. Also, it's worldwide sales that are important.
What we don't know is how many sales BMG need to make it worth their while. And, more importantly, what they reckon the next one will sell. Also, it's worldwide sales that are important.
Do you know where we can find the sales numbers?
Number 5 seems very solid considering how long Morrissey has been around. After all, when you think about Morrissey's contemporaries, there are very few who can still achieve that. Paul Weller's and Madness's latest albums also hit number 5 I believe, but people like Elvis Costello, Chrissie Hynde etc. (who I have a huge amount of respect for) can only dream of that level of chart success.
Congrats Morrissey with another first week top 5 inthe UK alum charts, with all the hate, and put down from lots of media [there were good revieuws] attention which was not about the album but personal issues concerning Morrissey

I think the 2nd week it still can be in the top 10 UK album charts

Have a nice weekend and enjoy Low in High School or other albums from Morrissey, the Smiths or others

the others-this is for the poor
25k in first week is not bad at all. It could have been no.1 in almost other week this year in UK. Actually I was quite surprised by the date it was released, never a Moz album came out just a month or so, before Xmas. However I expect it now to fall outside the Top 20 next week, something that is nothing new for him, even with his stronger albums. That's the real problem, it won't add many other copies to that figure.
I don't think it's a coincidence that many people have noted Home Is A Question Mark is one of best songs on the album, and this song has been in the making for a long time since it's referenced in Goddard's Mozepedia.

What separates Home from most of the other songs is that it is not polarizing or endlessly trying to convince me of something. It's a soft, well-written song with a nice melody with lyrics that most people can relate to, or have related to at one point in their life. And that touches them.

Had the majority of songs been like Home I think our Mozzer would have charter higher, which in itself doesn't mean anything, except you are touching and impacting a greater portion of the population.
I guess if that were true then that would be the case, but we'll never know and can you see that many people buying multiple copies in the day and age of purchasing music?

Oh a small baby girl cradled in your arms
Your one big contribution
We'll never know, we'll never know
We'll never know, we'll never know
Wonder what chart placing it would have achieved if everyone had purchased only one copy? Moz absolutely takes the piss with all these multiple releases. I know you are not forced to buy them all but he knows very well that there are fans that will buy every version to complete the set.
Some crankfrauds on this 'fan' site would like that. Useless tossers.

There is no such a word/term as "Crankfrauds" plural you fool.
The word CrankFraud is singular and was created especially to describe the cheeseatarian, wool and cashmere wearing, former lead singer of The Smiths.
Please remember this in future and only use the term in its proper context.

Both my parents were refugees from the second World War. I would have never thought English people would have fallen for a lot of the fear-mongering rhetoric about immigrants or Muslims or whatever made them to vote to leave Brexit. I think they made a big mistake.

Let me just say that my father was from Ukraine and by mother from Poland and they never felt that they were a danger to anyone.

It is sad to think your parents were born in a place and at a time where the fault line of two defining political ideologies of the twentieth century clashed, so to somehow point the finger at the English,” by which hopefully you mean “the British”, for sheltering them seems a little unfair.

Brexit was a decision to leave a protectionist cartel and revert to the way every other nation on the face of the earth operates. To portray it as turning away from the world is a favourite remainer canard. In reality it will see the UK embracing the world.

My Brazilian friends ask me why I voted to leave. I reply “What would the Brazilian people do if their laws were created in Buenos Aires and their justice system decided upon in Ascuncion?”

Their answer is nearly always variations on a theme of “Riot.”

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