Morrissey Central "LET THIS BE THE ANSWER" (December 30, 2022)

Um, what was the question?
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That page takes forever to load, have given up, will only be a disapointment anyway, not really interested in more fan video’s. Indeed more interested in tour dates
What a pile of shite those vids were.
I really didn’t know if I should be laughing or crying.... actually I think I done both.
Poor young Sammy having to slave away on NYE.
Come on Mozz , give the lad a break, and us 😀
I like Sam. But this post is poor. Amateur covers of Morrissey songs are always shite.
That said, my cat does a great rendition of Used To Be A Sweet Boy that I’m certain will go viral when I post it on TikTok.
Is this all he does with his life, when he is offstage? Christ.
Body And Soul

The jazz man spoke
of his ancestors, the
lineage that brought
him to where he is.
Do not shine your
light on yourself, he

told the students
gathered around.
Honor the past,
honor the trials
of simple existence,
honor the pain and

blood that came
before you, and the
greatness that grew
despite all of that.
When he riffed

on “Body and Soul,”
the sounds coming
from all his circuits,
darting in and hinting
at the melody as we
knew it, reshaping,

and making the song his
own body in the moment,
his soul saxed message
was obvious, went
straight to the
heart and the blood.
. by Steve Paul
What a pile of shite those vids were.
I really didn’t know if I should be laughing or crying.... actually I think I done both.
Poor young Sammy having to slave away on NYE.
Come on Mozz , give the lad a break, and us 😀
Well what else is he going to do to earn his pocket money?.

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