I know you're hurting. I feel your pain. And I know Morrissey's hurting and in a very bad place at the moment. But that's how karmic waves roll.....
I feel compassion for you, Maurice. I hope that clinging to random bits of sales data helps you get through this. Here's another one to comfort you. In the Amazon UK album chart, which is updated hourly, LIHS is now at #77, sandwiched between Aled Jones & Sir Michael Parkinson. Now, it's possible that being sandwiched between those two is a fantasy for Morrissey but I very much doubt it! Not on the second week of his album's release in the UK where he is supposedly a 'legend' and an 'icon'. He is no such thing. He is a silly troll and so are you!
#Cashmeregate has been an absolute success as was #Cheesegate. Wiser observers will note the absence of any ridiculous 'animal rights' song on this shamefully bad album. The media is currently run by idiots who thought Morrissey's 'vegetarianism' was 'radical'. Facing up to the con that 'Meat Is Murder' represents would require those fools to admit they got it wrong for the last 35 years. Once they are replaced by a new cadre and Morrissey pops his clogs he will be unceremoniously debunked as a charlatan Crank-Fraud and this site will be a testament to the fact that I called him out on his bullshit long before Herd Culture caught on. They are finally waking up to the horror that is Morrissey but they were 'triggered' by his ludicrous attempts to weaponise child abuse and sexual harassment as part of his 'publicity troll arsenal'. He is dead in the water....all that remains is The Cult and the remaining casual punters who haven't ticked him of their gig bucket list. He has absolutely failed to connect with the emerging streaming audience worldwide. His music isn't represented as 'popular' on any of those platforms. In other words he is now a relic, a has-been, a historical curiosity.
Let's wait and see how the sales figures for LIHS vs WPINOYB look in a year's time. And let's factor in the money spent by BMG to push his ugly mug before the 'clueless consumers' he despises yet expects them to turn up and pay for his 5* hotel/asylum lifestyle.
f*** Morrissey!
Low In High School? #FlopNotBop
Let the record show that #Cheesegate was a massive success as it forced Morrissey to claim he was 'vegan' for PR purposes whilst still endorsing the sale of torture/slaughter animal foods at his gigs. You might one to click on this article to realise just how problematic Morrissey is considered to be by genuine animal abolitionists....
Mission accomplished....
After 30+ Years, Morrissey Goes Vegan But Calls Veganism “Purist”