Morrissey Central "LIFE IS NOW … IF YOU WANT IT" (August 9, 2023)











Uncredited mock-up records & 1st montage - Ironbridge.
Uncredited 2nd montage and WMTWD center sticker - Victor Esparza.
Like I've said before is that many of us, fans or ex-fans could have easily written Notre Dame and that is problematic. One reason why I've never appreciated or respected rap music is because in my mind, there is no separation in talent between the audience and the guy on the stage just rhyming and not singing any type of melody. Morrissey used to be a lyrical genius and he seems to have been in a writing decline for several years now. Maybe artists are only capable of so many great songs. He had an amazing run. I would say from 1984 to 1994, he could do no wrong. His career was perfect. He was still good after that but those 10 years were untouchable.
You think random audience members could write Nas’ ‘One Mic’? Or The Notorious B.I.G’s “You’re Nobody Til Somebody Kills You’? Either you have ridiculously high expectations of people or your understanding of good, well-written rap lyrics is non-existent. Man, such an unnecessarily ignorant thing to say.
Just ignore him entirely and he'll go away. Giving him any feedback at all only feeds the beast. He comes here and hangs around to get a REACTION. He gets off when he can push people's buttons and watch them get triggered. If no one responded to a thing he posted on here for weeks on end, I bet ya he'd go away. Put him on mute or pretend he doesn't exist. Don't let the negative comments bother you. Just think about how sad his life must be.
I understand your point. But I don‘t think any tactic helps because he is a far left wing hater who has a poor life and which would be much poorer without Morrissey.
Damn, I got excited for a second because I thought that was an actual record to be released in the first picture. I can't believe I fell for it. 🤪

The comma in “Without Music, The World Dies” and the spelling of “Alan White” instead of “Whyte” gives it away pretty quickly.
You must be a new generation fan for sure if you have to ask that question!
Watch and listen very closely to this version of Suedehead!

Can you not hear the contrasting guitar parts? (Boz in left speaker and Alain in the right!)
Can you not hear the musical dynamics?
Can you not hear those melodic melodies and colorful guitar tones?
Can you not hear those added backup vocals?
Notice the lack of power chords played on the guitar?

Now go watch a live 2023 version of Suedehead or any song with this new "Band" lineup!
Compare and contrast!

Long time fans are upset because MOZ lyrics/songs used to be as complex and deep as the music backing it! This is due to the craftsmanship and musicianship from his former band/song writing collaborators! (Alain W. & Boz B. ...hell even Johnny M.)

It has nothing to do with the new members being women, it comes down to musicianship!

I bet complex music and melodies allow MOZ to be inspired to write deeper and more complex lyrics!

MOZ is vocally more powerful than ever and we want him to have a band that can strengthen and support that power!!

I saw him on this tour, Moz and the band were amazing, and Alain adds so much to the entire thing. What we have now just sucks, I would never pay to see that live.
You think random audience members could write Nas’ ‘One Mic’? Or The Notorious B.I.G’s “You’re Nobody Til Somebody Kills You’? Either you have ridiculously high expectations of people or your understanding of good, well-written rap lyrics is non-existent. Man, such an unnecessarily ignorant thing to say.
Much of the rap I hear, admittedly not a lot because I like music, is artless. The random guy on the street I hear rapping sounds artless. To each there own. Sounds like you like slam poetry set to a minimalistic programmed drum beat and that is fine. Enjoy.
Much of the rap I hear, admittedly not a lot because I like music, is artless. The random guy on the street I hear rapping sounds artless. To each there own. Sounds like you like slam poetry set to a minimalistic programmed drum beat and that is fine. Enjoy.
I can’t even imagine having this much self-confidence when it comes to analyzing a musical genre and at the same time have such weak understanding of same. It should be impossible, then again self-reflection and insight aren’t for everyone.
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I can’t even imagine having this much self-confidence when it comes to analyzing a musical genre and at the same time have such weak understanding of same. It should be impossible, then again self-reflection and insight aren’t for everyone.

Gregor you’re trying to have a conversation
with a fucking idiot, he’s especially ignorant on anything about music.

As an example he erroneously tries to compare the addition of the two new Morrissey band members this way ….

Look, you CANNOT have 2 women in the band and expect to have the same ethos and image that Morrissey has crafted and cultivated for 40 years. If the Rolling Stones suddenly replaced Keith Richards and Chuck Leavell--their keyboardist with women, It wouldn't work. Can you imagine The Clash with Joe Strummer, Paul Simonon, Lita Ford, and Sheila E? Come the f*** on, this should be obvious to real Morrissey fans.’


I guess Johnnie Ray counts himself as one of these ‘real Morrissey fans’. But how observant is Johnnie when he still after all his years of Moz fandom believes that Morrissey has never had a male lover! Lol.

It seems there's some kind of issue with Central that makes the most recent story not show up for some people, it's been mentioned here a few times.
It has been mentioned dozens of times. You need to go to page 2 of messages from Morrissey, then back to page 1 to make sure you get the most up to date posts.
I guess Johnnie Ray counts himself as one of these ‘real Morrissey fans’. But how observant is Johnnie when he still after all his years of Moz fandom believes that Morrissey has never had a male lover! Lol.
Let's clap it while chanting it for Johnnie:

Moz. Has. Never. Seen. A. Woman. Naked. In. Real. Life.

He. Has. Never. Had. It. Off. With. One. Either.

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